Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Effects Of Pesticides On The Human Body - 1758 Words
Food is one of the most essential things that the human body needs in order to function and coordinate to its fullest potential. There are many sources of food and while some people choose to have different dietary lifestyles, majority of them gather their food from different grocery stores, farmers markets, and/or personal cultivations. Diet plays a major role when it comes to food choices and today there are more food choices than ever before. The variety of choices can sometimes confuse the consumer in the choosing the healthiest product. However, the recent introduction of organic products seems like the right alternative to the high processing meats and high doses of pesticides in conventional fruit and vegetables. Yet, these products will cost up to three times more than regular products. Over the past couple of years the public has become more aware of the dangers and consequences that pesticides do to the body. Pesticides have been used on crops and land in order to prevent d amage to the production of crops. While pesticide usage is nothing new to the public, the evolution of such has made almost impossible for the standard human to understand the complexity of the chemical bonds. The continuous adaptations of pest to the chemical composition of the pesticides have increased the need for stronger and complex chemical bonds. Unfortunately for the public the stronger the pesticide the higher the odds that it will remain in the food that is delivered at local stores orShow MoreRelatedThe presence of pesticides in fruits, vegetables, cereals, in other food items and even in breast900 Words  | 4 PagesThe presence of pesticides in fruits, vegetables, cereals, in other food items and even in breast milk is a matter of grave concern (Munshi et al. 2001; FAO/WHO 2005; Damgaard et al. 2006; Koirala et al. 2007; Shen et al. 2008; Cok et al. 2011). There are many other studies which depict the presence of pesticide as residues in food materials above the esta blished maximum residue limits (MRLs) (Bajpai et al. 2007; Devanathan et al. 2009; Srivastava et al. 2011). Out of 267 vegetable samples collectedRead MoreGenetically Modified Organisms : Safe Or Unsafe?1181 Words  | 5 Pagesapples at Shop-Rite are bigger then they’ve been before. That’s likely the effect of GMO. GMO helps those apples grow faster and thrive, gaining the bright red color that they have now. Are the foods containing GMO actually healthy? I think that you shouldn’t take the risks of GMO foods just because they cost less than organic foods. Most of the world is not aware of the side effects of GMO and what it can do to your body. Soy, corn and cotton are the most widely recognized for being geneticallyRead MoreEffects Of Pesticides On The Environment Essay1269 Words  | 6 Pages200 million pounds of pesticide ingredients were used in the field (Shelton, Geraghty, Tancredi, Delwiche, Rebecca, Ritz, Hansen, Hertz-Picciotto, 2014). Pesticides are used on the agriculture products to prevent damages from insects, and it is vital for the high quantity production of today’s world. However, pesticides are also a toxic chemical for human. There are innumerous types of pesticide can be used in the field. Some of them are banned because of its adverse effect such as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethaneRead MoreGenetically Modified food should not be banned876 Words  | 3 Pagesthere are several considerable profits to agriculture, environment and human health. Genetically Modified food should not be banned while they provide benefits to agriculture. The high productivity is creating by Genetically Modified food; the GM crops double the food yield by improves the pesticides and fertilizers in the crops. the productivity gains from G.M. crops, as well as improved use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, allowed the world s farmers to double global food output during theRead MoreA Fable for Tomorrow by Rachel Carson1562 Words  | 6 PagesSilent Spring Book Review Silent Spring is a startling book concentrated on the perils of chemical pesticides. Nevertheless it is also a powerful story focused on the natural world. In the first chapter: â€Å"A Fable for Tomorrow,†Carson gives a picture of a vibrant town, in which everything of the natural world, including humans and wildlife, live together in harmony. There is an abundance of life in the town and everything flourished. Out of the blue, something inexplicable strikes and the cheerfulRead MoreMany chemicals are used in packaging, storage, and processing of foodstuffs. These chemicals might1500 Words  | 6 Pagesprocessing of foodstuffs. These chemicals might have a long term effects on the human body. Most of these chemicals are inert and would lead to long term effects. Although most of these chemicals pass Federal Food Safety laws, the people who consume processed or packaged foods are more vulnerable to fatal diseases. Scientist have not gathered enough information about the long term impact. This includes the impact on early stages of human development, especially in the womb. An extended amount of exposureRead MoreA Test on Rachel Carsons Book Silent Spring1253 Words  | 6 Pagesuniting with each other through chains, rings, and other various configurations. Also, its ability to link with atoms of other substances allows the element to serve as a basis for other naturally occurring molecules and a wide variety of synthetic pesticides. 4. The ingestion and accumulation of DDT and other insecticides even when foods directly treated with these chemicals are avoided is possible because it can be present as tiny residue on foodstuffs that was not necessarily injected. DDT and otherRead MoreOrganic Farming Practices : The Organic Foods Production Act ( Ofpa )1327 Words  | 6 Pagesorganic for one of those three.†Nevertheless, more research should be done to affirm to this claim before coming to a conclusion. Organic agriculture is preordained to improve the soil quality over time by avoiding most synthetic materials, such as pesticides and antibiotics; the only reason there is an increase in vitamin and mineral levels in comparison to inorganic food may be because some vitamins and vitamins are destroyed through the inorganic growing process. InvestigationRead MoreOrganic Vs Non Organic Vineyards1671 Words  | 7 PagesOrganic vs Non Organic Vineyards There’s many differences between organic vineyards and non-organic vineyards. Organic vineyards, for instance, produce their wine by excluding the use of artificial chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides. Non-organic vineyards on the other hand, produce their wine by applying these products. Every year that goes by, our generation is becoming more advanced in the usage of organic products. Many things sold in groceries stores are now availableRead MoreThe Reasons Of Labeling Gmos : Yes Or No700 Words  | 3 Pagespositive or negative effect on the human body. Consumers should know that they are buying GMO’s because farmers use more pesticides. Furthermore, the scientific community has no consensus on GMOs. Finally, GMOs have proven to have adverse side effects in animal testing. This shows how GMOs should be labeled. One reason that GMOs should be labeled is because consumers should know that more pesticides are being used. First, â€Å"Critics claim that GMOs may increase the use of chemical pesticides. (Miffin,1) Growing
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Sorry for Disturbing You - 1198 Words
Sorry for Disturbing You â€Å"Sorry for Disturbing You†is a short story from 2008 written by Richard Knight. The main theme of the short story is regret and the story basically focuses on the regret of choices one makes in life. The story revolves around the protagonist Ian Harter and is told by a third person limited narrator, as only Ian’s thoughts appear in the story. Ian is our eyes throughout the story and all feelings and descriptions are from his point of view, which forces the reader to have certain impressions of the other characters. The story begins in medias res with Ian opening the door to his house finding an old alcoholic man standing on his doorstep. Ian reluctantly lets the man, Michael Phelps, into his house where Ian†¦show more content†¦One simple disastrous action of adultery with the wife of his best friend has lead his life off track and separated him from his friends and completely ruined his family life for good. He has to suffer for the rest of his life from that one mistake he has made and as a result, he drinks continuously to soothe the pain of his loss. And the pain has clearly set its mark on him; throughout the story he keeps apologising as if it can make up for the mistake he made in the past. The dialogue between the two very different men is a very important element of the story. There is a very limited dialogue in the story and an overweight of monologue. Though it might seem like the story is one big dialogue, Ian and Michael spends most of the time talking past each other. Ian continuously tries to keep a conversation going to avoid the awkwardness of silence, while Michael alternately mumbles, apologises and speaks to himself about his regrets and his mistakes. This causes a minor confusion during the story, because Ian asks Michael many questions, but only very few are answered. Another very important factor in the story is the role of the water. Throughout the story, all kinds of different fluids are mentioned, such as rain, tears, water, tea, alcohol and milk. Words such as moist, wet, sobbing, glassy-eyed, slippy, unwashed and bath underlines the effect of the water inShow MoreRelatedSorry for Disturbing You1688 Words  | 7 PagesInstructions: †Sorry for Disturbing You†Write an essay (900-1200) words in which you analyse and interpret Richard Knight’s short story â€Å"Sorry for Disturbing You†. Part of your essay must focus on the function of dialogue in â€Å"Sorry for Disturbing You†I will correct the following elements: * Verbal concord * Personal pronouns (he, him, she, his, her etc.) * Spelling * Paragraph structure * Introduction + thesis statement Text: â€Å"Sorry for Disturbing You†, a short storyRead MoreSorry for Disturbing You1275 Words  | 6 PagesSorry for Disturbing You – Assignment A B A) Write an essay (700-900 words) in which you analyse and interpret Richard Knights short story Sorry for Disturbing You. Regret is defined as a feeling of sorrow or remorse for a fault, act, loss or disappointment. In spite of this melancholic definition, regret is inevitable in our lives. But it is often said, that â€Å"if we spend our time with regrets over yesterday, and worries over what might happen tomorrow, we have no today in which to live.†Read MoreSorry for Disturbing You1706 Words  | 7 Pages------------------------------------------------- Sorry for disturbing you A. Several acknowledged studies show that one of the primary sources to human happiness is the close and positive relations we can have to each other. We have the ability to communicate and we have an enormous vocabulary to express how we feel. But with great power comes great responsibility. Communication is a central part of an intimate relationship and, if handled properly, it can be the key to a long and happy lifeRead MoreSorry for Disturbing You - Essay728 Words  | 3 PagesRichard Knight 2008 Sorry for Disturbing You The short story Sorry for Disturbing You by Richard Knight is written in past tense and limited 3rd person narrator. It starts in media res, our protagonist Ian opens the door, and a man is standing on his doorstep. By starting the story it makes the readers wonder what is going on, and it is like you are having the same exact reaction as Ian when he opens the door. The readers can identify themselves, and understands Ian’s feelings, why he does theRead MoreJohn Kevin Rudd s Speech : New Ideas And Perspectives1190 Words  | 5 Pagesthings in the past, present and future. Kevin Rudd’s Sorry speech confronts Australia with the truth of past wrongdoings that have taken place against aboriginals. Robert Gray’s Coast Road voices confronting viewpoints of forthcoming change in North Coast Town, and also disturbing discoveries relating to current proceedings in The Meatworks. These many forms of discoveries can potentially, have confrontational abilities. In Kevin Rudd’s Sorry Speech, looking into the past creates a discovery inRead MoreThe, The Neighbor Behind Us Practices Scream Therapy1134 Words  | 5 PagesThe neighbor behind us practices scream therapy in his shower almost every morning. I thought it was weird; he was only 17 and scream therapy is usually when you reenact a particularly disturbing past experience occurring early in life. Presumably, I figured he might have been six or seven when this horrendous event happened, but by the sound of it, this, this was much bigger than dropped cookies and lost dinosaurs. These screams; they sound as if he has still been living in his own misery. LouisRead MoreLetters From The Person Who Calls Himself T 1026 Words  | 5 Pagesthere are twenty-four letters from the person who calls himself T . I know because I poured over the contents of each one, horrified by every threat he had made to my mother. The closer the letters get to the current date, the more graphic and disturbing the subjects are. He s getting angrier, whoever this person is. The key pieces from all of the letters include Mom betraying him in some way. They also mention things about loving her so much, but I know it isn t my father. My father s nameRead MoreEssay Passion of the Christ560 Words  | 3 Pagesthe same time an army of Roman Soldiers was marching towards the woods to capture him. The film was filled with suspense from start to finish leaving you not wanting to miss a second. It was mostly visual so even if you dont like reading subtitles you will still enjoy it. There is definitely something in this film for everyone. Even if you cant bear to watch the violence, which is so predominant throughout the movie, there is a lot of emotion, action and even horror that will keep any audienceRead MoreEssay on Comparison of Animal Rights Texts777 Words  | 4 PagesComparison of Animal Rights Texts I am going to compare two pieces of text called: Its a crying shame and Sorry, but I think dying people are more important than dumb animals, by an Animal Rights Group and Polly Toynbee respectively. The first article is intended to appeal to a younger audience who think that killing animals is wrong because they are cute etc. The second extract is aimed at adults who are interested in the welfare of human beings. The Animal AidRead MoreEssay 11381 Words  | 6 Pagespharmacy and filled the prescription. I talked to her last night, other than being tired, and she was fine.†â€Å"Okay,†the paramedic said. â€Å"The coroner is on the way. The officers will stay here until they arrive.†â€Å"What do you think happened?†Joshua asked as the paramedics waited. â€Å"I’m sorry, I have no idea, but it happens.†â€Å"Give me a minute, and I’ll get her medication,†Joshua said, going toward the stairway. +++ While staring out the window, one of the officers went over to the paramedic and said,
Monday, December 9, 2019
Rhetoric in Movies free essay sample
Rhetoric and movies have coexisted within each other ever since the first showing of a moving picture on the big screen. Movies, particularly Saving Private Ryan, could not have delivered a single message to its audience without the use of rhetoric. Saving Private Ryan is a classic movie to watch whether a person lived through the nineteen nineties or not. As being a nameless time-honored work, Saving Private Ryan influences and challenges many people’s outlook on life. To be able to do so, Saving Private Ryan uses persuasive rhetoric. In particular, George Marshall, a character in the movie, targets the moral and the ethical side of humans and wants support in disregarding logic and doing what is morally right. With this intention, Marshall effectively delivers Saving Private Ryan’s rhetoric through the heavy reliance on ethos and pathos. For the purpose of context, Saving Private Ryan takes place in Normandy nineteen forty-four. We will write a custom essay sample on Rhetoric in Movies or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Moreover, it is the brink of world war two. In the opening scene, the allies have just stormed the shores of Normandy, more popularly known as D-day. There the story is seen through the eyes of Captain Miller and his second Ranger Battalion. The scene changes as the battle of Normandy is over and all of a sudden, ends up in a communication room. In the scene, United States Army Chief of Staff, George C. Marshall, learns about the deaths of three brothers all on the same day. Marshall quickly finds out that there is another brother, Private Ryan, who is still alive. Under those circumstances, Marshall must make a call on whether or not to save Private Ryan, hence the title of the movie. To get back to the point, Marshall assigns Captain Miller and an eight man squad to rescue Private Ryan and send him back home safely to his grieving mother. Undoubtedly, the importance lies in the moment when Marshall must choose on a course of action. To aid his decision, Marshall delivers a speech that strongly influences his staff to pursue after Private Ryan. His speech has strong ethos, the ethical argument, because he references a letter from Abraham Lincoln concerning a similar predicament. Lincoln stated, â€Å"I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant General of Massachusetts that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle. †In other words, Lincoln was expressing his regrets on the situation, and by personally sending this letter, he wished to consolidate the grieving mother. Back then, Lincoln was not able do anything for the mother but Marshall, at that moment, has an opportunity to bring back the very last of her sons. Marshall utilizes this opportunity to develop an ethical argument that debates between reuniting the mother with her son or doing nothing because war inevitably had loses. By going after Private Ryan, Marshall establishes ethos because he demonstrates good will and good moral character. He further strengthens his argument by bringing in a precedent of Abraham Lincoln. Because Abraham Lincoln was a very influential figure in history, Marshall, also, by referencing Lincoln, institutes credibility and further enforces ethos in his speech. At the end of his speech, Marshall says, â€Å"The boy’s alive. We are going to send somebody to find him. And we are going to get him the hell out of there. †This statement develops Marshall’s authority and gives more power to his character. Automatically, Marshall’s community standards are raised when he shows such high concern for the well-being of the soldier and his mother. In addition to ethos, Marshall’s speech uses pathos, the emotional argument, to stir up emotions. When Marshall references Lincoln, he quotes, â€Å"I feel how weak and fruitless must be any words of mine that would attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. †Marshall, through Lincoln’s letter, targets the emotions of love, fear, and sadness that the mother will experience if he does not take any action. He is able to employ those powerful emotions into the bold act of sending eight soldiers to rescue one. By stating â€Å"the grief of a loss so overwhelming†, Marshall is also able to gather sympathy that immediately empowers his persuasion. Because of his decision to rescue Private Ryan, Marshall not only is he able to emotionally conflict his audience, but also is able to develop an interesting storyline for the movie. To put it briefly, George Marshall is able to persuade his subordinates to disregard any logic behind his decision. He uses ethos to gain his moral appeals, the upholding of community standards, and credibility, the use of good moral. Alternatively, he uses pathos to invoke emotions that, in return, make his persuasion easier. As a whole, Marshall makes a very effective persuasion. This as a result, makes Saving Private Ryan an effective rhetoric for rejecting logic and pursuing the moral and ethical.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Effect of Global Warming on Thermohaline Circulation free essay sample
Industrial activities, such as fossil fuel burning and other human activities such as tropical deforestation have increased greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. Increasing global temperatures are likely to have extreme effects on global climate and may result in species extinction, changes in agricultural production and deleterious effects on health. Studies have been conducted in recent years on the effects of increase of greenhouse gases on the thermohaline circulation. There are several hypotheses that state that the prolonged effect of global warming could eventually â€Å"shut down†the thermohaline circulation and lead to cooling in certain regions in the North Atlantic Ocean. Several ocean-atmosphere models have been used to predict the effect of increase of carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas) concentration on ocean circulation. Two such models are discussed and their results are analyzed. 1. Introduction [2] Global temperatures have seen a dramatic increase since the Industrial Revolution. Several climate models have projected an increase of between 1. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effect of Global Warming on Thermohaline Circulation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 1 ° C to 6. 4 ° C in the global average temperature due to the continued effect of global warming (IPCC (2007)). Apart from the resulting adverse effect on global climate, increasing global temperatures may result in species extinction, changes in agricultural production, deleterious effects on health, rise in the sea level, reductions in the ozone layer and disruption in the ice shelf. Another possible outcome of global warming is what is now termed as the â€Å"shutdown of the thermohaline circulation†. Wallace S. Broeker, the man responsible for the term â€Å"Global Conveyor Belt†, called the thermohaline circulation the â€Å"Achilles heel of our climate system†(Broeker, 1997). There is much research that focuses on the effect of greenhouse gases on ocean circulation. Two such models are discussed in future sections. Some research has shown that the transfer of heat from regions around the equator to the poles is due to the thermohaline circulation in the ocean. This implies that Europe does not have the same limate as the poles because of the thermohaline circulation. The thermohaline circulation therefore plays an important role in regulating the amount of sea ice in the Polar Regions. There are several schools of thought (Seager, Battisti, Yin, Gordon, Naik, Clement and Cane (2002)) that attribute this climate in Europe to its position with respect to the ocean basin and the warm atmospheric waves that blow up north from the tropics. Rhines and Hakkinen (2003) c hallenged this claim. According to Rhines and Hakkinen, â€Å"it is the existence of the oceanic heat transport that allows the maritime effect to operate in the northern North Atlantic and to create a milder European climate than in the North America; without the heat transport, ice would likely extend over much greater areas of ocean and land†. Much research is currently focused on the role of ocean circulation in the supply of heat to Europe. 2. Thermohaline Circulation [3] Ocean circulation is commonly divided into two parts: the thermohaline and the wind driven circulation. In other words, circulation in the oceans is partly due to wind stress, and also partly due to changes in density because of changes in temperature and salinity. The term â€Å"thermohaline†originates from thermo for heat and haline for salt, which together determine the density of the water mass. [4] Thermohaline circulation originates in specific areas of the North Atlantic and in the Weddell Sea of the Southern Ocean. In the North Atlantic, the evaporative cooling effect of winter is responsible for cooling the upper layers of seawater, increasing the salinity thereby increasing density and causing sinking. The dominant infrared absorbing gases in the Earth’s atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO2) and ozone (O3). The interactions between greenhouse gas molecules and radiation can be explained by quantum mechanics. CO2 and O3 molecules have vibration motions whose quantum states can be excited by collisions at energies encountered in the atmosphere. Industrial activities, such as fossil fuel burning and other human activities such as cement production and tropical deforestation has increased the carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere. CO2 is also a byproduct from automobiles, airplanes and building constructions. The importance of CO2 as a greenhouse gas is very apparent and is therefore used as a parameter in determining the effects of global warming. 4. Review of models used to simulate the response of the Thermohaline Circulation to increasing CO2 [6] Several coupled ocean-atmosphere models have been used to simulate the response of ocean circulation to the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Manabe and Stouffer (1993) conducted one such study; a coupled ocean-atmosphere model was used to simulate the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere. Three integrations over a period of 500 years were conducted. In the first integration the atmospheric concentration of CO2 was kept constant. The second and third integration involved increasing the atmospheric CO2 at a rate of 1% per year, until it reached twice the original value at the 70th year (for the second integration) and four times the original value at the 140th year (for the third integration) and was maintained constant thereafter. The change in CO2 concentration caused the gradual disappearance of the thermohaline circulation while doubling and quadrupling the concentration of CO2. Most notably, in the North Atlantic Ocean, the thermohaline circulation nearly vanished during the first 200 years in the 4xCO2 integration (the integration carried out while quadrupling the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere). During the first 140 years of the 4xCO2 integration, the thermohaline circulation rapidly weakens and continues to do so even after the concentration of CO2 is held constant. The integration also showed a decrease in the formation of Antarctic Bottom Water. The result of this integration shows that the gradual disappearance of the thermohaline circulation leaves wind driven, shallow cells in the subtropics of the North and South hemisphere. Similar effects were observed in the 2xCO2 integration. The thermohaline circulation shows weakening intensity during the first 70 years of simulation, which continues until the 150th year, during which there is no change in the CO2 concentration. But in the 150th year the thermohaline circulation slowly begins to regain its original intensity, although not quite achieving it. 7] Manabe and Stouffer concluded that the weakening of thermohaline circulation in the 2xCO2 integration is not due to its instability, but rather due to the adjustments made by the mechanism to the â€Å"evolving density structure†of the models Atlantic Ocean. This is apparent in the manner in which the circulation slowly regains strength in the later part of the 2xCO2 integration. This does not happen in the 4xCO2 int egration, and the thermohaline circulation shuts down. There were also notable changes in the Weddell and Ross Seas, where the circulation became weak and shallow. This in turn caused weakening of the deep-water formation and the northward flow of bottom water in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans was affected. This weakening of the thermohaline circulation is attributed to â€Å"the capping of the model oceans by relatively fresh water in high latitudes where the excess of precipitation over evaporation increases markedly due to the enhanced poleward moisture transport in the warmer model troposphere†. [8] Schmittner and Stocker (1998) used a simplified coupled atmosphere-ocean model to study the possible effects of greenhouse gas emissions. The findings were similar to Manabe and Stouffer, with the model exhibiting a threshold value of CO2 concentration beyond which the thermohaline circulation shuts down and does not recover. The concentration of CO2 is doubled here, and exhibits a shutdown; however the model is less sensitive than that of Manabe and Stouffer. The model shows that the thermohaline circulation breaks down for a value of 750 ppm or higher. An equilibrium state is reached characterized by the absence of deep-water formation in the North Atlantic. 9] Manabe and Stouffer (2003) revisited the effect of carbon dioxide on thermohaline circulation by conducting several integrations using a coupled atmosphere-ocean model for a time period varying between 4000 years to 15000 years. Similar to the study carried out in 1993, the concentrations of CO2 are doubled, quadrupled and halved. In each experiment â€Å"the response of surface temperature increases with increasing latitudes†. In the 2xCO2 experiment, thermohaline circulation shows weakening before intensifying around the 200-year mark. It fully regains its original intensity in the 600th year. The 4xCO2 experiment shows the thermohaline circulation reacting in a similar manner as earlier noted, however, it regained its intensity around the 1000-year mark. The weakening of the thermohaline circulation in the 2xCO2 and 4xCO2 experiments is attributable to reduction in the surface salinity of the North Atlantic Ocean. With the warming of the troposphere (due to increased CO2 concentrations), the moisture content in the air increases; this in turn enhances the transport of water vapor in the troposphere towards the poles. The precipitation in the high latitudes goes up by a fairly high amount, which reduces the salinity and density of the North Atlantic waters. 5. Conclusion [10] There are several hypotheses that state that the continued effect of global warming could eventually â€Å"shut down†the thermohaline circulation and lead to cooling in certain regions in the North Atlantic Ocean. Global warming could lead to an increase of freshwater in the upper oceanic regions, by melting glaciers, and thereby increasing precipitation into the ocean. This increase in freshwater could have an adverse effect on the thermohaline circulation which, as mentioned earlier, is driven by changes in temperature and salinity. In 2004, NASA satellites recorded what seemed to be the slowing of the North Atlantic current. On April 15 of that year, NASA released a press statement stating that the â€Å"slowing of this ocean current is an indication of dramatic changes in the North Atlantic Ocean climate†. A study of the ocean circulation in the North Atlantic by Harry Bryden (2005) revealed that â€Å"Atlantic meridional overturning circulation has slowed by about 30 per cent between 1957 and 2004†. Bryden’s finding was viewed with speculation by the scientific and oceanographic community, especially since measurements conducted post 2005 showed a significant warming of the North Atlantic Current. However, the current overall climate is definitely changing; in particular sea-ice formation is less because of overall global warming. Bryden predicts that the shutdown on the thermohaline circulation could have severe repercussions on Europe, in that the temperature would change drastically. There could be major climatic changes such as an increase in floods and storms. Warming or rainfall changes in the tropics or the poles could occur. While the rest of the scientific community felt Bryden’s findings were not credible, Detlef Quadfasel (2005) felt that there were a few observations that supported Bryden’s work. Quadfasel pointed out that climatic records have shown drops in air temperature by 10 °C in a few decades possibly caused due to abrupt changes in ocean circulation. Global warming is a very real threat to the human race. The question we face is whether global warming is in fact to going to affect the thermohaline circulation. Even though there is a large amount of research that is being conducted in this area, there is an equal amount of opposition to it. Jaworowski (2007) has called the increase of CO2 concentrations the â€Å"Greatest Scientific Scandal of our Time†. Jaworowski claims that the IPCC assessment of global warming in 2007 was purely a political move, â€Å"prepared by governmental and United Nations bureaucrats†. In another article in 2007, Jaworowski also claimed that the increase of CO2 is not due to human activity but by atmosphere-ocean gas exchange and other causes of natural climatic fluctuations. Numerical models may provide a fairly decent idea of the functioning of systems, but there is always the danger of erroneous statistical methods and the use of boundary conditions that don’t necessarily reflect the real world. However, at the risk of sounding trite, prevention is better than cure. The risk of man entering a new ice age is very real as of now, and will remain so until research shows otherwise. There are studies that speculate that the shutdown of the thermohaline circulation is what previously led to the Younger Dryas (the big freeze) period (Schiermeier, 2006). Man may enter a new ice age; ironically, because of global warming.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Free Essays on I Know What You Did Last Summer
*I Know What You Did Last Summer* By: Lois Duncan By reading the book and then watching the movie I have to wonder if the producers of the movie ever read the book because the two are nothing alike. Here are all the things that are alike and different from the book to the movie. - The book started out at Julie’s house and the movie started out at Helen’s beauty pageant. - Then they all went to the ocean to party a little and Julie wasn’t wearing her pink shirt like she was in the book. - In the movie there was a character that wasn’t in the book and the book had two character’s that weren’t in the movie. - The person that the four teens ran over wasn’t a little boy it was a groan man. - This man wasn’t riding a bike but the kid in the book was. - In the book the teens called 911 from the nearest phone booth and in the movie they didn’t call anyone they just dumped the body into the water. - This Max guy wasn’t in the book but him and Barry got into a little fight at the fishing docks and Barry cut Maxi’s face with a big hook. - Max gets murdered at the fishing docks where he works. - In the book Barry got shot in the back on the field at the University. In the movie some guy, the same guy that murdered Max tried to run down Barry with a car and he ended up in the hospital. - When Barry was in the hospital in the movie anyone could go to visit him but in the book there was this big thing about only allowing family to visit him. - Over the summer after the accident Ray went to California but in the movie he worked at the fishing docks all summer long. - In the book the kid that they hit, his name was David Gregg and in the movie his name was David Egan. - Ray and Julie want to David Gregg’s house in the book and in the movie Helen and Julie went. - In the movie the girls didn’t stay long at the house but in the book Ray and Julie stayed long enough to have some Ice Tea. - Melissa wasn’t... Free Essays on I Know What You Did Last Summer Free Essays on I Know What You Did Last Summer *I Know What You Did Last Summer* By: Lois Duncan By reading the book and then watching the movie I have to wonder if the producers of the movie ever read the book because the two are nothing alike. Here are all the things that are alike and different from the book to the movie. - The book started out at Julie’s house and the movie started out at Helen’s beauty pageant. - Then they all went to the ocean to party a little and Julie wasn’t wearing her pink shirt like she was in the book. - In the movie there was a character that wasn’t in the book and the book had two character’s that weren’t in the movie. - The person that the four teens ran over wasn’t a little boy it was a groan man. - This man wasn’t riding a bike but the kid in the book was. - In the book the teens called 911 from the nearest phone booth and in the movie they didn’t call anyone they just dumped the body into the water. - This Max guy wasn’t in the book but him and Barry got into a little fight at the fishing docks and Barry cut Maxi’s face with a big hook. - Max gets murdered at the fishing docks where he works. - In the book Barry got shot in the back on the field at the University. In the movie some guy, the same guy that murdered Max tried to run down Barry with a car and he ended up in the hospital. - When Barry was in the hospital in the movie anyone could go to visit him but in the book there was this big thing about only allowing family to visit him. - Over the summer after the accident Ray went to California but in the movie he worked at the fishing docks all summer long. - In the book the kid that they hit, his name was David Gregg and in the movie his name was David Egan. - Ray and Julie want to David Gregg’s house in the book and in the movie Helen and Julie went. - In the movie the girls didn’t stay long at the house but in the book Ray and Julie stayed long enough to have some Ice Tea. - Melissa wasn’t...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
4 Key Facts about MLA Referencing - Proofread My Paper
4 Key Facts about MLA Referencing - Proofread My Paper 4 Key Facts about MLA Referencing It’s easy to get bogged down in detail with referencing. But having a good overall sense of the system you’re using is important. As such, today we’re looking at MLA referencing in overview, which should give you an idea of how to use MLA citations effectively. 1. What is MLA Referencing? MLA referencing is a citation format developed by the Modern Language Association (MLA). Since the MLA is an association for scholars of language and literature, MLA referencing is most commonly used in the liberal arts and humanities. 2. When Do I Need to Cite a Source in MLA? Many worry about not having â€Å"enough†citations in their work, but it’s more important to know when a citation is required. MLA specifies citing a source when: Quoting a source directly to support your own arguments Using data or other content published elsewhere Paraphrasing someone else’s ideas in your own words However, it isn’t necessary to give a citation when referring to something that is common knowledge, such as â€Å"snow is cold†or â€Å"people in France speak French.†French snow is cold, too. (Photo: Yann Caradec/flickr) 3. Citation Format The general citation format in MLA requires giving the author’s surname and page numbers (if available) in parentheses after the relevant passage: Freedom creates â€Å"obstacles from which we suffer†(Sartre 495). If the author is named in the text, simply give the page numbers instead: According to Sartre, freedom also creates â€Å"obstacles†(495). This format differs slightly when citing multiple works by the same author. When this occurs, you should also give a shortened version of the source title in the citation instead to avoid confusion: Sartre says that freedom creates â€Å"obstacles†and that this is part of existentialism (Being and Nothingness 495). We also use the title in citations when a source has no named author. 4. The Page MLA requires all cited sources to be listed on a â€Å"†page at the end of your document. This list should: Begin on a new page at the end of your paper Order sources alphabetically by author name, surname first List multiple works by the same author alphabetically by title, using three hyphens () in place of the author’s name for each entry after the first Capitalize each of the main words in titles, but not articles, prepositions or conjunctions unless they’re the first word of a title or subtitle Italicize titles of longer works (e.g., books and films) and use quotation marks for shorter works (e.g., journal articles and poems) Use a half-inch hanging indent for each line after the first for each reference The information to include in the list for any given source depends to some extent on its format. However, it will almost always feature the author’s name, a title, and publication details. For instance, the book used in the examples above would appear as: Sartre, Paul. Being and Nothingness. Translated by Hazel E. Barnes. Routledge, 1969. Its possible that nobody has ever looked more like a French philosopher than Sartre does here.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Daoism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Daoism - Essay Example Yang argues that, although there is no amount of offering faith, one must offer two golden rings to receive this. Gold was always charged when one wanted to offer faith. Yang Xi passed messages to Xu Mi and eventually Xu left the secular world and decided to devote himself to the scriptures. Both of them had similar aspiration towards the physical transformation of human body. Yang Xi was the communicator with the gods in the service of Xu Mi. Yang is skilled in giving people the kind of the answers they wanted to their questions concerning their religious life. He acts as intermediate whereby he writes the words of his people using his own intelligent words. During the time of Yang some eight perfected beings descended. Among these, there was a young one, but was just normal. Yang constructed his own teachings and he was great in his arguments. He tried to convince Xu the importance of leaving the workforce of court and society and concentrate on pursuing on the discipline of self-perfection. He also encouraged a sense of amalgamation amongst people. On the hand, Xu purifies his heart and only advances to the level he could only when given the aptitude. His heart is pure and he uses his intelligent mind carefully. For the perfected to appear to him, he only requires keeping his lascivious thoughts locked. Xu had some flaws, which prevented him from learning the Dao. He is said to mix in world issues even though he is bright and upright true. His mind reflected what is within and outside the field and with white threads reduced thrice. Yang Xi introduced a religious literature that was in line with taste of many people. He also produced a religious system and he was highly devoted to his culture. He worked hand in handwih Xu Mi towards transforming lives whereby they wanted to encourage individual value and make them recognize their faith even though for whoever wanted to offer
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
See the dic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
See the dic - Essay Example is no new requirement with a harmful effect to the project is added; Time Management, which involves ensuring that the deadline of the project is met; Cost Management, which sees the project completed within the budget; Quality Management, which ensures the project does what it was intended to and is completed according to the requirements; Human Resource Management, which involves all processes for managing, developing and putting the team together; Communication Management, which determines the type of information needed and the medium of sending that information as well as how the performance of the project will be reported; Risk Management, which includes identification, controlling and management of risks associated with the project; and Procurement Management, which involves processes for acquisition of services and materials required for successful completion of the project. In summary, there are nine major knowledge areas of a project and each knowledge area covers an important part of the project. One knowledge area may cover various phases of groups of processes in the project. A project manager must therefore excel in all the nine knowledge areas even though some knowledge areas may be more pivotal than the others. Each area must however be executed with professionalism and care in order to have a successful project
Sunday, November 17, 2019
U.S Foreign Policy on Pakistan Essay Example for Free
U.S Foreign Policy on Pakistan Essay The United States’ foreign policy on Pakistan has been the subject of many reviews and the disparate and often unambiguous viewpoints articulated by Journalists and others have painted a picture of a country facing gargantuan challenges and in desperate need of a coherent U. S. policy that will help to pull it from the brink of nuclear abyss. Pakistan is one of the most populous countries in the world and shares border with Iran, Afghanistan, China and India. It is a nation of diverse culture and different ethnic groups. Pakistan was an Ally of the United States in the 1980s; the period during which the Soviets were waging war in neighboring Afghanistan. Relationship soured when the Taliban, an Islamic terrorist group, ruled Pakistan during 1996 – 2001. However, the relationship between the two countries improved after the September, 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United State and Pakistan has now become an ally in the fight against terrorists. The United States policy towards Pakistan cannot be viewed in isolation as Pakistan is seen as a vital country that can lend stability to a region fraught with war and ethnical disagreements. Pakistan has nuclear capabilities and there is a grave concern pertaining to nuclear proliferation: The hope is that terrorists will not get their hands on nuclear material from that country. Terrorists associated with the Taliban have been using parts of Pakistan as a base to launch terrorist attacks. Helene Cooper, writing in The New York Times on March 8, 2009, articulated that experts in the region feel that the United States may need to have conversations to leaders of the Taliban if it is serious about gaining peace and stability in Pakistan and surrounding countries. This is at odds with the stated policy of the Bush administration of not having dialogs with terrorists. Cooper cites a new thrust by the new Obama administration to approach elements within the Taliban. United States Policy focus and changes are closely linked to concerns to not just about the Taliban, but also concerns about Al Qaeda. Mark Mazzetti and David Rohde article in The New York times of June 30, 2008 posit the grave concerns regarding the Al Qaeda threat to Pakistan, the United States and other nations. Osama Bin Laden, the architect of the horrific attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, has been expanding his network in Pakistan and the journalists quoted intelligence sources detailing Osama’s activities. The Journalists opined that there were serious missteps on the part of Washington and Islamabad concerning Policy agreements. The journalist also said that there was a secret US plan using Special Operation forces to launch missions into Pakistan to capture and kill the leaders of Al Qaeda. Carlotta Gall’s article in the New York Times of March 11, 2009 provided further evidence of a paradigm shift in US policy towards Pakistan. Hardliners in the Taliban, such as Gulbuddin Hekmatyar is reported to have softened his stance of demanding the exodus of all US troops from Pakistan and is now more willing to attend talks. American Officials are not commenting on negotiations with the Taliban however feedback from diplomats in Kabul shows that the United States has grown more receptive to negotiations. Helene Cooper and Sheryl Stolberg insightful article in the New York Times of March 7, 2009 also posit that the new Obama administration’s shift in policy concerning Pakistan would also mean a willingness to engage moderate elements of the Taliban. The US successfully engaged militant Sunni Militias in Iraq which led to a diminution in violence in that country. The Journalist feels that the new administration wants to adopt and translate this Policy to Pakistan. The US policy towards Pakistan has evolved over time and the journalistic views have painted a picture of dynamic and ever changing dialog. Steve Myers article in The New York times dated July 29, 2008 speaks of President George Bush’s praise for Pakistan’s determination to fight extremists along its borders and the allies seem to be working together again. Work Cited Cooper, Helene and Sheryl Gay Stolberg.â€Å"Obama Ponders Outreach top Elements of Taliban. †New York Times. March 7, 2009: WK1. Cooper, Helene. â€Å"Dreaming of splitting the Taliban. †New York Times. March 8, 2009: WK1. Gall, Carlotta. â€Å" As Us Weights Taliban Negotiations, Afghans are already talking. †New York Times. March 11, 2009: A8. Myers, Steve L. â€Å"Bush Praises Pakistan Just Hours After US Strike. †New York Times. July 29, 2008 Mazzetti, Mark and David Rohde. â€Å"Amid US Policy Disputes, Qaeda grows in Pakistan. †New York Times. June 30, 2008.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
A visit of charity Essays -- essays research papers
A Visit of Charity In the short story of "A Visit of Charity" by Eudora Welty, a fourteen-year-old girl visits two women in a home for the elderly to bring them a plant and to earn points for Campfire Girls. Welty implies through this story that neither the society that supports the home nor the girl, Marian, knows the meaning of the word "charity." Websterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s New World College Dictionary defines "charity" as "the love of man for his fellow men: an act of good will or affection." But instead of love, good will, and affection, self-interest, insensitivity, and dehumanization prevail in this story. Welty's description of the setting and her portrayal of Marian dramatize the theme that people's selfishness and insensitivity can blind them to the humanity and needs of others. Many features of the setting, a winter's day at a home for elderly women, suggest coldness, neglect, and dehumanization. Instead of evergreens or other vegetation that might lend softness or beauty to the place, the city has landscaped it with "prickly dark shrubs." Behind the shrubs the whitewashed walls of the Old Ladies' Home reflect "the winter sunlight like a block of ice." Welty also implies that the cold appearance of the nurse is due to the coolness in the building as well as to the stark, impersonal, white uniform she is wearing. Perhaps the clearest evidence of dehumanization is the small, crowded rooms, each inhabited by two older wom...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Pansit Pansitan Research
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Early liquid hand soaps were made primarily for hospitals, restaurants and public facilities where regular hand washing was required. The original soaps were thicker and required a particular type of pump dispenser to deliver the product. The dispensers were expensive in spite of the fact that they clogged easily and were in constant need of repair or replacement. This combination of problems kept liquid soaps out of the household for many years.Eventually, consumer demand for a home version of liquid soap could not be ignored, nor could the additional qualities the customer wanted from the soap be overlooked. Some wanted soap that would soften hands. Some wanted one that soothed irritated skin. Others wanted the antibacterial qualities found in medical versions. This opened the floodgates for the wide variety of liquid hand soap products found in the marketplace today. Pansit- pansitan (Peperomia pellucida) is a herbal medicine also kno wn as Ulasiman- bato, olasiman- ihalas & tangon-tangon in the Philippines.Pansit- pansitan can be found wild on lightly shaded and damp areas such as nooks, walls, yards and even roofs. Pansit- pansitan has heart shaped leaves, succulent stems with tiny flowers on a spike. There has been a study that the mothanolic extract of the plant has anti microbial properties. The extract from Pansit- pansitan (Peperomia pellucida), the compound showed significant antibacterial activity against 3 Gram- negatice bacteria (E coli, Staphylococcus aureus, S thyphi. )The researchers expect that the hand soap, using Pansit- pansitan extract as an active ingredient, will be more efficient and less expensive than the commercial hand soaps. Statement of the Problem 1. Can Pansit- pansitan liquid hand soap be as good as the commercial liquid hand soap in terms of: 2. 1 total mean zone of inhibition? 2. 2 reactivity rating? 2. 3 inhibitory activity rating? 2. Is there a significant difference between Pansit-pansitan liquid hand soap and commercial liquid hand soap in terms of total mean zone of inhibition? . Is there a significant difference between the Pansit-pansitan liquid hand soap and commercial liquid hand soap in terms of reactivity rating? 4. Is there a significant difference between the Pansit-pansitan liquid hand soap and commercial liquid hand soap in terms of inhibitory activity? Hypotheses 1. Pansit- pansitan liquid hand soap cannot be as good as the commercial liquid hand soap in terms of: 1. 1 total mean zone of inhibition? 1. 2 reactivity rating? 1. 3 inhibitory activity rating? 2.There is no significant difference between the Pansit-pansitan liquid hand soap and commercial liquid hand soap in terms of total mean zone of inhibition. 3. There is no significant difference between the Pansit-pansitan liquid hand soap and commercial liquid hand soap in terms of reactivity. 4. There is no significant difference between the Pansit-pansitan liquid hand soap and commerc ial liquid hand soap in terms of inhibitory activity. Significance of the Study Hand is prone in bacteria and can be a vector in transmitting various pathogens that cause diseases.If the Pansit- pansitan hand soap will be effective in reducing bacteria then this can benefit different people in many ways. One example are the manufacturers of liquid hand soap. Instead of using chemicals which are harmful and hard to find, the manufacturer may have to use Pansit- pansitan extract as an additive ingredient for hand soap. The results of the study can be a reference for future researchers. Scope and Delimitations This study primarily focuses on the use of Pansit-pansitan liquid hand soap as an alternative in commercial liquid hand soap.The other components of making the liquid hand soap including triethanolamine gel solution, fragrance oil, polykleer, will be bought at Swiss Fragrance, located at Blk 2 Plot 1 April Extention Congressional Avenue, Quezon City. The researchers will be using 4 set-ups. The first 3 set-ups will be the experimental set-ups. They will be Set-ups A, B and C. Set-up A will contain 12. 5 mL of pansit- pansitan extract, 2. 5 mL of triethanolamine, 3. 75 mL of gel solution, 1. 25 mL of fragrance oil, 3. 75 mL of polykleer and 1. 25 mL of water. Set-up B will contain 18. 75 mL of pansit- pansitan extract, 1. 5 mL of triethanolamine, 1. 90 mL of gel solution, 0. 60 mL of fragrance oil, 1. 90 mL of polykleer and 0. 60 mL of water. Set-up C will contain 6. 50 mL of pansit- pansitan extract, 3. 75 mL of triethanolamine, 5. 60mL of gel solution, 1. 90 mL of fragrance oil, 5. 60 mL of polykleer, 1. 90 mL of water, Set- up D will be the commercial liquid hand soap which will be the control group. Only the anti-bacterial property of the Pansit-pansitan hand soap in terms of Total Mean Zone of Inhibition, Reactivity Rating and Inhibitory Activity Rating will be determined.To do this, all the samples will be submitted to the Department of Science and Tec hnology-Taguig (DOST-Taguig) for laboratory analysis. To analyze the results, they will be subjected to t-test. This will identify if there is a significant difference among the set-ups. Definition of Terms 1. Inhibitory Activity- the ability of a substance to resist the penetration of microorganisms such as bacteria. 2. Reactivity Rating- It specifies the rate at which the liquid hand soap reacts with the staphylococcus aureus. 3. Total Mean Zone of Inhibition- the region that resists the entry of microorganisms such as staphylococcus aureus.CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED STUDIES AND LITERATURE Related Studies A study about Pansit –pansitan was conducted by the Department of Pharmacy, University of Bangladesh. In this study, Patuloside A (3-? -D-glucopyranosyloxy-1,5,6-trihydroxy-9H-xanthene-9-one) is a xanthone glycoside isolated from Peperomia pellucida using chromatographic techniques (TLC, PTLC, GC) and the structure was confirmed on the basis of spectral data (liquid chro matography/electrospray-mass spectroscopy, 1H and 13C NMR including JMOD, COSY, NOESY, HMBC, HSQC).In vitro antibacterial, antifungal and cytotoxic activities of the compound were studied. Disc diffusion technique was used to determine in vitro antibacterial and antifungal activities. Cytotoxicity was determined against brine shrimp nauplii. In addition, minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined using serial dilution technique to find out antibacterial potency. The compound showed significant antibacterial activity against four Gram-positive bacteria (Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus megaterium, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus ? haemolyticus) and six Gram-negative bacteria (Escheichia coli, Shigella dysenteriae, Shigella sonnei, Shigella flexneri, Pseudomonus aeruginosa, Salmonella typhi). The MIC values against these bacteria were ranged from 8 to 64  µg/mL. The compound showed weak antifungal activities against Aspergillus flavus and Candida albicans. In cytotoxicity determination, LC50 of the compound against brine shrimp nauplii was 18. 24  µg/mL. (Retrieved from http://astonjournals. com/lsmr at 3:00 pm on January 21, 2012. )This study aims to check the antibacterial activity of various branded soaps against bacteria that are normally present in the environment. The proposed study includes selection of most common bacterial strains from the environment. Identification of bacterial strains was done by standard microbiological techniques, which include gram staining, biochemical testing and advanced identification by analytical profile index. Determination of minimal inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal activity of strains was performed by tube and micro titration method. Antibacterial soaps showed better MIC in comparison with beauty soaps.The most resistant bacterium to all the soaps is Klebsiella pneumonia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It is obvious that antibacterial soaps have the antibacterial agents that can either kill or inhibit the bacterial cells. It might be possible that some bacterial strains become resistant which leads to their survival even at high concentrations of soaps. methyl red test, voges proskauer test, and nitrate reduction test following chesseborugh (Cheesbrough, 2001). For confirmation of gram negative bacteria, analytical profile index (biomereux) was performed according to manual instructions.The present study suggested that the choice of soap should be that which does not affect the facial tissues as well as effective against disease causing bacteria in a small amount. For the determination of MBC and MIC, soaps of daily use were employed Safeguard soap MBC is 250 mg/ml and its MIC was Safeguard is an antibacterial soap that has bactericidal observed at 125 mg/ml for Staphylococcus aureus. Safeguard is an antibacterial soap that has bacteric idalagents in it. For Pseudomonas aeroginosa (1) its MBC was at 500 mg/ml and MIC was at 250 mg/ml. If it is compared with the S. ureus i t clearly showed that it was killed at high concentration of soaps. The MBC of safeguard soap against strain of P. aeroginosa strain 2 was observed at 250 mg/ml and its MIC was observed at 25 mg/ml. For E. coli MBC was 125 mg/ml and its MIC was observed at 62. 5 mg/ml. Safeguard soap was used against Klebsiella pneumonia its MBC at 500 mg/ml and its MIC was observed at 250 mg/ml. The MBC of safeguard soap against this strain of Pseudomonas was observed at 250 mg/ml and its MIC was observed at 125mg/ml . If it is compared with the first strain of P. eroginosa two prominent differences were observed which showed that strain was more sensitive than the first one. Dettol soap showed MBC at 250 mg/ml and MIC was observed at 125 mg/ml against S. aureus. These values were compared to the values obtained from safeguard soap. These were almost equal to the values of safeguard. It might be estimated that the antibacterial activity of safeguard and dettol soap were almost the same against this organism. Lifebuoy red (antibacterial): This soap showed its MBC at 250 mg/ml and MIC was observed at 125 mg/ml against S. aureus.The comparison of safeguard, lifebuoy and dettol soaps revealed the equivalence of MBC and MIC values. It was also estimated that the organism might be sensitive to the antibacterial-soaps. -Lifebuoy-(Red)-is-also–an tibacterial soap, it showed its MBC against is Pseudomonas spp. At 350 mg/ml and MIC was seen at 175 mg/ml which much lower than safeguard and dettol soap. The antibacterial agents used in this soap showed more antibacterial activity in comparison with the above mentioned soaps. This soap showed its MBC at 250 mg/ml and MIC at 150mg/ml or close to it.For Escherichia coli and Klebsiella, this soap showed its MBC at 500 mg/ml and MIC was seen at 250 mg/ml which is very high concentration of the soap. These bacterial spp. showed resistance to the soap at a very low concentration and were killed at very high concentration. Staphylococcus epidermidis was killed at 175 mg/ml that is very low concentration of soap and it showed its MIC at 87. 5 mg/ml, the antibacterial agent proved to be efficient against this bacterium but this soap also killed other bacteria like Enterobacter, B. ubtilis at 350 mg/ml and there was no apparent growth observed on the nutrient agar plate. Lux is a beauty soap and was used against S. aureus to check its antibacterial activity. Lux contains Aloe vera which might have antibacterial activity. At 500 mg/ml, the Lux killed the bacterium but concentration was high as compared to the antibacterial soap. The MBC was observed at 500 mg/ml and MIC of the soap was 250 mg/ml. This revealed that Lux soap also showed antibacterial activity but not as much, than the other specific antibacterial soaps. It might also be possible that S. ureus was sensitive to the Lux soap. This soap showed its MBC at 700 mg/ml and it also showed its MIC at 350 mg/ml against Bacillus subtilis. This soap showed its MBC at 250 mg/ml and MIC at 125 mg/ml against Pseudomonas aeroginosa 1 that was almost equal to the Lifebuoy red, it might be possible that some natural ingredients such as extract of A. vera showed the antibacterial activity. The observation of Lux beauty soap revealed that these might posses’ germicidal activity. Palmolive beauty soap: It is beauty soap and was used against S. aureus.Although this was not an antibacterial soap but it showed it’s MBC at 500 mg/ml and its MIC was observed at 250 mg/ml. This showed Palmolive soap can kill bacteria. At 500 mg/ml the organism did not showed growth on the surface of the nutrient agar medium. This soap showed its MBC at 700 mg/ml and MIC was observed at 350 mg/ml against Bacillus subtilis this is equal or almost equal to the Lux beauty soap but it is very high in comparison to the Lifebuoy both red and white this might be possible that due to lack of specific antibacterial agent it did not showits MBC and MIC at low concentration. Lifebuoy white: It also showed the MBC at 350 mg/ml and MIC at 175mg/ml against B. subtilis. These values were equal or almost equal to the Lifebuoy red soap and lower than theDettol and Safeguard soap at 350 mg/ml there was complete absence of bacterial growth on the agar plates and at 175 mg/ml there was no growth. After 24 h of incubation, few colonies were observed. The MBC of soap against E. coli was observed at 125 mg/ml and MIC was 62. 5 mg/ml that is very low concentration of soap. The E. coli showed sensitivity for this antibacterial soap as it was killed at very low concentration.The antibacterial agent of Lifebuoy white soap might be efficient in killing the cells. For Pseudomonas and K. pneumoniae, the soap showed its MBC at 250 mg/ml and MIC was observed at 125 mg/ml. As this soap showed the MBC at 250 mg/ml and at this concentration no growth of the bacteria was observed. So, the soap is efficient in killing the bacterium at this concentration. For K. pneumoniae, Enter obacter spp. and B. subtilis, theMBC was seen at 350 mg/ml and MIC was observed at 175 mg/ml. Lifebuoy showed its MBC for S. epidermidis at 700 mg/ml and MIC was seen at 350 mg/ml.The organism was isolated from human skin and found Gram positive but it was killed at 750 mg/ml concentration of soap that was very high. Retreived from http://www. academicjournals. org/AJB at 3:10 pm January 21, 2012. Studies have examined the purported benefits of antibacterial soap without clear consensus about the results. Some studies have concluded that simply washing thoroughly with plain soap is sufficient to reduce bacteria and, further, is effective against viruses. Other studies have found that soaps containing antimicrobial active ingredients remove more bacteria than simply washing with plain soap and water. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration published reports that questions the use of antibacterial soap and hand sanitizers saying that it found no medical studies t hat showed a link between a specific consumer antibacterial product and a decline in infection rates. At one conference, Dr. Stuart Levy, a microbiologist at Tufts University, cites these studies to compare antibacterial action with antibiotic resistance: â€Å"Dousing everything we touch with antibacterial soaps and taking antibiotic medications at the first sign of a cold can upset the natural balance of microorganisms in and around us, leaving behind only the ‘superbugs'.It has since been shown that the laboratory method used by Dr. Levy was not effective in predicting bacterial resistance for biocides like triclosan. [5] At least seven peer-reviewed and published studies have been conducted demonstrating that triclosan is not significantly associated with bacterial resistance over the short term, including one study coauthored by Dr. Levy. Retrieved from  â€Å"The Dirt on Clean: Antibacterial Soap v. Regular Soap†. CBC. ca. R etrieved 2011-03-30; ^ Lucet, JC; Rigaud MP, Mentre F, Kassis N, Deblangy C, Andremont A, Bouvet E (April 2002). Hand contamination before and after different hand hygiene techniques: a randomized clinical trial†. Journal of Hospital Infection 50 (4): 276–280. doi:10. 1053/jhin. 2002. 1202. PMID 12014900. ^ Gibson, LL; Rose JB, Haas CN, Gerba CP, Rusin PA (May 2002). Related Literature Pansit-pansitan (Peperomia pellucida Linn) is a common fleshy shallow rooted herb that grows to about 15 to 45 cm in height in damp and lightly shaded areas. Pansit-pansitan has been used as food item as well as a medicinal herb for its analgesic, anti-arthritic, diuretic activity.The entire plant is edible both cooked or raw. Pansit-pansitan plant can grow wild but also grown as ornamental foliage. Pansit-pansitan is characterized by its shiny heart shaped leaves about 4 cm in length, growing from an erect translucent green stalks. Pansit-pansitan has tiny dot-like flow ers that grow from erect and slender green spikes that turn brown when matured. The fruits are also very small, round to oblong, ridged, first green later black. Tiny seeds drop off that grows easily in groups.Antibacterial soap is any cleaning product to which active antibacterial ingredients have been added. These chemicals kill bacteria and microbes, but are no more effective at deactivating viruses than any other kind of soap or detergent, and they also kill nonpathogenic bacteria. Most liquid hand and body soaps contain antibacterial chemicals. Triclosan is a common ingredient. Since there is a great variety of bacteria, effectiveness against any given type of bacterium does not ensure that it is effective against unrelated types.These are generally only contained at preservative levels unless the product is marked antibacterial, antiseptic, or germicidal. Triclosan, Triclocarban/Trichlorocarbamide and PCMX/Chloroxylenol are commonly used for antibacteri al and deodorant effect in consumer products. Some soaps contain tetrasodium EDTA which is a chelating agent that sequesters metals that the bacteria require in order to grow. Othermicrobes also require metals and so it is actually an anti-microbial agent that is widely used even as a preservative.It appears to be fairly harmless in the environment. CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY Research Design The study employed the experimental/ comparative study design since its focus is on the comparison of the antibacterial property of Pansit- pansitan liquid hand soap and commercial liquid hand soap. Procedure Table 1. Set-ups and Proportion of Pansit- pansitan Extract and Other Components Group| Set-up| Pansit-pansitan extract (mL) : Other components (mL)| Experimental| A| 12. 5: 12. 5| | B| 18. 75 : 6. 25| | C| 6. 25 : 18. 75| Controlled| D| Controlled set- up|The researchers prepared 4 set-ups. Set-up A is produced by combining 12. 5 mL of pansit- pansitan extract, 2. 5 mL of tr iethanolamine, 3. 75 mL of gel solution, 1. 25 mL of fragrance oil, 3. 75 mL of polykleer and 1. 25 mL of water. Set-up B is a combination of 18. 75 mL of pansit- pansitan extract, 1. 25 mL of triethanolamine, 1. 90 mL of gel solution, 0. 60 mL of fragrance oil, 1. 90 mL of polykleer, 0. 60 mL of water, Set-up C is prepared by mixing 6. 50 mL of pansit- pansitan extract, 3. 75 mL of triethanolamine, 5. 60mL of gel solution, 1. 0 mL of fragrance oil, 5. 60 mL of polykleer, 1. 90 mL of water, Set- up D was the commercial liquid hand soap which is assign as a controlled set-up. The researchers designed the formulations which designated the specific amounts of the extract and other ingredients to be added in a certain set-up. The researchers converted the percentage to volumes. Set-up A had 50% Pansit-pansitan extract and 50% other liquid hand soap components. Set-up B had 75% is to 25% and Set-up C had 25% is to 75%. The Pansit-pansitan plant was pounded using the mortar and pestle.The pounded Pansit-pansitan plant was filtered using a piece of cloth which is sterilized first before using to get the extract. After that, the components of the liquid hand soap such as triethanolamine, gel solution, fragrance oil, and polykleer were mixed together in a beaker following the proportions found in table 1. The mixture were placed in a canister and then brought to the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Taguig for the anti-bacterial testing. The laboratory test conducted was the Disc Agar Diffusion Method using the bacterial strain of Staphylococcus aureus.Data obtained were recorded accordingly for each set-up. Statistical Treatment The statistical treatment used in this study is t- test for total mean zone of inhibition and reactivity rating and Modal measure of central tendency for the inhibitory activity. The researchers used T- test because the data collected were classified as independent samples and under the normal distribution. The t- test will provide more accurate values. Since the inhibitory rating does not have an equivalent numerical value, the researchers used the Modal measure of central tendency.The researchers did not include the f-test for the experimental set-ups because the results from the laboratory testing showed that the three parameters have the same values. Gathering of materials from Metrobank Garden and Swiss Fragrance Partition a pansit- pansitan plant and Gathering the extract Application of safety precautions and Preparing of lab gowns, hair nets, and shoe socks Formulation of compositions in different set-ups (A and B) Preparation of laboratory apparatus and chemicals needed Measuring of the chemicals according to the designated amountsCombination all the ingredients together based on the formulation given Segregation of different Set-ups into different plastics, named A and B Figure 1. Methodology and Process flow CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Table 2. Comparison of the Experimental and Control Set-up in Terms of Total Mean Zone of Inhibition Group | Set-up| Component Ratio of each Set-up| Average total mean zone of inhibition per set-up| Average total mean zone per group | Experimental| A| 50:50| 10mm| 10| | B| 75:25| 10mm| | | C| 25:75| 10mm| | Control| D| control| 11. 1mm| 11. 71| As shown in Table 2, the total mean zone of inhibition (the region that resists the entry of microorganisms such as staphylococcus aureus) of the experimental set-up A, B and C is 10 mm while in the control set-up, the total mean zone of inhibition is 11. 71. Group| Mean| Standard Deviation| t-value| Experimental| 10mm| 0| -2. 09| Control| 11. 71mm| 0| | Table 3. Summary of t-test for Total Mean Zone of Inhibition Table 3 displays the summary of t-test for total mean inhibition. Since the obtained t value of – 2. 9 is greater than the t critical value of -2. 13 at 0. 01 level, this means that the null hypothesis must be rejected. This means that there is a significant difference between the e xperimental group and the control group. Table 4. Comparison of the Experimental and Control Set-up in Terms of Reactivity Set-up| A| B| C| Average| Experimental| 2| 2| 2| 2| Control| 2| 2| 2| 2| Table 4 displays that all the set- ups including the experimental and control set- up are rated as 2 which verify that the zone of inhibition is limited under the specimen.Table 5. Summary of t-test for Reactivity Rating Group| Mean| Standard Deviation| t-value| Experimental| 2| 0| 0| Control| 2| 0| | Table 5 displays the summary of t-test for total mean inhibition. Since the obtained t value is 0, this means that the null hypothesis must be accepted. This means that there is no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group. Table 6. Comparison of the Experimental and Control Set-up in Terms of Inhibitory Activity Set-up| A| B| C| Experimental| +++| +++| +++| Control| ++| ++| ++|Table 6 prospects that the inhibitory activity rating for the experimental group is complete symbolized as (+++) and the inhibitory activity rating of the control group is partial (++). The average zone of inhibition (the region where microorganisms such as bacteria cannot penetrate within) of control set-up is 11. 71. Since the inhibitory activity (the ability of substance to avoid the penetration of microorganisms such as bacteria with respect to a specific area) is partial (symbolized as ++) this implies that the bacteria cannot penetrate within the zone of inhibition.Even though the area of inhibition of control set-up is bigger in diameter, the rating for its inhibitory activity is only partial while in the experimental group is complete even if its zone of inhibition is smaller. Furthermore, the reactivity rating 2, verifies that the zone is limited under the specimen. All interpretations were based on the guidelines given by the laboratory: Reactivity Rating: (It specifies the rate at which the liquid hand soap reacts with the staphylococcus aureus. 0- None (No detectable zone around or under specimen) – Slight (Some malformed or degenerated cells under the specimen) 2- Mild (Zone limited under the specimen) 3- Moderate (Zone extends 5 to 10 mm beyond specimen) 4- Severe ( Zone extends greater than 10 mm beyond specimen) Since all the replicates showed that the reactivity rating is 2, it means that the zone is limited under the specimen. Based on the United States Pharmacopoeia 30-NF 25, 2007 <87> Biological Reactivity Test; the Inhibitory Activity Rating are classified as: (+++) complete; (++) partial; (+) slight, and (-) negative.CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Summary of Findings After the experimentation and the analysis of the data, the researchers led to the following findings: 1. The total mean zone of inhibition for the experimental group including Set-ups A, B and C is 10 millimeters. 2. The total mean zone of inhibition for Set-up D or the control set-up is 11. 71 millimeters. 3. All the set-ups includ ing experimental and control groups have a reactivity rating of 2, which means that the zone is limited under the specimen. . The inhibitory rating for the experimental group is complete (+++) which means that it inhibited all the staphylococcus aureus within the zone of inhibition while the control set-up has partial (++) for it does not resist the entry of all the staphylococcus aureus within the zone of inhibition. 5. For the Total Mean Zone of Inhibition, the obtained t- value, -2. 09 is greater than t- critical value, -2. 13 at 0. 01 level. This means that the null hypothesis must be rejected.This means that there is a significant difference between the experimental group and the control group. 6. For the Reactivity Rating, the obtained value is 0, this means that the null hypothesis must be accepted. This means that there is no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group. Conclusions 1. Pansit- pansitan liquid hand soap is somehow better than th e Commercial liquid hand soap in terms of total mean zone of inhibition and inhibitory activity and it is as good as the commercial liquid hand soap in terms of the Reactivity Rating. . There is a significant difference between the Pansit- pansitan liquid hand soap and commercial liquid hand soap in terms total mean zone of inhibition therefore the Pansit-pansitan liquid hand soap is somehow better than the commercial hand soap in terms of the said parameter. 3. There is no significant difference between the Pansit- pansitan liquid hand soap and commercial liquid hand soap in terms of reactivity rating therefore the two liquid hand soaps is as good with each other in terms of the said parameter. 4.There is a significant difference between the Pansit- pansitan liquid hand soap and commercial liquid hand soap in terms of inhibitory activity therefore the Pansit-pansitan liquid hand soap is somehow better than the commercial hand soap in terms of the said parameter. 5. The variation of the amount of Pansit-pansitan extract showed no significant difference since the data gathered from the laboratory analysis in terms of Total mean zone of inhibition and Reactivity rating are of the same values which is 2 and 10 mm respectively. Recommendations Based on the conclusions, the researchers led to the following recommendation: 1.Future researchers may consider other parameters aside from the total mean zone of inhibition, reactivity rating and inhibitory activity. 2. Try to consider other plants which can be found in the backyard . 3. Determine the shelf life of the home- made liquid hand soap so as the users will be aware of the expiration date. 4. The usage of other statistical methods of obtaining data such as surveys, which may in turn, help support the outcome of the whole study. The survey must be done without bias, and as much as possible with the least discrepancy, to make it authentic and credible. Appendix A COMPUTATIONS Table 7.Total Mean Zone of Inhibition ( Experimental Group) XE(mm)| XE (mm)| (XE-XE)2| 10| 10| 0| 10| 10| 0| 10| 10| 0| | | (XE-XE)2=0| Table 8. Total Mean Zone of Inhibition (Control Group) XC (mm)| XC (mm)| (XC-XC)2| 11. 71| 11. 71| 0| 11. 71| 11. 71| 0| 11. 71| 11. 71| 0| | | (XC-XC)2=0| SDE= (XE-XE)2N-1 SDE= 03-1 SDE=0 General Formula for t-test: t=XE-XCn1-1SDE2+(n2-1)SDC2nE+nC-21nE+1nC SDC= (XC-XC)2N-1 SDC=03-1 SDC=0 Since the t-computed value is greater that t-tabulated value which is -2. 13, we should reject the H0. Table 9. Reactivity Rating (Experimental Group) XE| XE| (XE-XE)2| 2| 2| 0| 2| 2| 0| 2| 2| 0| | | (XE-XE)2=0|Table 10. Reactivity Rating (Control Group) XC| XC| (XC-XC)2| 2| 2| 0| 2| 2| 0| 2| 2| 0| | | (XC-XC)2=0| SDE= (XE-XE)2N-1 SDE= 03-1 SDE=0 SDC= (XC-XC)2N-1 SDC=03-1 SDC=0 t=XE-XCn1-1SDE2+(n2-1)SDC2nE+nC-21nE+1nC t=2-23-1(0)2+(3-1)(0)23+3-213+13 t=02+24(0. 81649658) t=0(0. 81649658) t= 0 Since the t-computed value is equal to zero, it shows that there is no significant difference between the reactiv ity of experimental and control group. Table 11. Inhibitory Activity | A| B| C| Experimental| +++| +++| +++| Control| ++| ++| ++| Modal is the statistical treatment to be used in the inhibitory activity of the Set-ups.The data is nominal, therefore the most suitable test for it is modal. Modal is the class that has the highest value. Based on observation, the Experimental Set-ups A, B, & C have the highest rating, +++ which means that the inhibitory activity is complete. In connection to the results, there is a significant difference between the Experimental Set-ups and the Control Set-ups. Appendix B (Photos of the Experimental Procedures) Figure 2. The image shows how the researchers pounded the Pansit- pansitan plant using the mortar and pestle Figure 3. The image shows how the extract from the Pansit- pansitan plant was filter Figure 4.The image shows the residue of the Pansit- pansitan plant after the filtration Figure 5. The photo shows the manual mixing of the Pansit- pan sitan extract and other components of liquid hand soap Figure 6. The photo shows the actual measurement of the gel solution Figure 7. The above photo shows the disc diffusion method done by the DOST laboratory Appendix C (Laboratory Results) BIBLIOGRAPHY http://www. academicjournals. org/AJB Life Sciences and Medicine Research, Volume 2010: LSMR- â€Å"Isolation and Bioactivity of a Xanthone Glycoside from Peperomia pellucida†, (January 21, 2012, 3:10 pm) â€Å"The Dirt on Clean: Antibacterial Soap v.Regular Soap†. CBC. ca. Retrieved 2011-03-30; ^ Lucet, JC; Rigaud MP, Mentre F, Kassis N, Deblangy C, Andremont A, Bouvet E (April 2002). â€Å"Hand contamination before and after different hand hygiene techniques: a randomized clinical trial†. Journal of Hospital Infection 50 (4): 276–280. doi:10. 1053/jhin. 2002. 1202. PMID 12014900. ^ Gibson, LL; Rose JB, Haas CN, Gerba CP, Rusin PA (May 2002). â€Å"Quantitative assessment of risk reducti on from hand washing with antibacterial soaps†. Journal of Applied Microbiology 92: 136S–143S. doi:10. 1046/j. 1365-2672. 92. 5s1. 17. x. PMID 12000622: Retrieved 2012-01-21, 3:40 pm. ttp://www. medicalhealthguide. com/articles/pansitpansitan. htm. www. medicalhealthguide. com , (January 21, 2012, 3:25 pm) http://www. statsoft. com/textbook/basic-statistics/#t-test for independent samples . Retrieved 2012-02-27, 9:00 pm. http://www. staff. vu. edu. au/mcaonline/units/statistics/statistics. html Retrieved 2012-02-27, 9:20 pm. Contact Persons * Department of Science and Technology (Standards and Testing Division) Mr. Marlon SA. Aguinaldo- Tel no. 837-20-71 to 82 local 2188, 2189 * Swiss Fragrance- Tel no. 927-59-74 * Ferissa B. Ablola- Tel no. 472-43-30
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Video Surveillance Cameras
Attempts to monitor employees have always existed in one form or another, from mechanical keystroke counters in the early part of the century, to the latest innovations in electronic monitoring. As technology advances, so do the monitoring possibilities in the workplace. As result of the endless possibilities in surveillance, anxiety in employee†s increase, which in most cases leads to illnesses. Studies have shown that individuals who are constantly being monitored at work suffer from inevitable effects, the majority being illnesses such as physical, emotional, and mental disorders. Employers feel they have the right to monitor their employees, however when extensive monitoring effects a employees health, then the employers has gone to far. Advance technology has lead to monitoring devices such as via computers, video surveillance, and active badges in the last decade, but as the intensity of the surveillance increases so do the negative effects on the employees. There has been a huge increase to pass legislation†s that will regulate the employer in monitoring his employees†by via computer. Monitoring an employee by via computer is one of the latest innovations in electronic monitoring, which is done by purchasing and installing software in the companies computer system. Once the software is installed, it will be able to do a variety of types of electronic monitoring from keystroke counting and accuracy, time how long it takes to make a transaction, and how long the computer has been on idle. This type of electronic monitoring that involves advanced technology and â€Å"the constant monitoring to measure employees†performance creates an enormous amount of pressure and stress†¦ he stress that is created by monitoring has caused serious physical effects†(Ternipsede 447) on employees in the work place. Many employees have been effected from such setting in the workplace, but they are unaware of the effects since they take many years to develop fully. Another type of electronic monitoring that can damage an employee†s health is video surveillance. Video surveillance has existed in the work place since the invention of the television. Video surveillance cameras come in all shapes and sizes, from the obvious ones to some that are small as a dime. Many employers purchase such devices to capture employees and customers who commit theft and fraud, or any other illegal activity. The increase of technology in electronic monitoring is now able to transfer images from a camera to a computer where the employer is able to zoom in and make a positive identity of the employee or customer who is committing an illegal act. This type of monitoring is also to make an employee feel under pressure in hoping â€Å"to enhance employee productivity and quality assurance,†(Ternipsede 447) which serves as a benefit to the employee, employer, and customer. However, many employees do not notice the effects of video surveillance has on their health since there only concern is getting there work done and making their employer happy. One other type of surveillance that causes health risk to the employee is an active badge. Active badges are another type of the latest innovations in electronic monitoring and one of the most controversial types of employee monitoring. The active badges are the size of a credit card that is worn on the outside of the clothing. It keeps track where the employee goes by infrared sensors that are located through out the workplace. Many employer†s who promote this type of electronic monitoring argue that it saves time when having to track someone down. They also argue that it is more of a private way of needing to speak to an employee privately, instead of having to announce their name over the intercom. These active badges also have their negative effects on an employee since they feel entrapped in their workplace because they know that someone else always know where they are. It makes an individual feel like they are in prison, except that they are not secured into their workplace by bars and concrete walls. This type of electronic monitoring is one of the most controversial because it is a new way to invade an individual privacy, without the exception of cameras and monitors. Employers have a right to know whether their employees are on task, however when it infringes on the employees privacy and causes health effects it has gone to far. The employers have the responsibility to hire trustworthy employees and make sure they do their job, not tracking every move they make. As technology advances, business management gets lazier and new monitoring devices pose a threat to employees. The employees well being should be considered before implementing any monitoring systems. Therefore, who knows what electronic monitoring will hold in the future, but will it become so sophisticated that it will cause an employee to choose not to work and live off the government?
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Co One of the most novel ideas in education instruction is collaborative teaching. Learners with special needs learn alongside ordinary students in an ordinary class setting. A special needs teacher is supposed to assist the regular teacher in preparing materials for special learners, delivering assisted learning during and after the regular classes.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Co-teaching specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The purpose of collaborative learning is to give learners with special needs an opportunity to acquire education and an environment that does not have any restrictions, thus maximizing their chances to learn. Collaborative learning employs multiple teaching and learning skills. It should not be confused with other teaching practices such as one teacher preparing material and another delivering instruction. It is an opportunity to distribute teaching activities amongst a group of individuals with di fferent teaching skills. This paper endeavors to give a an assessment of collaborative teaching Where collaborative learning is used efficiently, students with learning difficulties reap maximums benefits, while ordinary learners acquire the skills to socialize and live harmoniously with special need students. It is therefore an idea worth implementing (Logsdon, 2011). Cushman (n.d.) also argues that this type of teaching model propagates a sense of productive interdependence amongst teacher. It is more effective when co-teachers realize that each of them is not sufficiently equipped to respond to the diversely unique needs of a class. It is also an effective way of ensuring each individual teachers account for individual responsibilities. However, collaborative teaching is not without hitches. It is time consuming and creates too much interference in terms of unnecessary movements and uncontrolled noise in a class.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It may also be disorderly when collaborative teachers have extremely diverse teaching skills (Deluca, Borman, Jump, Ratzlaff and Nystrom, 2010). Many people have suggested an alternative where there is one teacher in a class assisted by several assistants. While this may be good in having many professional with diverse skills in the same class, its implementation may be cumbersome. It is therefore more preferable to have two teachers who take their time to plan for the class. This will reduce the amount of confusion and interference in the teaching process (Haynes, 2010). Evaluation of student’s progress is usually a challenging task in a mixed abilities class. Various issues complicate the type of grading system to use. Co-teachers usually have a problem grading, given that students have different abilities and learning styles. It is also difficult to determine how to evaluate daily assignments, who e valuates them and how they reflect on the final grade (University of Kansas, 2005). There should also be mutual respect for each other personal space and opinion between the co-teachers. For ordinary education teachers who are doing it for the first time, one of the major learning points is sharing teaching space with a fellow professional (Creighton Education, n.d.). Several qualities identify an ideal co teacher. To begin with, a co-teacher must be able to share professional knowledge as well as be open to communication and criticism. They must also be inclined towards learner centred teaching. Most importantly, they must be willing team players. Absence of these basic characteristic in a co-teacher make hinder the whole process (EFL classrooms, 2010). Co-teaching is an idea that is yet to gain much support. However, the benefits of co-teaching are worthwhile.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Co-teaching specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Learners with learning difficulties are motivated by learning in a less restricted ordinary class and get to enjoy the benefits that the ordinary learner gets. Despite the complexity in its implementation, the many professions and learning institutions should try it. Reference List Creighton Education, (n.d.). Co-teaching in todays classrooms. Retrieved from Cushman, S. (n.d.). What is co-teaching? Word Press. Retrieved from Deluca D, Borman J, jump T, Ratzlaff R and Nystrom C. (2010). Co teaching. Class Chatter. Retrieved from EFL classrooms, (2010). Co-teaching: general guidelines and procedures. Edublogs. Retrieved from Haynes, J. (2010). Collaborative teaching for ells: Are two teachers better th an one? EverythingESL. Retrieved from Logsdon, A. (2011). Collaborative teaching Special education in collaborative classrooms. Guide. Retrieved from Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More University of Kansas , (2005). Grading considerations. Special Connections. Retrieved from
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Writing Editing
Writing Editing Writing Editing Our company presents you excellent writing editing service, which is one of the best among the Internet helpers. We can deliver a custom written paper for you on any topic on time! Why should you entrust your assignments to us? Our writing editing team consists of the skilled writers, who hold degrees in different academic fields. We have been providing custom paper writing services for many years. Our experience in editing writing area allows us to promise high quality of every essay, dissertation, term paper, review, critical paper, or any other project we deliver. On time delivery, always! We are never late with delivery of custom written assignments and we can definitely handle your assignment within the shortest possible time We give our writers an opportunity to rely on resources available through paid libraries. Thus, you can be sure that your essays contain wealth of relevant information which is properly references both in-text and in the reference list. Our writing editing services include professional assistance with the following: Argumentative, persuasive, expository, narrative, descriptive, informal, application, etc; History, literature, biology, technology, sociology, psychology, politics, religion, marketing, etc; Coursework, creative writing, article or book review all are available at our site! Our editing writing services include: Checking grammar, style preferences, sentence structure; Formatting your work according to the main rules specified by your institution; Reviewing the logical flow of the narration and observations, following to the introduction-body-conclusion structure of any assignment; Correcting wrong language (vulgarisms, jargonisms, sexist, racism, slang and other type colloquial words); Adding relevant information, data, statistics, analysis upon the stated topic; Inserting citations, observations and description of tone, symbolism and setting in the literature works; Custom paper writing editing services are not rare online; however, you should be beware of the fraudulent sites promising a lot but delivering very little. Our clients trust us because we are honest from the very beginning of our collaboration. We do not ask for additional time and we do not charge extra for revisions. We do not plagiarize and we do not steal your money and time. We believe that services based on mutual trust and respect are beneficial for all parties involved: writers, students, editors, and even teachers. You get original, custom-written paper and have an opportunity to enjoy your life while we are working on your assignments! We can help you with editing English paper, thesis writing or writing a term paper: Read also: Dissertation Topics Dissertation Subjects Dissertation Proposal Dissertation Expert American History Thesis
Sunday, November 3, 2019
A Comparison of Different Software Methods Thesis
A Comparison of Different Software Methods - Thesis Example Businesses have grown over the years and web is an integral component of the business world. The global industry has seen the advantages of managing business, reaching out to customers in an interactive mode and selling products and services online through e-Commerce. Once the business logic is set, the web applications play a pivotal role in business decision making. For long the IT industry is building tools and testing has always been an integral part of the software development life cycle. Ralph Grove specified that though the purpose of testing is to ensure that web applications work correctly but the practical side is to identify the errors in it (Grove 218). Software development will have errors in it and identification and correction of the same is what is called debugging of the software. In earlier days, testing commenced only when the coding was complete but nowadays it is more an integral part and goes concurrently along with coding. Testing happens in various phases and planning needs to be done from the commencement of a web application. There needs to be prototypes developed as per the user specifications. The testers need to simulate the working environment of the users all across the globe; therefore compatibility plays an important role. They need to understand that there will not be any software or plug-in installed separately by the users and should be readily available for deployment of the web application. In this thesis, there will be five web application testing methods which shall be defined and elaborated. The theory will be illustrated and compared with the practical web application. Out of these five three will be chosen. There will be real time web applications chosen from public websites where a detailed theoretical and practical comparison made and the application of the chosen testing methods. This will give an insight to the researchers as to the practical problems faced by the developers and users if the application is not prop erly tested. Care needs to be taken on various fronts where problems need to be identified beforehand and measures taken to ensure smooth deployment and gradual up-gradation of the web application software.
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