Monday, September 30, 2019
Healthcare Setting Essay
In the healthcare setting today decubitus ulcers (pressure sore) represent an ongoing challenge to health care professionals providing care to patients in different health-care settings. The incidence of decubitus ulcers estimates 1 to 3 million people in the United States each year. The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) defines prevalence as â€Å"a proportion of persons who have a pressure ulcer at a specific point in time.†Prevalence of pressure sores in the United States is widespread in all settings, with estimates of 10% to 18% in acute care, 2.3% to 28% in long-term care, and 0% to 29% in home care. The burden of having a pressure ulcer is high, in physical, emotional, and financial terms. Data from 1999 indicate that the cost of treating pressure ulcers may range from $5 to $8.5 billion annually, and this equates to approximately $9.2 to $15.6 billion in 2008. The AHRQ reported that pressure ulcer-related hospitalizations ranged from 13 to 14 days and cost $16,755 to $20,430, compared with the average stay of 5 days and cost of approximately $10,000. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services reports that the cost of treating a pressure ulcer in acute care (as a secondary diagnosis) is $43,180 per hospital stay. Contributing cost factors include increased length of stay because of pressure sore complications, such as pain, infection, high-tech support surfaces, and decreased functional ability. Barbara Braden collaborated with Nancy Bergstrom in 1987 to develop Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Ulcer Risk. The purpose of the scale is to help health professionals, especially nurses, to assess a patient’s risk of developing a pressure ulcer. In their study, the tool was tested in a multisite clinical trial involving hospitals, Veterans Administration (VA) medical centers and skilled nursing facilities. This research has proven to be effective in identifying and preventing pressure sores in high risk patient population. The Braden Scale is now the most widely tools used for predicting the risk of development of pressure sores. The Braden scale assesses a patient’s risk of developing a pressure ulcer by examining six criteria i.e. sensory perception, Moisture, Activity, Mobility, Nutrition and Friction and Shear. Based on the findings of the Braden scale strategies could be employed to prevent the development of pressure sores in high risk.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Managerial Accounting 222
Managerial Accounting 222 Week 1 Questions 1-1 How does managerial accounting differ from financial accounting? Managerial accounting and financial accounting differs in who the reporting is for and for what purpose. Managerial accounting is for company managers to use to plan, control, and make decisions regarding specific strategies. Financial accounting is prepared for owners, stakeholders, creditors, and government authorities and is used to verify information regarding the economic stability of a company. There are also specific guidelines that are used (GAAP) in financial accounting and is mandatory whereas there are no guidelines in managerial accounting and is not mandatory. 1-4Why do companies prepare budgets? Preparing budgets gives a company a quantitative plan that will be used to complete a project or strategy. A budget is a guideline for which resources are used and can be compared for performance reports when determining the effectiveness and profitability of a strategy. 1-13Why do companies that implement Lean Production tend to have minimal inventories? Companies that implement Lean Production have minimal inventories because they usually implement a just-in-time production strategy where production is only triggered by customer demand. Therefore, the amount of inventory is usually close or equal to customer orders creating minimal, if any, leftover inventory. 8-2Discuss some of the major benefits to be gained from budgeting. Budgets are beneficial because they can show the organization what strategies management is using to accomplish their business goals. They provide direction for employees to accomplish job duties towards the final result and allows them to understand which strategy is more important through the amount of resources that is allocated towards it. Budgets also ensure that the entire organization is working towards the same goal and provides a starting point for performance evaluations. 8-5Why is the sales forecast the starting point in budgeting? Sales forecasting is the first step in determining the required needs for future production. In order to create a budget that includes all costs related to producing a product for sale, management must determine how many units are forecasted to sell so that an adequate amount of product is produced to meet demand without excessive costs. 8-9How can budgeting assist a company in planning its workforce staffing levels? When a budget is created, the amount of work and units to be produced is also calculated. With this information, a company can plan for its labor workforce without having unexpected labor overages or shortages at any given time.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
10 points about three different materials Essay
10 points about three different materials - Essay Example The author had reviewed many Hollywood films before writing the book centering the developments identified since the early ages till the current era 3. Earlier, movies depicted the Arab lifestyle as backward in comparison to the western cultures, reflecting upon the magic inspired traditional values of Arabian businessmen travelling in the floating carpet for the purpose of trade 4. During the year 1979-2000, the Hollywood movies used to cast an Arab personality in their movie where the Arabs were portrayed to travel to the US and spent a lot of money to lead a luxurious life, showing non-negligible obsession for the American women in the US 5. Jack Valenti, the Chairman of the Motion Pictures of America denoted that Washington and Hollywood come from the same DNA 6. Unlike the previous ones, the recent Hollywood movies show terror created by the Arabs residing in the America involving female members of the society as participating in terror activities such as kidnapping and killing of the US soldiers. 7. One of the movies also showed an incident, where the Arab Muslims had burned the national flag of the US in front of the US Embassy Reflecting upon the conflict placed today between the two cultures 8. The Hollywood movie, titled â€Å"The Delta Force†released in the year 1986, revealed an incident where an American aircraft was hijacked containing Jewish passengers majorly 9. The most dreadful situation observed in the article was that in a certain period, the Palestinians had to stay as a refugee in America and were brutally treated by the US soldiers 10. The other movie titled â€Å"Rules of Engagement†in 2000 also reflects a major fight among the Palestinians and the US Armed Force, strongly conveying the absence of humanity among the people engaged in war (YouTube, â€Å"Reel Bad Arabs - How Hollywood Vilifies a People†) QUESTION 2 The news article, titled â€Å"50 Amazing Mosques From Around the World (PHOTOS)†, reflects on how a place of worship, symbolized with a mosque, was constructed in the ancient era. Usually, the design of the mosque contained minarets and the domes, which add beauty to its complex, geometric designing. When describing the beauty of a holy place, the 13th century Persian poet, Rumi described that mosques are surrounded with beauty everywhere. By the end, Yasmine Hafiz, in this article intends to create a comparison among the two holy places of Islam and Christianity (Hafiz, â€Å"50 Amazing Mosques From Around the World (PHOTOS)†). Unlike Yasmine Hafiz, Aroosa Shaukat has emphasized the unity within Christians and Muslims in front of the St. Anthony’s Church rather than highlighting the differences amid them. This article thereafter, bases on historic evidences with the intention to advocate that the Muslims have stood beside the Christians in the time of their need. The article narrates that there was a suicide attack on the Saints after the end of the Sunday mas s, which was marked as one of the biggest attacks on the Christians in the history. Shaukat has also given a view where it can be observed that the Muslims can also stand beside the Christians in time of need; thus, pointing to a fluctuating relationship within the two cultures (Shaukat, â€Å"Pakistani Muslims Form Human Chain to Protect Christians during Mass (PHOTOS)†). In the third article â€Å"Jews vs. Muslims†, author Rabbi Levi Welton has described about the fight between the Jews and the Muslims with the motive to attain political benefits. The article thus argues that at often instances, the corrupt leaders tend to compromise citizens’ welfare needs to meet their personal benefit, which is irrespective of their religious stance. It further argues that the real purpose of the religion is the peace and love persisting among people, rather than the
Friday, September 27, 2019
Disciplinary Literacies. Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Disciplinary Literacies. Communication - Essay Example Many sources of information exist that define writing and literacy in the field. A review of finance journal articles, documentations from finance oriented professional organizations, and experiences among professionals in the field are some of the sources of information for evaluating literacy in the finance field. Advertisement is one of the forms of communication that promote literacy in the field. Financial institutions depend on operations from their clients, such as deposits, withdrawal, and funds’ transfer in which service fees are charged on consumers and advertisements market the institutions. Advertisement based communication must however be sensitive to consumers and other stakeholder’s values because improper usage is likely to generate adverse reactions from stakeholders while some cases may also lead to legal liability. An advertisement by Capital One is an example that demonstrate the scope of literacy in the finance field. The advertisement was not succe ssful because while it sought to promote use of the organization’s credit cards, it elicited negative reactions and some of the advertiser’s clients threatened to close their accounts or stop using the cards. This identifies a reverse reaction to what Capital One had intended and the nature of expected communication in the field explain the experience. The main problem to the advertisement, as Aspan explains in the American Banker, was selection of words as Capital One sought to draw consumers’ attention. Other professionals in the field did not welcome the use of damn day and their response identifies significance of ethical standards in communication in the finance field (Aspan 1). Another important aspect of communication in the field, and one that also relates to corporate ethics, is application of polite language in communication. Whether in appreciatory correspondence or in a critical communication, a formal and courteous tone is recommended and pecuniary liability exist in cases where a person or an organization is believed to have influenced other people, or parties’ communication. Positive criticism, with the aim of correcting perceived ills is however acceptable and the case of Capital One advertisement explains this. Aspan reports calls by organizations that people criticize the advertisement but notes that the level of responsibility in such calls when One Million Moms explains that even though it called for e-mail communications to Capital One to criticize its advertisements, it did not advocate for offensive comments in the elicited communications. The article also identifies the use of mass communication and online communication in the finance industry. The experience in the conflict identifies the use of advertisement as a sales strategy, the act that stimulates the conflict. One Million Moms, in its response to the advertisement and in its attempt to restore sanity in the profession, uses its website, a mass media, to urge its members to criticize the advertisement. The organization also specifies its preferred mode of communication for reaching Capital One, email, and these acts identify a high level of literacy among stakeholders in the finance sector to promote written and online communication. The level of literacy, in the sector, is also explained through expertise
Thursday, September 26, 2019
How Have the Yoruba People Contributed to Modern Mathematics Essay
How Have the Yoruba People Contributed to Modern Mathematics - Essay Example Although people normally think of mathematics as coming from a European tradition, there is also a strong African tradition of mathematics. This tradition goes all the way back to ancient Egypt when early mathematicians devised the formulas necessary to build the Great Pyramids. It is the basic assumption of the current report that two important additions to mathematics made by Africa include innovations from Egypt and from the Yoruba tradition, and that these additions have direct relationships to the modern world today, in terms of connecting mainstream mathematics with African traditions. First of all, there is the Egyptian tradition, as mentioned in Lumpkin’s in-depth research on mathematics. As noted, Egypt had a rich tradition of mathematics and geometry in very ancient times. Ancient times can be connected to modern times, as this author notes because today they feel â€Å"fortunate to have been alerted to a reference to "an Egyptian zero" while discussing AE mathematics with Egyptologist Frank Yurco in Chicago. This reference was based not on a mathematical papyrus, but on balance sheets in papyrus Bulaq 18†(Lumpkin, 2009). This Bulaq was a bookkeeping record kept by the ancient Egyptians thousands of years ago, showing that although these years have passed, we have something in common with the ancient world. The idea of true zero is a very mathematically advanced one that has been discovered by many cultures. It is not just Europe but also places like Africa and China, where the ancient meets the modern in mathematical theory.à ‚ People in bookkeeping today are still using true zero to do such tasks as making absolute transfers. â€Å"There was also a zero reference level marked on construction lines used as early as 2700 BCE. These lines, still visible at Old Kingdom pyramids and tombs, show the beginning of metricizing space†(Lumpkin, 2009). The ancient Egyptian Africans used these advanced mathematical concepts to build their monumental architecture, just like architects today.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Should drilling be permitted in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Essay
Should drilling be permitted in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge - Essay Example This fact proves that our present domestic sources are not sufficient to meet the demands of our country. Considering the present increase in oil prices, the clamor for increase in domestic drilling has spiked the debate on allowing drilling in the Arctic Circle. Politicians have been divided on the issue with each side putting forth valid claims worthy of consideration and perusal. This paper explores the issue of whether or not drilling should be allowed in the Arctic Circle. It shall set forth this student’s position on the issue supported by firm and viable evidence from various researches. In order to lend objectivity to this paper, counter-arguments shall also be put forth, equally backed and supported by researches and relevant evidence. â€Å"The Arctic National Wildlife Reserve (ACWR) is the largest reserve and probably one of the most diverse areas in the National Wildlife Refuge System†(Burns,, 2004). Oil exploration in the area started as early as the 1900s. Some parts of the Arctic Circle were declared as protected areas to safeguard the welfare of the wildlife in the arctic. Several oil explorers sought to drill oil in these protected areas, which prompted President James Carter in the 1970s to sign the Alaska National Interests Lands Conservation Act which effectively declared the area as wilderness, and therefore off limits to oil exploration. This area was designated as Area 1002. The oil drilling debate in the Arctic Circle is a typical battle between environmentalists and cost-effective minded politicians and interest groups. This student opposes oil drilling in the Arctic Circle. Research conducted at the Cornell University, revealed that drilling in the Arctic Circle would result to disastrous environmental consequences that would take years to undo and reverse. â€Å"Because a lot of the drilling would take place during the winter months,
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
MOTOROLA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
MOTOROLA - Essay Example Motorola Solutions is now generally accepted as the direct successor of the prior known Motorola, as the structuring lead to Motorola Mobility being spun off. (Boryana Georgieva, 2010) In 2007 when the reorganization took place, business was divided into three operating segments which included Home and Mobility Network, Enterprise Mobility Solutions and Mobile devices. Home and Mobility Network basically included products such as cable set top boxes, broadband cable modem etc; this contributed to almost to almost 32% of Motorola’s net sales in 2008. Enterprise Mobility Solutions deals with wireless broadband systems and it contributed to 27% of net sales. The Mobile devices compete in the wireless handset industry. (Boryana Georgieva, 2010) There are many factors in the external environment that directly as well as indirectly affects Motorola. First let us consider the competitors. Motorola used to own a high share of market in 2007, especially at the time of RAZR. However, th ey were not able to capitalize on the success with one major reason being the amount of competition in the technology market. Motorola faces fierce competition from Nokia, Apple, RIM, Samsung, LG and Mobile Internet Devices. Nokia possesses the highest market share in world right now followed by Samsung. They continue to produce high quality phones in great quantities for the customers. Lately, Apple and RIM have busted into the market with their unique characteristics with iPhone and Blackberry respectively. Because of their innovation, they were able to grab a huge market share and create brand loyalty amongst their customers. Apple were able to target, initially the youth which them spread out to a major chunk of the population, they also brought timely upgrades and additions to their iPhone which the consumers found all the more intriguing. Blackberry on the other hand went for formal and executive prospect, mainly targeting the executives. But due to their Blackberry services, which include Blackberry Messenger etc, they were able to gain high levels of customers throughout the world. (Aaron Christensen, 2009) Motorola has been going down the slope ever since. In fact, firm incurred a loss from cutting operations of $105 million which then resulted in $0.05 per diluted common share. The company which once dominated the mobile market has now been constricted to a lower market share. (Aaron Christensen, 2009) Even though revenues have decreased overtime, however, Motorola still has some strength as well. Motorola Company operates at operational efficiency, meaning their production and assembly line process operates in an efficient manner as to cut unnecessary costs and at the same time utilize maximum resources to maintain quality. Motorola’s products are high quality products, not only because they last a longer period as compared to some other phones, but their functionality is very efficient as well. Motorola has recently started producing the â⠂¬Å"Droid Family†which includes various products including Droid, Droid 2 & Global and Droid R2D2. The droid family was built by placing high value on importance on innovation. Motorola has also started segment targeting for the new Droid2 since consumers in the market place high value on trying out new things that appear onto the market. Now let us also consider some of Motorola’s weaknesses. Motorola management and shareholders are only worried about the sales and revenues, what is lacking is, vision. For any company to succeed in the market, they need to have a vision. For instance Steve Jobbs had a vision to bring innovation to the telecommunication technologies. Currently, Motorola is only concentrating on business and not focusing on the long
Monday, September 23, 2019
Why and How U.S. Labor Unions Seek to Influence Federal, State and Essay
Why and How U.S. Labor Unions Seek to Influence Federal, State and Local Politics - Essay Example It is recorded in the United States Department of Labor that more than 16 million American citizens are members of the labor unions (Agrawal, 2012). That depicts that more than 14% of the workers in America are members of the labor unions. This essay seeks to discuss why and how the United States labor unions seek to influence the federal, state, and the local politics. According to Merino (2012), there are various reasons that make the U.S labor union try to control the federal, state, and the local politics. One of them is as an attempt to prevent over-exploitation of workers. Since the labor unions seek to safeguard the rights of their members who are workers and also advocate for an increase in their benefits, the union strive to influence the federal, state, and the local politics as an attempt to reduce the working hours of their members. That is because when the labor unions have maximum influence on the three levels of politics, it is easier for it to reduce the unpaid employees’ hours and increase the number of paid hours. Besides, the labor unions also influence politics in an attempt to improve the working environment of its members and also maximizing their benefits such as the allowances allocated to them. Further, it also uses the influence it has on the federal, state, and local politics to enact new laws that protect the righ ts of its members. Moreover, the labor unions also seek to influence the federal, state and local politics in order to maintain the general welfare of their members. That is done by influencing the results of the elections so that people from regions with most number of people in the union can be elected as leaders. Through that, the labor union attempts to have politicians who understand the needs of the workers so as to improve their conditions. Besides, the labor unions also finance some of their workers to vie in the elections even if they are aware that these people cannot win. It happens
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Any work of art in Baltimore Museum of Art or Walter's Museum Research Paper
Any work of art in Baltimore Museum of Art or Walter's Museum - Research Paper Example The artist here worked skillfully to make the viewer share these feelings. The artist was inspired by the work and ideologies of modern theologians, who implored the faithful to recognize with Christ in his torment. This painting was intended to point to Christ’s torment by depicting him hanging greatly with bowed head and bleeding wounds. A swarm of other statures forms the backdrop of the cross, and they are frequently notable for their expressiveness. From the artwork, the Virgin Mary weeps piteously in the foreground. Other hosts of statures are in oriental dress just gaze at Christ as if he has somewhat enthused them. These figures reflect a shift from style, but it also permeates the scene with enhanced reality, which in effect makes the episode more available to virtuous rumination (MacArthur 12-25). In this German art, episodes from the Passion have made the concentration of greater independent picture. This approach by the artist bought new probabilities for artists a s well as virtuous viewers. The artist seems to have been influenced by the spirit of Transformation, which is why he worked deftly to involve the emotions in meditation of Christ’s suffering and death. His painting dispenses with details of tales and environment and so compels the observer into undeviating engagement with the body of Christ. He has achieved this by showing Christ’s suffering with categorical realism at close proximity to the observer. â€Å"His style is nothing but a striking demonstration of the potency of artistic custom in the service of expressive effect.†2 The compacted configuration and superlative costumes of the statures both demonstrate the artist’s experience and emphasize the scenes reality (MacArthur 25-28). The Catholic Church reconfirmed the value of images in Christian devotion and the significance of the emotions in religious experience. These judgments warranted that the Church would persist to stimulate commissions for Italian painters, and that the life of Christ would retain its significance in art. Many paintings of the passion of Christ were commissioned for a Church. The body of Christ hanging on the wooden cross pertains to the image of a powerless, undressed tormented man, and many observers of the artwork recognize the culture of crucifixion. The nuisance of Christ’s crucifixion tale on the artwork is somewhat a type of defacement, which is, engraving a sophisticated narrative of sin and consecration onto the body of someone powerless, converting the maimed body of another into a symbol. The painter has used figures and environments in a life-like manner to make the scenes appear existent and the message convincing. Christ is the innermost stature in the painting. The painter has adroitly utilized the symbols and tales of Christianity to narrate the happening in the artwork, shaping how the violence is viewed and understood. â€Å"Christ’s crucifixion endeavors to make conse quential the suffering of another, but still stimulates another desecration.†3 Superimposing a Christian tale on a worshipper’s suffering to provide that suffering meaning in terms of the individuals causing that suffering thinks a narrative of triumph, salvation, where there is none
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Lord of the Flies - Darkness of a Mans Heart Essay Example for Free
Lord of the Flies Darkness of a Mans Heart Essay Originally published in 1954, William Goldings _Lord of the Flies_ has become one of the classics of contemporary literature. The novel is about a group of young boys stranded alone on an island and left to fend for themselves. In an attempt to model their previous world without the influence of adults, the order that had once existed soon decays and is replaced by the chaos that destroys their ordered and civilised cultures. Though fictional, _Lord of the Flies_ deals with deep moral questions of how humans are essentially barbaric in their most primitive state. Golding conveys his idea of the darkness of a mans heart successfully through effective use of allegory, symbolism, and his perception of a dystopian society. _Lord of the Flies_ can be viewed as a political allegory of the Cold War. Golding served in the Royal Navy and recalling later his war experiences, he remarked that man produces evil, as a bee produces honey. The Cold War was a struggle between two super power ideologies Democracy and Communism, signified by Ralph and Jack respectively. Near the close of the novel, the boys are rescued by a naval commander who came ashore in his boat whilst the boys were playing savages. The irony is that after he brings the boys home, the naval commander will return to sea and engage in a far larger game of violence called war. Thus, Golding makes a point that the island is a microcosmic representation of the conflict between democracy and communism in the war. When the boys are first deserted on the island, they behave like children, alternating between enjoying their freedom and expressing profound homesickness and fear. By the end of the novel, however, they mirror the warlike behaviour of the Home Counties, attacking, torturing and murdering one another without hesitation or regret due to the lack of government and order. Ralph weeps for the end of innocence and the darkness of a mans heart (p 248) upon reunification with the real world and realisation that evil lurks within all human beings. Symbolism plays a major role in _Lord of the Flies_. Through the rich use of symbolism, Golding reveals that humans detached from societys rules allow themselves to be dominated by the evil within them. The Lord of the Flies and the Beast are two major symbols that enforce the Goldings idea of the darkness in a mans heart. They are not really physical characters, but rather the evil in every human being.Simon is the first one on the island to realise and thus makes a proposal. What I mean is†¦maybe its only us. (p 111)Simon speaks these words in Chapter 5, during the meeting in which the boys discuss the existence of the beast. Although the other boys laugh off Simons suggestion that the beast may be only us, Simons words are central to Goldings point that innate human evil exists. Simons idea of the darkness of a mans heart is reinforced in Chapter 8, when he confronts the Lord of the Flies. There isnt anyone to help you. Only me. And Im he Beast. (p 177) These words spoken by the Lord of the Flies confirm Simons speculation that perhaps the beast is only the boys themselves and acknowledges that it exists in all human beings. This is backed up further with The Lord of the Flies adoption of the boys rather colloquial language, Im the reason why its no go? (p 177) As the story progresses, the boys begin to worship the beast and make offerings to it. The appreciation for the beast is paralleled by the amount of savagery in the group. Through the use of symbolism, Golding successfully illustrates his theme of natural savagery within humans. The concept of a dystopian society can be seen clearly through _Lord of the Flies._ Golding sees moral behaviour as something that civilisation forces upon the individual rather than being a natural element. The novel implies that the instinct of savagery is far more primal and fundamental to human beings than the instinct of civilisation.The impression of a dystopian society within _Lord of the Flies_ is enhanced by Goldings rich and dark writing style. During the early chapters of the novel, the setting was depicted as almost a utopia, Ralph stood, one hand against a grey trunk, and screwed up his eyes against the shimmering water (p 14), yet however is juxtaposed with dystopian qualities, Behind this was the darkness of the forest proper and the open space of the scar. This creates a sense of foreshadowing which eventually leads on to the corruption and deterioration of the boys civilisation. With the absence of civilisation, the boys are left to fend on their own with minimal resources andtherefore naturally reverting cruelty, savagery, and barbarism. _Lord of the Flies_ still holds relevance to readers in this day as it addresses issues regarding the human condition and society. These issues will be as relevant today as they were hundreds of years ago and will still be relevant in the future. As for allegory, the novel represents the differences in political systems, systems that are still part of our lives today. If we scrape off the cover of civilisation, we are all beasts within.Through use of allegory, symbolism and a concept of dystopia, Golding conveys that the absence of a civilisation is able to reduce humanity to a natural state of barbarism.In conclusion, _Lord of the Flies_ thoroughly explores the darkness of a mans heart.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Analysis Of Human Resource And Scientific Management Management Essay
Analysis Of Human Resource And Scientific Management Management Essay Scientific management is put forward by Taylor in last century. There is no doubt that the scientific once greatly changed the world. It is highly due to this kind of management that the productivity is able to times increase. Plenty of products and services are produced in relative high efficiency, which dramatically enhance the living standard of people. However, tough it still functions well in some industry such as manufactory, it is not quite proper in current business environment. Staffs now require more respects and dignities and the mere money motivation is not enough to effectively motivate staffs to spare no effort in working. Therefore, a new concept of human relations management which concentrates more on human nature rather than machinery characteristics is high valued currently. In effect, this kind of human relations management is widely used instead of scientific management in most great companies even in some companies belong to manufactory industry. This essay is divided into three parts. In the first part, the theory of scientific management and human relations management are illustrated. In the second part, some real examples such as UPS, McDonald, and Google are used to concrete demonstrate the implement of these two theories in real world. The finally is the analysis of these two theories in current business environment. Main Body One: The theory of scientific management and human relations management. The publication of The Principles of Scientific Management which is written by Frederick Winslow Taylor marks the birth of scientific management. This book introduces the best approach to engage business works via scientific measures in that time of around 1911. (Frederick Taylor and Scientific Management, 2012) It successfully converts management to science. In the perspective of Taylor, the primary object of management is to maximize the profits of both employees and employers. The only approach to realize this object is to enhance labor productivity. (Frederick W. Taylor: Master of Scientific Management. 2012)That is to say, each worker should make their determination to do work as much as possible every day. However, the majority of workers in effect consciously do exactly the opposite. Taylor considers the hidden reasons as the following three. First, a false thought that a full-speed operation will cause plenty of workers unemployed and further cause huge damages to the entire industry is widely spread among workers. Second, there are too many defects on management systems. They directly lead workers take a defense measure of demonization in order to protect their best interests. Third, business is also conducted according to personal experiences, which is definitely in a low efficiency. Therefore, Taylor reckons the scientific management has to take the place of experience principles. Scientific management is set on the base of the accordance of profits of the labor and the capital. He requires each member in the corporation should fully perform the highest efficiency in order to achieve the biggest production and realize the maximum profits. The significant content of scientific management is chiefly divided into two aspects which are operations management and organization management. The operations management includes four parts. First, the first class workers should be selected for operations. In the perspective of Taylor, each individual possesses a distinct talent and capacity. They all potentially become first-class workers as long as suitable positions are available.(Bell, 2012) After careful observation, Taylor finds that the main feature that differs one from the other is willpower rather than intelligence. Second is the practice of work quota. Originally, the workload for a worker is highly decided by the experience of manager. It obviously lacks scientific foundation. Taylor advocates a scientific measure to identify labor work of an individual. That is to select proper and skillful worker and research their labor time and workload in order to set up a reasonable daily workload. This daily workload is so called work quota. Third is the scientific working measure. A reasonable mixture of operational approaches, serviceable tools, labor time, and leisure time should be paid much attention on(Taylor, 1911). Basing on Taylors view, the scientific management means the substitution of scientific knowledge for personal experiences. One of the key measures is to execute standardized management which includes tool standardization, standard operation, standardization of labor movements, and so forth. Only when the standardization is employed, workers are able to use more effective tools and adapt more effective working measures in order to achieve the maximum labor productivity. (Taylor, 1911)Fourth is the implement of incentive salary system. It contains three parts. Above of all, the labor time should be carefully observed and analyzed in order to identify rate of wage. What follows is the differential piece-rate system. That is to say, rate of wage of workers is decided according to the accompli shment of quota. If what a worker real does reaches or even surpasses the quota, a higher rate of wage is offered in order to encourage him. If not, a reduced rate of wage is offered. What is more, sometimes, a yellow card which stands for warning and a punishment of dismissal are employed to motivate workers. At length, an immediate remuneration should be paid. Rewards have to be provided closely after the finish of established work quota. It will dramatically motivate the workers in production and overcame the workers social loafing phenomenon. Another significant aspect of scientific management is organization management. On one hand, the planning functions and executive functions should be separated. Taylor considers that the labor productivity is not only influenced by labor attitude, labor quota, operational measures, and salary systems but also affected by the organization and conduction of administrative staffs. Therefore, Taylor advocates clearly separate planning apart from executives. (Taylor, 1911) A specially department of planning should be established. The chief task of it is to conduct researches in order to obtain evidences of setting the reasonable work quota and operation measures. On the other hand, functional foremanship is essential. System of functional foreman forms according to specific operation processes and a further divided labor. Taylor advocates set eight foremen (Salimath, 2011) instead of original one foreman. Each foreman is expected merely to bear one management function in order to better e ducate and supervise workers to accomplish their work, which is significant to achieve a high production rate. Human relations Management means the conversation management between the enterprise and the employees. This kind of conversation is always flexible, motivate, and not mandatory. The extent of satisfactory and the tendency of supporting the realization of other management objects enhance if human relations management is adapted. The chief duties for managers in human relations management are on one hand to coordinate the relationship between the staffs and the corporation and the relations among staffs; on the other hand to guide to establish a positive and active working environment. The objects of human relations management are chiefly three. First is to coordinate and improve the internal interpersonal relationship in a particular corporation. Whether the general object of the corporation is able to realize or not is highly due to the accordance of personal objects and corporation objects. When an interaction, interwork, mutual support relationship forms, a relative brilliant business psychology atmosphere is created, which definitely will enhance the working efficiency and become the powerful motive power of corporation development. Second, intrinsic value of staffs should be established. The corporation value is acknowledged and shared by the majority of staffs. It is the common belief and the standard to distinguish right from the wrong. The corporation value is gradually formed by a long term education and cultivation. Therefore, the human relationships management continuously cultivates all staffs to hold the common value and perceptions which will further influence the decisions of corporation operation, leadership style, and the entire manner of work for all staffs. Third is an increased powerful cohesion. Each staff will truly reckons himself belong to his company internally. Then staffs will unconsciously pay more attention on the honor, reputations, and interests of the corporation. All in all, the human relations managements concentrate on three aspects: the positive future which is generally identified by its staffs, the constraint system of perfect motivation, and soul contract. Compared with Taylors scientific management, human relations management is more hommization. Main Body Two: The real world examples that relate to scientific management and human relations management. There are two typical real examples in current business environment that Taylors scientific management applies. They are the United Parcel Service and the MacDonald. United Parcel Service hires more than 150 thousand of staffs. And there are about 9 million packages which are expected to transport to all states of the US and 180 (Soupata, 2009) other countries. Therefore, the administering authority of UPS has to systematically educate their staffs in order to achieve their business target of offering the fastest and most convenient delivers in the industry of mail transportation. Basing on the principle of scientific management, a systematic education for staffs will enhance the working efficiency as high as possible. The industrial engineers have carefully observed and analyzed the required time for each driving route. Besides, several standards are set on business activities such as transportation, pause, and delivering. In effect, these industrial engineers records the required time of nearly all possible activities that happens to a staff of UPS when he is in the work. Time for waiting the red light, time for transportation, time for ringing the buzzer, time for crossing the yard, time for going upstairs, time for breaks of drinking the coffee, and even time for the toilet are key data which are input into computers in order to calculate a specific time standard for each driver every day. Drivers have to strictly follow programs set by industrial engineers. If not, the daily task of delivering 130 pieces (Soupata, 2009) of packages will not be able to successfully accomplish. When these drivers drive close to dispatching stations, they loosen the safe belt, sound the horn, close the engine, pull up the emergency brake, and pour the transmission to first gear. These series of actions which are done for preparing leaving after delivering packages are closed related one another. Then the driver will slip to the ground from the driving cab with right arm tucking file folder, left hand grasping packages, and right hand holding the key to car. They take a look at the address written on the package and remember it in mind. A speed of 3 feet per second (Soupata, 2009)is necessary for a driver to fast go to the doors of houses where their clients live. The time of finding for the doorbell is even saved instead by a direct knock on the door. After the delivery, they have to finish the work of entering certain data and information of this deliver on the way back to their cars. Basing on a series of verbs that clearly show how exactly a driver of UPS performs in his work; the labor productivity is to the most degree enhanced. It is closely related to the chief issue of increasing labor productivity for scientific management. What is more, the research conducted by industrial engineers on time and the use of computer in management fully identify the UPS has successfully replace the traditional experiencing management to advanced scientific management. Another typical example of scientific management is McDonald which is the worlds biggest fast food company. It is highly due to the standardization principle of scientific management that McDonald is able to provide a high efficiency and convenient service which is generally view as one of the biggest competition advantages. Actually, McDonald Corporation has conducted a careful motion study to nearly all behaviors such as making hamburgers, frying potato chips, treating costumers, and cleaning tables advanced for the sake of determining the best way to conduct these behaviors. All standards are collected and edited in a handbook which is used to guide behaviors of managers and common staffs of each sub branch. The standards on supply of McDonald chiefly concentrate on four aspects. First, the process of making food is improved. Semi-finished products are heated or fried in high temperature, which reduces the production time of food. Second, the replenishment of drink is improved. Several kinds of beverage outlets are set in order to make sure certain quantity of drink flow to the bottle accurately without the nursing and waiting of working staffs. It definitely increases the speed of servicing for staffs. Third is to make overall managements. Business activities in the surrounding areas are referenced in order to accurately estimate peak crowd and prepare enough staffs advanced. Fourth is enhanced quality of food. Raw materials of McDonald are in the same and strict standard. All kinds of nutrition are scientifically matched. The standard of ordering chiefly concentrates on three aspects. Above of all, special staffs are expected to integrate the order, the collecting of cash and the supplement of food together. All middle steps of information transmitting are eliminated, which both saves the costs and enhances the service efficiency. (Bock, 2009) Besides, the menu is simple. Costumers time is to the biggest degree saved, which unconsciously increase the efficiency of making effective selections for consumers. In addition, several kinds of set meal are provided to enhance the efficiency and expand the sales. Apart from the establishment of all kinds of standards, McDonald always picks up the first class workers. When staffs enter McDonald, a systematically professional training is forced. They are taught to keep a good attitude of servicing. Smiles and a positive and active conversation to consumers are essential. Besides, all kinds of services such as holding a birthday party for children should be provided friendly. What is more essential is the immediate and accurate service, which causes a reduced time on waiting in the queue and getting food. The separation of planning from executives is also stressed by Taylor in his scientific management. On one hand, the planning of McDonald is conducted by corporation headquarters. Headquarters of McDonald is responsible for setting all detailed programs, rules, and regulations for all outlets spreading around the world. On the other hand, managers and common staffs of all sub branches of McDonald should follow the established standardization. It means no innovation is allowed in management and specific tasks. Professional education and training should also be strengthened in order to guarantee the accurate understanding and the thorough implement of rules and regulations. As to human relations management, Google Corporation is a brilliant example. As is known to all, Google is a great Internet company and more and more people are reliable to services provided by Google. Plenty of fresh ideas and services are put forward by Google continuously, which benefit costumer a lot and attract an enhanced quantity of talent people to work for Google. Besides wonderful services, the human relations management is also a significant factor that makes Google world famous. The work tasks in Google are tough and challenging and staffs of Google are almost so called talents. Therefore, they require a better working environment and Google cleverly satisfies them. In Google Corporation, there is no sign of traditional scientific management and even no sign of work. In effect, some people are in delightful and casual conversations, some people are drinking coffee, while some people are even playing table tennis. There seems no one actually on the work which is totally unacceptable according to scientific management. However, the free, innovational, and democratic working atmosphere also creates a high efficiency and a striking productivity. It is so called human relations management. Staffs of Google satisfy with the relaxed external atmosphere. The fully respect of their labor dramatically and effectively motivate them to do their best to accomplish their working objectives. Main Body Three: The analysis of these two theories in current business environment. In my analysis, the Taylors scientific management causes some consideration of optimization of labor for the society. This kind of consideration always continues since then. In current business environment, the human relations management which concentrates more on staffs is more proper. The satisfactory of employees are foundations and preconditions of the satisfactory of customers. The human relations management in human management sets a respect of personal independence and personal dignity (Ratha, 2011) as the precondition of management. The cohesion for staffs to their company is enhanced due to the decentralization of management. The potential capacity, activity, and spirit of innovation are inspired internally deeply in each employee. This truly comfortable mood will unconsciously and continuously encourage staffs to initiate new and excellent performances. Companies that adapts the human relations management in human management are more likely to achieve compared advantages in the aspect of human resource management, which will to a large degree make them achieve a great power in the current bitter market competition. Compared with traditional so called scientific management, human relations management requires more high quality and quick witted staffs. Human relations management focuses on a kind of intelligence operation model rather than an assembly line mode which praised highly by Taylor. Both managers and common staffs are required to get a well knowledge on modern science and master various kinds of techniques in order to be capable to handle with tough problems dependently in the business environment of information. That is to say, staffs under human relations management should have knowledge, master information, adapt to external environment, and be awarded certain power. Both scientific management and human relations management stress on the significant of education and knowledge. However, human relations management concentrates more on an active learning rather than passive learning forced by managers according to scientific management.( Rose,2005) New skills are expected to be effectiv ely learned by staffs actively in order to successfully accomplish certain tough tasks. What is more, intersect education will make staffs under human relations management possess a broad technical ability which is of great use on taking advantages of open information environment. In effect, the core and most precious treasures are skillful staffs themselves for companies which employ human relations management. In addition, human relations management also emphasize on effective motivations. However, compared to scientific management, this kind of motivation is more uneconomic. That is to say, compared with simple money motivation, staffs in human relations management pay more attention on equal treat, mutual respect, awarded power of employing their own wisdom on work, and the self-fulfilling sense of accomplishment. These will bring more satisfaction than merely money brings them. Human relations management indeed has lots of advantages. However, it is not right to one-sided say he human relations management is more proper in current business environment compared to scientific management. In effect, in most companies belong to manufactory industry; the scientific management is widely employed especially in developing or less developed countries where the mechanization is not quite advanced.(Myers, 2011) To some degree, in the perspective of scientific management, staffs are more considered as machines which have a reduced decision-making power. And in the perspective of human relations management, staffs are considered as people who are fully respected. What is more, theoretically, a reduced profit is created by mere human labor compared with innovation and technology advance. Therefore, scientific management will be replaced by human relations management gradually. Conclusion: This essay has carefully introduced the two typical theories which are currently widely employed in todays business environment. They are respectively the scientific management and human relations management. Real examples of UPS and McDonald are employed in order to clearly demonstrate the machinery behaviors for staffs working under this kind of scientific management. No self discovery is available in those companies and each one is able to be replaced. All these are quite easily to arouse negative motions of staffs even though they are forced to hang a smile on their face when services are provided. However, the Google who adapts the human relations management represents the model of future enterprises. Human relations management makes it easy to display the strengths without constraints, which is one of the significant reasons that lead Google gain a wide reputation. As the technology the economic develops, the human relations management will be adapted by more companies and the implement of Taylors management will be reduced.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Industrial Heartland :: essays research papers
The Industrial Heartland There are basically seven factors that must be met before an industry can start to take place in a particular area. Those seven factors are: raw materials, transportation, energy, markets, labour, capital, and government. The Industrial Heartland is almost like one big industry, connected in a vast megalopolis. I'll be taking a closer look at these factors and the way this area meets the locational factors. Â Â Â Â Â The Industrial Heartland is an area that includes: Quebec, Ontario, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Connecticut, Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, Washington DC, West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, Delaware, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Â Â Â Â Â Raw Materials(ex. iron ore, coal, limestone etc.) is an unprocessed material used as the base for primary industry. The Industrial Heartland has many different mining sites throughout it. (ex-the nickel mine in Ontario, mines in Pittsburgh, Gary, Baltimore, Hamilton, Sault Ste. Marie....etc.) Â Â Â Â Â Transportation is extremely important in this area. Most mines and mills are located by waterways to make transportation readily available for it's transport's. Coal, limestone, and many other kinds of mines use the Great Lakes to transport, which happens to be in the middle of the Industrial Heartland. They usually have tons of material to move so water transportation can carry lots of material, it's cheap, but it's also slow. Another important route in this region is the St. Lawrence Seaway, which was an significant factor in the decision of industries to locate in this region. Other main waterways in this region are: Ohio River, Mississippi River, New York State Barge Canal System, New York Harbour, Philadelphia Harbour, and Baltimore Harbour. Â Â Â Â Â There is also Railway to consider for transportation. They can almost go anywhere in this region, but they are more expensive than Waterway transport, and not as adaptable as trucks. Â Â Â Â Â Truck hauling is considered the best for most of the transport. Though the cost of fuel has increased over the years, trucks are still the main carrier of cargo. Â Â Â Â Â Energy, is one of the most, if not the most important factor for industries. Every industry needs power, energy. Some sources of energy are: Hydroelectricity, Thermal electric, natural gas, and coal. Â Â Â Â Â Hydroelectricity is a good choice for energy for home requirements, but for industry, they need tremendous amounts of energy. To meet the requirements of an industries power, the industry would have to locate near the hydroelectric plant, and there is just simply not enough hydroelectric sites. Â Â Â Â Â Thermal electricity is a commonly used power source for industry. It's convenient for the industry. Â Â Â Â Â Markets refer to trade, selling of goods to consumers. The Industrial Heartland offers many places for markets, as it has a large population,
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Evolution Of Technology Essay -- essays research papers
Primitive men cleaved their universe into friends and enemies and responded with quick, deep emotion to even the mildest threats emanating from outside the arbitrary boundary. With the rise of chiefdoms and states, this tendency became institutionalized, war was adopted as an instrument of policy of some of the new societies, and those that employed it best became - tragically - the most successful. The evolution of warfare was an autocatalytic reaction that could not be halted by any people, because to attempt to reverse the process unilaterally was to fall victim. -E.O. Wilson, On Human Nature As every day passes we are become more and more a globalized society. With this ongoing cycle we come across a vast multitude of impasses. One of the main ideas leading toward this "global paradox" is the concept of global mindset. In this paper we will discuss all of the aspects of the global mindset: what it is, how it helps people live productively and successfully in the globalizing society, and how to develop an effective global mindset. Having a global mindset is a crucial competence of most businesses futures. What crucial competence means is the most sought after characteristic. Any level of manger that does not act with a global strategy will be left in the dust in today's globalizing markets. So what is a global mindset? Before we discuss what a global mindset is we must look at the reasons why we need a global mindset, so we can get a clearer picture of what we actually need. The world is becoming more interconnected and there have been recent changes in the world political systems. Incidents such as the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union; as well as revolutionary advances in communication technology. The implications for higher education in this changing world scene are significant as the new global workplace, driven by the up and coming information technology (IT) area, has made communication in daily life increasingly multinational and multicultural (Kim 617). Informal education is also a way to start. By this we mean that you don't have to go to formal classes to learn. Just by paying attention to people from other cultures in every day life we can enlarge our global mindset. In a class offered at the University of Rhode Island, BUS/COM 354, International Business Communication Exchange, students work in teams a... ... nations (Craige 5). To simplify this books main idea is to say that there is an underlying battle going on between not necessarily the nations to be the best, but inside the individuals, most of whom have tribalistic instincts. It is hard to do things and participate in things that you don't feel accustomed to which drives us into the conclusion of this paper. Those who want to succeed in today's global society, yes, have to have a global mindset, but it is much bigger than that. One must excel in what he or she does and give one hundred and ten percent effort all of the time. Of course, some people get lucky and get jobs handed to them, but for the vast majority of us it is a race. One race to the end of the path that we decide to take. Not everyone wins that race, and maybe that is not important. In today's globalizing society it is hard to feel like you are even part of the race. You may feel like you are doing well and then someone runs right past you and you don't even know what happened. We can't control the rate at which the global society is growing at and we wish we could say that everything and everyone will turn out a winner or at least happy. Yet this is untrue. Evolution Of Technology Essay -- essays research papers Primitive men cleaved their universe into friends and enemies and responded with quick, deep emotion to even the mildest threats emanating from outside the arbitrary boundary. With the rise of chiefdoms and states, this tendency became institutionalized, war was adopted as an instrument of policy of some of the new societies, and those that employed it best became - tragically - the most successful. The evolution of warfare was an autocatalytic reaction that could not be halted by any people, because to attempt to reverse the process unilaterally was to fall victim. -E.O. Wilson, On Human Nature As every day passes we are become more and more a globalized society. With this ongoing cycle we come across a vast multitude of impasses. One of the main ideas leading toward this "global paradox" is the concept of global mindset. In this paper we will discuss all of the aspects of the global mindset: what it is, how it helps people live productively and successfully in the globalizing society, and how to develop an effective global mindset. Having a global mindset is a crucial competence of most businesses futures. What crucial competence means is the most sought after characteristic. Any level of manger that does not act with a global strategy will be left in the dust in today's globalizing markets. So what is a global mindset? Before we discuss what a global mindset is we must look at the reasons why we need a global mindset, so we can get a clearer picture of what we actually need. The world is becoming more interconnected and there have been recent changes in the world political systems. Incidents such as the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union; as well as revolutionary advances in communication technology. The implications for higher education in this changing world scene are significant as the new global workplace, driven by the up and coming information technology (IT) area, has made communication in daily life increasingly multinational and multicultural (Kim 617). Informal education is also a way to start. By this we mean that you don't have to go to formal classes to learn. Just by paying attention to people from other cultures in every day life we can enlarge our global mindset. In a class offered at the University of Rhode Island, BUS/COM 354, International Business Communication Exchange, students work in teams a... ... nations (Craige 5). To simplify this books main idea is to say that there is an underlying battle going on between not necessarily the nations to be the best, but inside the individuals, most of whom have tribalistic instincts. It is hard to do things and participate in things that you don't feel accustomed to which drives us into the conclusion of this paper. Those who want to succeed in today's global society, yes, have to have a global mindset, but it is much bigger than that. One must excel in what he or she does and give one hundred and ten percent effort all of the time. Of course, some people get lucky and get jobs handed to them, but for the vast majority of us it is a race. One race to the end of the path that we decide to take. Not everyone wins that race, and maybe that is not important. In today's globalizing society it is hard to feel like you are even part of the race. You may feel like you are doing well and then someone runs right past you and you don't even know what happened. We can't control the rate at which the global society is growing at and we wish we could say that everything and everyone will turn out a winner or at least happy. Yet this is untrue.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Strengths of Black Families Essay -- essays research papers
Strengths of Black Families      The African-American family is defined as networks of households related by blood, marriage, or function that provide basic instrumental and expressive functions of the family to the members of those networks (Hill, 1999). It is one of the strongest institutions throughout history, and still today. Family strengths are considered to be cultural assets that are transmitted through socialization from generation to generation and not merely adaptations or coping responses to contemporary racial or economic oppression (McDaniel 1994; Hill 1999). This definition is contrary to the belief that the Black family is an adaptation to harsh conditions, instead of an ongoing establishment. Hill (1999) discusses some of the qualities as effective for the survival of black families: strong achievement and work orientation, flexible family roles and strong kinship bonds, and strong religious orientation. These strengths, along with others can be emphasized in schools and used to motivate African-American students to succeed.      Contrary to what many people may believe, African-Americans have a strong motivation towards achieving. From the parents to the children, there is a strong orientation for wanting to learn and get ahead. Research has shown that black children have educational and occupational aspirations that are often equal to, and sometimes higher, than white children (Stevenson et al. 1990; Winfield 1991b; Hill 1999). African-American paren...
Monday, September 16, 2019
On Bending the Rules
Sir, you always remind us of the strict implementation of the rules and regulations, the young lady protested. â€Å"l didn't let them in because they didn't show me the document stipulated in the guidelines. †moves, but in every rule, there is always an exception,†my friend told his staff. â€Å"Just let them in. I know them, anyway. †When my friend left, the young lady gave us a long inquisitive look before she led us to the room. I explained to her that we ran out of time in furnishing the said document so we ended up asking help from her immediate head, who happened to e my friend.She told us about the institution's firm adherence to its policies. â€Å"You are very lucky you know our head,†she remarked. I looked at her and told her that this scenario could happen anytime anywhere. â€Å"This kind of situation is rather inevitable. No matter how ideal we think we are, sometimes, we end up bending the rules,†I said beaming. â€Å"I don't thi nk so. You know, if I were the head, I would be very stern in carrying out the policies,†she said in an undaunted tone. I smiled at her. I was Impressed with her boldness. Yes, she can be a quintessence of an effective leader.Or do I hope she'll live by her principle and gradually Inspire other people to follow In her footsteps. Indeed, idealism is usually resembled by the so-called fervent and vibrant young people. However, when they are exposed to the â€Å"real world†where rules and regulations are succinctly stated and believed to be sternly Implemented, but easily twisted in Just a snap, they end up disappointed, crooked, or challenged. If they were challenged, would they be firm enough to execute what are really stipulated In the guidelines?Wouldn't they really be Influenced by the professed â€Å"In authorities†? If they were disappointed, would they give up, learn the tactics of stooping the policies, and eventually enjoy the benefits of such abhorred a ct? Perhaps, so goes the line, â€Å"as pliant as the bamboo. †Bending the rules, no matter how simple or complicated they are, Is Just one of our collects tons of Ills that should be given drastic consideration. The subtle ways by which we bend simple rules Impede us from attaining progress, so to speak. Who does not crouch any of the rules, navy? We all do.So let us start straightening our stooped mentality and eventually making our society free from filthiness and pungency. More often than not, we say It's easier said than done. We can If we are willing to, nonetheless. By memo miss, but in every rule, there is always an exception,†my friend told his staff. â€Å"Just be my friend. She told us about the institution's firm adherence to its policies. Muff â€Å"l don't think so. You know, if I were the head, I would be very stern in carrying out I smiled at her. I was impressed with her boldness. Yes, she can be a quintessence of an effective leader.Or do I hope sh e'll live by her principle and gradually inspire there people to follow in her footsteps. Regulations are succinctly stated and believed to be sternly implemented, but easily stipulated in the guidelines? Wouldn't they really be influenced by the professed â€Å"in complicated they are, is Just one of our society tons of ills that should be given drastic consideration. The subtle ways by which we bend simple rules impede us from attaining progress, so to speak. Who does not crouch any of the rules, anyway;ay? More often than not, we say it's easier said than done. We can if we are willing to,
Promote communication in health and social care Essay
Communication is one of the most essential tools we have to help us interact with other people around us. We use it constantly in our everyday lives whether it be at work, with friends or at home with our families. The way we communicate reflects our personality and the way we come across to other people and build trust and relationships. Reasons why people communicate. †¢ Building relationships with the people around us †¢ Maintaining relationships †¢ Sharing ideas and thoughts †¢ Expressing feelings and needs †¢ Gaining reassurance and acknowledgement †¢ Gaining information and sharing information When we have a new child starting we have an â€Å"all about me†form that we ask the parent to complete. We do this to get to know the child and his/her likes and dislikes so that they can feel comfortable and to start building a relationship with that child and parent. We sit down with the parent to have a talk about this and also ask them if they would like a drink so that they feel welcome and at ease. As well as building relationships with the children and parents it is important to build relationships with the people we work with. Asking them questions about themselves and telling them about yourself. When a parent brings a child in in the morning we greet them and the child saying good morning and smiling. Likewise when the child is collected saying goodbye and taking time talking to the parent about the child’s day. This helps maintain the relationship with the parent and child. Letting them know that we have time to speak to them and to listen. Likewise talking to the other staff members about their interests or if they had a nice weekend. Greeting them when coming in also helps to maintain a good working relationship with them. It is important for adults as well as children that they feel listened to and feel like their ideas and thoughts are important. Listening to a child will not only help build a relationship with that child but also make the child feel valued and build their self esteem. Also listening to what they have to say and respecting their feelings is an important way to meet the child’s needs. When we meet new people one of the first things we do is to share and gain information with that person. This will help to establish a relationship with that person. This is also a vital part of working well with other people. When starting at the setting I first of all did this with the other staff by telling them about me and learning about them and also learning about the setting and how they do things there. With the children I asked them questions like their names and about the important people in their lives. This has helped me build relationships not just with the children at the setting bu t also the people that I work with. Especially with the children that I work with I am finding it very important in building a relationship with them to reassure them and acknowledge their achievements. Praising them and showing them with my body language that they are important. They respond well to doing â€Å"high 5’s†and keeping eye contact while they are talking to me. Likewise using some of the same tools with parents and colleagues help to acknowledge and reassure them that I am interested in what they have to say. It is very important to be able to communicate well with the people you work with. Not just to be happy yourself and to feel valued but also to provide the best care for the children in your setting. It is also important to be able to communicate well with the parents so that they feel that their needs are being met. They need to be able to leave the children in your care knowing that they will be safe and happy. When communicating with people we don’t just use our voices but also non-verbal communication like eye contact, touch and body language. The non-verbal communication can be more powerful than the verbal. At the setting where I work we have a little boy who isn’t using many words yet to communicate. He will come and take your hand and show you what it is he wants. Using the information we have in the â€Å"all about me†form we know that he likes animals and to watch The Jungle Book on DVD. So we get the animals out and talk to him about them, asking him what noises those animals make and what they like to eat. Non-verbal communication is also very powerful when speaking to adults. Looking a the person you are speaking to can give you an idea of how they are feeling and also how they are reacting to what you are saying. The way you say some thing might be understood one way face to face with a person but will be understood differently over the telephone. Likewise listening skills are a very good tool to communicate well with the people around you. If you don’t take time to listen to the children you will not be able to build a relationship with them. Also being able to learn from the other staff at your setting is important and would be impossible without good listening skills. If the communication isn’t clear it can lead to misunderstanding. This can happen easily especially with children at a young age. It can also be a factor that a child, parent or colleague come from a different culture. As I am from Denmark but have lived in the UK for more than 13 years now I have felt this first hand. When I first moved here I worked with a man who used to speak to me as if I didn’t understand. That made me feel like I was inadequate whereas he probably thought he was helping me. On the other hand I have had people using long and difficult words that I didn’t understand and therefore making me feel less able to communicate with them. Feeling comfortable enough to ask questions and to say to the people you work with that you didn’t understand is very important so that misunderstandings don’t happen. Using different skills of communication would also be very helpful to make sure that the person you are talking to will be able to unde rstand you. You might have to simplify your language or use visual aids like pictures or in some cases have to use outside help like a translator or a speech therapist. To me good communication is all about building relationships with the people around you. This is even more important in the area of work that we do with children. Not only building the relationship with the parents, children and colleagues but to teach the children from a young age to also communicate well and to help them to learn to build their own relationships with us, the children around them and everywhere else that they meet other people. Book used for information: Level 3 Diploma Children & Young people’s Workforce Early Learning and Childcare by Penny Tassoni, Kate Beith, Kath Bulman and Sue Griffin
Sunday, September 15, 2019
An introduction to working with children Essay
Nurseries provide care and education for children under the age of five in my area by offering free learning and play sessions which take place in the mornings and afternoons. Instead of a nursery just being a place where your child plays, a nursery provides education by qualified staff and professionals who encourage a child to learn as well a play while still providing care. Holiday play schemes is a place where children over the age of five go and can participate in various different types of activities which are both educational and play sessions, the activities range from reading books and watching educational programmes/videos/DVD’s to children playing on game consoles. ‘The room is divided into areas of various types of play experiences. These areas include, large and small construction sets, imaginative play – dressing ups, home corner, mark making, Hama beads, dance mats, games machines, pool table, small world, football table. We also have two adjoining areas where children can access messy/art and craft activities and relax in the quiet area, reading books or watching various videos/DVD’s.’ 11.11.11 A Child-minder is a person who looks after a parents children in their own home, child-minders usually look after children under the age of five, they provide care and education by helping the child with school work such as homework, participating in educational games or activities with them or generally playing games with them, baking or watching programmes with them. Nurseries aim to support children and their families by building a strong partnership with parents/careers because the setting and the child’s guardian want what is best, and for the child to achieve. If a nursery did not have a good relationship with parents/careers then there isn’t any trust or respect so if an issue is raised for example the child is underachieving and the nursery thought it is best for that child to receive additional support, a parent/career could take offence to it and then the situation could escalate. But if the nursery had a good positive relationship with parents and careers then a discussion could take place about the child receiving additional support, because it is important that you include the parent or career in discussions about their child otherwise they could feel that they are not valued or respected, and it is also their right to make decisions about their child, so if a nursery overlooked a parent or career regarding a situation wi th their child the parent or career could feel disrespected. ‘It recognises that parents and carers need to be fully involved in discussions about their child’s additional support needs. Where necessary, they should be given support by their school or nursery to take part in meetings and be included fully in decisions that affect their child. Establishments and parents/carers may not always agree on what is in the best interest of the child, but by developing good relationships, and through good communication, it is expected that most problems and disagreements will be solved at school/nursery level.’ 18.11.11 Holiday play schemes offer children a wide range of different activities from rock climbing to extra-curricular lessons such as additional english, maths or science, but the way these extra-curricular lessons are integrated into the activities do not seem like they are lessons, but the children are subconsciously learning new things which would help them throughout school because they can relate back to these activities. This supports children because they are providing a safe and secure place where they can come and be happy, make new friends and learn new skills and play schemes provide for all children so every child is included, they are also supporting the child by teaching them new things or helping them with specific work by integrating it into an activity. Holiday play schemes support families by ensuring their child is in a safe, stimulating learning environment while they are unable to look after the child because they are at work etc. Play workers also can pick the child up from their school so the parent/career will not have to worry about transport for the child. ‘Holiday play schemes are run by play workers. Play workers are responsible for planning activities to help children learn, play and relax with their friends. Play workers will often pick up children from local schools.’ -play-schemes.asp 12.12.11 Child-minders aim to support children and their families by providing a safe and stimulating for the child/children they are caring for, child-minders mainly care for a child in a domestic environment such as the child’s home. Child-minders become a valued member of a family because they pay such a big role in the child’s life. A child-minder usually takes the child on day trips to museums or animal parks such as zoo’s, they are usually educational day trips where the child can learn something. Arranging stimulating and therapeutic learning activities such as finger painting, cooking, reading, dress-up games or even celebrating cultural events which could include making Christmas or Eid cards or creating their own Easter egg. All these activities support children because they are learning new skills which they will need in life, they all acquire the child to use their fine and gross motor skills which will help them develop, and also their language and intellectual development. ‘They do this in a domestic setting (normally their own home) for payment†¦to ensure they provide a safe and stimulating environment for the children that they care for. Registered child-minders are usually self-employed and run their own business. Although every day will be different, a child-minder’s typical day may include: †¢visiting a park, museum, library or playgroup †¢arranging fun and stimulating learning activities, such as dressing-up, creative play, reading, and celebrating cultural events from around the world †¢providing meals and snacks for the children, involving them in food preparation and menu choices †¢taking children to and from school or clubs †¢working with other local child-minders to organise group activities.’ 12.12.11 The Human Rights Act 2000 This act ensures all children have a right to the protection of private and family life, this means in practice all children’s personal life is always kept private, this includes any information that is disclosed from parents or carers about a child, also anything that is revealed during placement. The right to education, this means that every single child has the right to have an education no matter of their race, gender, culture or background whether it is at a statutory or private sector. To discriminate against children because of their race, sex, culture, background etc is unlawful . ‘The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in this convention shall be secured without discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status.’ 16.12.11 These are some of the ri ghts that The Human Rights Act 2000 allows children to have, this legislation overall supports the rights of children because it ensures children have the right to equality, dignity and to be respected. The Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 This act supports the rights of children because it states that it is unlawful for educational providers such as teachers to discriminate against pupils with a special educational disability or need. It influences working practices in the setting because if a teacher discriminated a child which was physically disabled and in a wheel chair by not making sure they had access to everything they needed, additional care, help or support then they could be prosecuted because it is against the law. The Equality Act 2010 This act supports the rights of children because it states the legal responsibilities of public sectors such as schools to provide equal opportunities for everyone. This act influences working practices in the setting by trying to ensure that everyone is treated equally no matter what ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion etc. A staff member could not treat a child differently to the other children because of their religion, for example; during a seasonal period such as Christmas and the children are creating Christmas cards and one of the children is Muslim and their parents have asked the staff for their child not to take part in activities like that, the staff could not just isolate the child and give them nothing to do, the staff should either set a different piece of work of that child to do which does not involve Christmas activities or send them to a different class where they are doing a different activity so that child does not feel left out or isolated.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Life and work Essay
Brahmagupta is believed to have been born in 598 AD in Bhinmal city in the state of Rajasthan of Northwest India. In ancient times Bhillamala was the seat of power of the Gurjars. His father was Jisnugupta.[2] He likely lived most of his life in Bhillamala (modern Bhinmal in Rajasthan) during the reign (and possibly under the patronage) of King Vyaghramukha.[3] As a result, Brahmagupta is often referred to as Bhillamalacharya, that is, the teacher from Bhillamala. He was the head of the astronomical observatory at Ujjain, and during his tenure there wrote four texts on mathematics and astronomy: the Cadamekela in 624, the Brahmasphutasiddhanta in 628, the Khandakhadyaka in 665, and the Durkeamynarda in 672. The Brahmasphutasiddhanta (Corrected Treatise of Brahma) is arguably his most famous work. The historian al-Biruni (c. 1050) in his book Tariq al-Hind states that the Abbasid caliph al-Ma’mun had an embassy in India and from India a book was brought to Baghdad which was tra nslated into Arabic as Sindhind. It is generally presumed that Sindhind is none other than Brahmagupta’s Brahmasphuta-siddhanta.[4] Although Brahmagupta was familiar with the works of astronomers following the tradition of Aryabhatiya, it is not known if he was familiar with the work of Bhaskara I, a contemporary.[3]Brahmagupta had a plethora of criticism directed towards the work of rival astronomers, and in his Brahmasphutasiddhanta is found one of the earliest attested schisms among Indian mathematicians. The division was primarily about the application of mathematics to the physical world, rather than about the mathematics itself. In Brahmagupta’s case, the disagreements stemmed largely from the choice of astronomical parameters and theories.[3] Critiques of rival theories appear throughout the first ten astronomical chapters and the eleventh chapter is entirely devoted to criticism of these theories, although no criticisms appear in the twelfth and eighteenth chap ters.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Equal opportunity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Equal opportunity - Essay Example Parents who adopt such professions that allow them to spend more time with their children are better able to take care of their children’s education as compared to the parents that leave it up to the tutors to guide the children through everything. Parental involvement in school enhances a child’s self esteem and he/she is able to achieve more (Klepfer, n.d.). Not just that, educated parents can also improve the mannerism of their children because â€Å"the children will mimic the parents’ attitude and behavior despite whatever they learn in school†(DHRRA, 2009). Likewise, people who earn more are able to educate their children in better schools. Good education is often quite expensive. Schools that charge the parents lesser for the child’s education compromise upon the quality of education. Hence, highly earning parents can provide their children with education in better schools. Owing to the difference of socioeconomic status of parents, all chil dren do not have equal opportunities of achievement in the school. References: DHRRA. (2009). Parents’ Role in Children’s Education. Retrieved from Klepfer, J. (n.d.).
Thursday, September 12, 2019
INTRODUCTION TO LAW FOR ACCOUNTANTS Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
INTRODUCTION TO LAW FOR ACCOUNTANTS - Case Study Example In reference to the case given, the concerned law is the ‘law of tort’. Tort can be defined as a civil wrong for which the remedy is a common law action for liquidated damages, and is not exclusively the breach of a contract. The case before me falls under the law of tort. Therefore, negligence means the breach of duty caused by the omission to do something, which a reasonable person would do or doing a thing which a reasonable person would not do. In order for a victim to succeed in a case of negligence, he/she has to prove three things. One of the key aspects to prove is that, there was an unlawful act or omission by the defendant, also known as tortfessor. Secondly, there must be a legal damage to the victim/the plaintiff, and finally, the wrong must be of such a nature as to give rise to a legal remedy in the form of an action for damages (Bromwich and Hopwood, 1992, p. 56). Failure by Rodney to slow down was a commission of an act that a prudent person ought to have avoided. As a result, Daisy suffered physical injuries; further, the migraine, which she had been suffering from started re-occurring more frequently, and more severely. Therefore, it is advisable for Daisy to institute a civil suit against Rodney for damages caused, as a result of his actions/inactions. Zahid, Rodney’s friend, who also suffered physical injuries as a result of the accident, is also entitled to legal remedy. This is because Rodney had a duty to drive slowly, but chose to over speed thus causing an accident. Awais, who was being rushed to hospital, could have been saved had he arrived in time; however, the accident caused by Rodney caused a heavy traffic that delayed Awais from making it to the hospital in time, and thus his legal right to access medical attention promptly was infringed. If Rodney could have exercised ordinary care and skill, the accident would not have occurred. In my opinion, therefore, Awais is entitled
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Human Rights in World Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Human Rights in World Politics - Essay Example The exclusion of social and political groups as targets of genocide in legal definition of genocide has been debated. Some historians and sociologists often refer to social and political groups when discussing about genocide. However, the generally accepted notion on genocide is the, it is the purposeful annihilation of a social identity (Genocide). The term genocide should be redefined to include smaller groups rather than national groups with larger population. Discrimination or intended killings of small groups according to their race, ethnic background or even religious beliefs, whether perpetuated by individual or insignificant groups should be included in the context of genocide. As history had shown, killings on catastrophic proportion usually started out in unchecked and insignificant killings on lesser degree that later eventually escalate to a full-pledge genocide. In order for genocide to develop, the following circumstances must be present: classification, symbolization, dehumanization, organization, polarization, preparation, extermination, and denial. Classification happens when cultures distinguish people into 'us' and 'others' basing on merely on race, religion, nationality, or ethnic background with further naming to such classifications, thus symbolization arises.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Read the sources and summarize them Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Read the sources and summarize them - Essay Example The Haymarket riot or Haymarket massacre was a struggle for workers’ rights and has become a symbol of the rights of workers internationally. The incident highlighted the increasing confrontations that were taking place between the workers and the industrialists. The workers having formed unions were agitating for greater power and economic security as well as better working conditions in the workplaces. Since 1889 it has been associated with international Labor Day celebrated on May 1 every year. The riot took place on May 4, a day after police intervention between strikers who wanted to return to work and those who tried to prevent them, during a strike at McCormick Harvesting Machine Company in Chicago. The strike was part of a workers campaign for 8 hour working days. The labor leaders called a meeting at Haymarket square to protest the police action and the governor was present as an observer. After most of the demonstrators had dispersed peacefully, a bomb was thrown by an unidentified person and the violence that followed a peaceful meeting, led to several deaths. The riot created an atmosphere of distrust and frenzy against immigrant workers and labor leaders. Amidst allegations and counter allegations eight people were convicted of murder, although nothing was ever proved against any of them. Of the eight known as the Chicago Eight, four were hanged on November 11 1887 while one committed suicide. When the remaining three sent a mercy petition to the then governor of Illinois, a few years later, it was found that the judge and jury had been biased and evidence fabricated against the defendants. They were therefore pardoned to the dismay of industrialists and the press. The pardon was a shot in the arm for those in favor of labor reform. Mary Harris Jones who worked as an organizer for the Knights of Labor passionately declared â€Å"I long to see the day when Labor will have the destiny of the nation in
Monday, September 9, 2019
The art of the impressionists Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The art of the impressionists - Essay Example The light and color effects can also be noticed in Camille Pissarro's works wherein the lights and colors vary depending on the specific time of the day. In "The Stage Coach at Louveciennes," the artist painted the scene in dark lighting conditions possessing complementary colors of reds and greens generously used by the artist while in "Le verger (The Orchard)," the noticeable brightness of the day light and the complementing colors of violet with shades of yellow and the blue sky in contrast to the hint of orange shade of the soil. In the "Village Path," the red lighting of the painting can be clearly seen which in turn complements the dominantly green color of the scenery. In addition to the attribute of light and color effects of the impressionist style, impressionistic paintings are also characterized by concentration on the general impression produced by a scene or object and the use of unmixed primary colors, as explained with the examples previously mentioned, and small strokes to simulate actual reflected light (Pioch).
Sunday, September 8, 2019
China sweat factories pollution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
China sweat factories pollution - Essay Example The thesis statement of this paper is: Sweatshops in China are unethical because they are causing severe pollution and are destroying the environments surrounding the country. A sweatshop is basically a factory in the clothing industry, in which working conditions are poor and which violates the labor laws as defined by the legislature of the country. Poor working conditions may include unfair wages, child labor, lack of incentives given to the workers, perverse working hours, issues such as sexual or gender harassment, or any other kind of high degree exploitation of workers. Sweatshops even do not provide living wage to the workers, which is required to cover the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter. Workers work more than 60 hours per week. The workplace environment of sweatshops is a great stressor for workers. Harassment, intimidation, verbal abuse, and forceful work are important aspects of sweatshops. For example, workers are made to work with dangerous chemicals bare-handed. Developing or under-developed countries have the highest rate of child labor coming out of sweatshops that tend to produce a variety of products, such as clothing, shoes, toys, car gadgets, rugs, carpets, and eatables like chocolate and coffee. Sweatshops in China tend to pollute the air. There are a myriad of reasons behind this. Sweatshops discharge waste materials and toxic chemicals into the air and water. For instance, tons of dyes are discharged into water that causes various diseases. There are a number of sweatshops in China that are responsible for adverse environmental practices that are dangerous to health of workers working in the supplier plants. For example, Foxconn and Lian Jian Technology are some of the Chinese suppliers that work for Apple. These factories regularly violate China’s Law on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases, according to which factories found indulged in
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Ethical Matters Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Ethical Matters - Research Paper Example Universal ethical principles are necessary to have considering the fact that, every profession in the world have shown that without ethical principles delivering the calling of that profession is not a guarantee. Consider a profession that deals directly with the life of a person. Without ethical principles, anyone in the profession can violate the rights of the citizens. Coming to the world of business, ethics govern back and forth the events pertaining to good business. Universal ethical principles in many occasions are a recipe for good leadership and governance. The legislations of laws governing the human nature in a given country have the spirit of universal ethics manifested in it. Universal ethics serve to bring unity and uniformity among professionals in their line of duty. It further ensures that there is a clear course to be pursued in addressing the needs of the clients. Consider the various professionals in the world, without universal ethics, the so far made technologic al advances, no one knows; maybe it would have brought disaster to the world. The 1st fundamental principle of ethics is that of respect for autonomy. Everyone has the obligation to respect the decision of others especially if it concerns their lives. This principle goes a long way in shaping a person’s character to the effect that others will appreciate the tolerance they have towards the lifestyle others. The other principle is that of beneficence; every individual has an obligation to bring about good things in whatever they engage in. the third principle is that of nonmaleficence. This principle requires of us not to harm others; and if we cannot avoid the harm, our effort should be to minimize the harm. The last fundamental principle is that of justice; this principle requires of us to accord others whatever is they are rightly owed. In public life for example, we have an obligation to treat all people equally, fairly, and impartially. Therefore, in the case where others are treated unfairly, our obligation therefore, will be to work for the benefit those who are unfairly treated (Adler, 1996) From the works of Plato and Aristotle, good life can be termed as being able to live up to the ethical and moral standards in the society. In order to live morally, one must uphold the spirit of morality, which does not depend on any benefits coming about by being moral. Consider a situation where one lies for self interest; on the contrary, it is expected that everyone can benefit if people accept self denial. People should be able to appreciate their long term interests; this is however not the case, most people subscribe to the austere view that justification of moral principles should be independent of our interests (Devettere, 2002). In doing our duties we should be foster a lifestyle in which virtue should be the only reward to enable us assume no other benefit in doing our duty. To achieve this, people should embrace contend in their lifestyle. More of ten than not, greed crops in when we are serving others and in the course of event we want to believe that whatever is ours by right is not enough so much, so that we sacrifice what belongs to others. By also embracing the call for duty to serve others, without wanting to mind of what benefits we can get out of it, we can no doubt lead a good life (Adler, 1996) . Ethics can be categorized as
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