Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Cyclermate Consultancy report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Cyclermate Consultancy report - Essay Example This report will attempt to build up whether it is feasible for Cyclermate Company to tidy up its obligations and achieve money related soundness sooner rather than later with the undeniably loss of gainfulness. Foundation data Cyclermate Company has been getting a charge out of uncommon development in the production of cycles for a long while. In any case, the most recent couple of years have seen the benefits of this organization sink strongly coming about because of declined deals. The organization was begun in 1988 by two companions, Lewis Llewellyn and Dai Armstrong who had been in this business of making cycles for more than 20 years.The two companions brought their abundance of experience together and they chose to begin a cycle fabricating business passing by the name Cyclermate. Inside only a range of somewhat over two years, the firm had extended to a degree that the two companions chose to gain premises from where they were leading their business. With expanded interest fo r their item, the staff likewise expanded extensively however they despite everything demanded keeping the staff at a skeletal least to reduce expenses. Everything was done physically or using old or viable hardware. Computerization was debilitated as they couldn’t legitimize purchasing the machines that should have been utilized in twisting of the bars to produce these cycles. The issue of value with these cycles emerged when a cycle had a mishap and accused the deficiency of a stopping mechanism. Deals have declined and with a couple of banks, Linda Llewellyn, who is Lewi’s spouse and she requests that a lot of the business be given to her and along term loaner, Geraint Williams, who depends on the installments from this advance to deal with his sickly wife. There is a lot of budgetary weight on the business and if measures are not assumed into position, money related strain could make the business close down (Campello, Graham, and Harvey, 2010; Bancel, and Mittoo,20 11). To this respect, the executive Dai Armstrong and Gwyneth Morgan the secretary were entrusted with the privilege of orchestrating a gathering with the bank to arrange the chance of an overdraft. The bank had just specified that this solicitation would be profoundly probably not going to be viewed as except if the organization gives evidence that there would be expanded exchanging to pivot the declining benefits. To have the option to know without a doubt whether the organization can be fit for pivoting and solidify itself on the budgetary front in the short run, a full outline and appraisal of the nation will be done in this report. A SWOT investigation will be led to distinguish the territories of qualities, shortcomings, open doors just as dangers that face this organization. The issue of value underway will likewise be lit up upon. Measures that the organization is embraced to guarantee it turns around these negative benefits will likewise be investigated among other importan t issues relating to this case. Suppositions made To have the option to give a thorough and granular examination of the organization in type of its money related position and different angles, for example, creation methods just as showcasing procedures and organization techniques, various suspicions should be made here. These presumptions are examined in the accompanying sections. The fundamental supposition that will be that both the organization the board and the bank recognize that the organization had been performing great previously yet the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Life Lessons in Maya Angelous Graduation Essay -- American Literature
Life Lessons in Maya Angelou's Graduation All through life we experience many venturing stones, Maya Angelou's personal article Graduation, was about something other than proceeding onward to another evaluation. The startling occasions that happened during the service empowered her to move on from the perspectives on a youngster to the more experienced and some of the time disenthralling perspectives on a grown-up. After perusing the story there is an underlying inclination of fervor and expectation which was immediately discolored with the sudden consciousness of human partialities. The creator clearly delineates a rainbow of noteworthy state of mind transforms she experiences all through the story. From the beginning of the story there is a staggering feeling of expectation that has wrapped the whole network and school with the up and coming graduation. The communitie's inclusion fortifies the creators energy in her soul changing experience. Everybody is getting ready for the service and trying to perceive how it will influence the lives of those included. Just a little rate would be proceeding to school (835) and others were simply energized for the magnificent discharge (834) from school. She had a feeling that she was large and in charge, all things considered, the graduating classes themselves were the respectability (834). It is evident how much pride she takes in her locale by the manner in which she depicts her class as a more distant family. (834). The creator's school was not the most noteworthy school contrasted with the white schools in the region yet that couldn't damper the soul that was filling the air. Guardians who were purchasing or making new outfits for their alumni made everybody including the creator the focal point of consideration. Her momma jump started out on [hers], (835) and she was swollen proudly that she would have been a mobile mod... ...fe she truly knew and felt where it counts deeply of her being what the words genuinely implied. The words had brought back her expectation and pride in herself and in her locale. What Leavy had said was a false notion and they could as they have in the past ascent over the world's extremism. Honesty came back to Angelou and the whole network; we were on top again.(841). During the exposition the creator lost her guiltlessness however graduated to a more profound thankfulness and clearness of what her identity is and who she could turn into. In her school with no obvious wall keeping the youngsters inside the schoolyard, there were the imperceptible wall of bigotry that attempted to constrain them from arriving at their maximum capacity. The creator finishes up, I know not what course others may take, however with respect to me, give me freedom or give me demise (841). Works Cited: Angelou, Maya. 'Graduation.' Cromley 29-39.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Job Seeker Success Survey Results Are Out!
Job Seeker Success Survey Results Are Out! This week the Career Thought Leaders Consortium published the results of a survey, conducted by Susan Whitcomb of and Caitlin Williams, PhD of, entitled Job Seeker Success Survey Results. Today’s blog will summarize some of the main points of the survey; next week I will publish a story from one of my clients who succeeded in his job search because he did just about everything in this report as he conducted his job search. Three of the main topics covered in the survey were job seekers’ empowering self-talk, empowering actions, and effective job search strategies. These are areas where more is definitely better! Below you will find what worked for job seekers; I invite you to take on these practices and thought patterns if you haven’t already. EMPOWERING / MOTIVATING SELF-TALK “I can do this!†“I am perfect for this job!†“My current situation does not define me!†One of the most important factors in a successful job search is optimistic self-talk. The job search can be a daunting process, and job seekers need their own support to get through it. Telling themselves they are worth it and deserving, that there are positive aspects to their situation even if it’s challenging, and that they are a great fit for the jobs they’re applying for makes a big difference in mental mindset and ultimately in the results they get! Of course job seekers did have some disempowering self-talk as well, including doubting their abilities and believing they would fail, either because of their own perceived problems or the state of the job market. It is natural to have some negative conversation in our heads, and it’s important to become aware of it, bring it out into the open, and take any action possible to manage it. If you find yourself mired in negative self-talk, consider hiring a coach to help you pivot toward the positive. EMPOWERING / MOTIVATING ACTIONS “Talking with my coach.†“After the interview, I kept looking for a job even though I felt like the interview went well.†“Practice my 1-2 minute success stories that match the company’s needs.†Even more important than what job seekers said to themselves was what they DID. Of course the two are intimately intertwined, as positive thoughts often breed positive action. Successful job seekers took on the job search with gusto. They prepared thoroughly for each interview. They hired coaches. They focused on finding the best fit for their skillsâ€"not just on getting any job. Many leveraged their professional and social networks. A good percentage considered staying healthy and fit to be an essential component of their success. The least empowering job search activities included procrastination, stopping the search altogether, withdrawing from connections, making errors such as showing up late for interviews, and generally focusing on the negative. Again, having a coach on your side to help you turn around any negative job search patterns can be extremely valuable. MOST EFFECTIVE JOB SEARCH ACTIVITY Network, Network, and Network!! A significant 67% of job seekers indicated that networking and communicating with key contacts was their most effective job search activity. Of those who reported their job search took as long or shorter than expected, close to 80% said networking was their most effective activity. Are you getting the point? 20% said working with a coach or improving their skills in other ways, including enhancing their resume and cover letter writing abilities, was key to their success. ENCOURAGING NEWS FOR OLDER JOB SEEKERS Of those in the 56-60 age range responding to the survey, 64% had recently landed a new opportunity! Furthermore, age did not appear to have any relationship to how long it took to find a job. I see this as very encouraging news for this demographic. For more tips for older job seekers, see 17 Tips for Older Job Seekers Follow in the Footsteps of Winners! READ IT AND SHARE! If you are feeling stuck or discouraged in your job search, please take a few minutes to read the entire report Job Seeker Success Survey Results. You will likely learn something about your own mindsetâ€"and maybe even get inspired by the people in the survey group. Do you have success stories to share? I’d love to hear them! And be sure to tune in next week for a story of success from one of The Essay Expert’s clients.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
How to Make India a Better Place - 1230 Words
As we step into the new decade, we asked a spectrum of entrepreneurs, bankers, VCs and marketing consultants on how they think India can improve its entrepreneurship quotient. Here is a blue print for developing the country’s entrepreneurial ecosystem and pave way for a brave new world Dream, adventure, determination. This sums up the secret trait of a successful entrepreneur. Is there a system which will help nurture this in our young? When we talk of building an entrepreneurial ecosystem, we do not think about this aspect. We talk of building better access to funds and mentors for instance or writing better policies for equal opportunity. But we do not build necessary social infrastructure for people to be adventurous, fail yet not go†¦show more content†¦He severely criticized the students for mistakes they made. The negative barrage went on till the end of the presentation. I could not bear to see the heart-broken presenters; they were a pathetic sight. The right way for the mentor to handle this could have been to listen to the presentation and point out â€Å"corrections†to the presentation where required and pat them on the back and say, â€Å"go figure out.†It was a grim reminder of how our society itself is organized: a parochial model. Here elders take a lion’s share in determining how the young live their lives. Even though we have moved away from joint-families to nuclear families, the parochial nature of our society still holds its sway. The young lose the ability to make decisions. They lose the heart to learn from their mistakes. Thus any hopes for entrepreneurship is nipped in its bud. If our mentorship programs fall into the traditional parochial approach then we are not headed the right way. We aren’t building a program if our mentors do not encourage people to experiment, help their mentees analyse their mistakes and improve the experiments. There is no science here. We are talking about creating an environment, an ecology for entrepreneurs to experiment without fear and grow unbounded. Playing in a team and winning is a culture In the movie, Extraordinary Measures, John Crowley embarks upon getting a researcher, Robert Stonehill, to cure his children suffering from Pompe, a rare disease. The twoShow MoreRelatedThe Supreme Leader Of Indian Independence1274 Words  | 6 PagesHow does the supreme leader of Indian independence view the new innovations coming into India? In 1909, Mohandas Gandhi shares his views of the societal ills in modern India during the time. He does this through the writing of Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule. Throughout the book, Gandhi proves the overall state of India has dissolved due to the roles of lawyers, actions of doctors, and effects of the railways. First, the overall condition of India has decomposed due to the roles of lawyers. 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Hitting India, Australia, and Canada, spreading their reach should be taken with a grain of salt. Some places would become thrive and become great nations in present day, while other collapsed after resources were exhausted and the British packed up. India’s class system was able to send individualsRead MoreBuddhism From India And China1689 Words  | 7 Pageshistory date back to the first century, but Buddhism’s popularity then was not as popular that it is today to the millions of devotee’s practicing. This research paper will argu e how Buddhism from India spread to China by using the Silk Road as a critical bridge and also for change and continuity for the religion that came from India and traveled to China. Buddhism is a religion that is based on teachings it does not have a single God or many gods that are typical found in most religions such as ChristianityRead MorePublic Vs. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Dna, The, And The Law Of The Independent Assortment
Deoxyribonucleic acid, also known as DNA, is what makes up every living thing, big or small. It can be thought of as a set of instructions, which tells cells what to do. DNA determines whether a person is female or male, their skin and eye color, as well as the color of their hair. The first person to begin discovering the complexities of DNA was Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk who lived in the 19th century. In 1865, Mendel was studying heredity in pea plants. For eight years, he grew over ten thousand pea plants, looking for patterns that would show him how certain traits were passed on from parent to child (DNA Learning Center, n.d.). After completing his research, Mendel postulated three laws to describe inheritance; they are: the Law of Dominance, the Law of Segregation, and the Law of Independent Assortment. These laws determine the likelihood of the child receiving a specific trait from the parents (Science Clarified, n.d.). Mendel’s discoveries where groundbreaking, especially since it was done prior to the discovery of genes and chromosomes. Since Mendel’s time, our understanding of DNA, genes, and chromosomes has grown immensely, and much of this understanding and discoveries were influenced by Mendel’s research on pea plants. In 1928, Frederick Griffith, a medical officer in the army, was trying to find a vaccine that would cure streptococcus pneumoniae; also known as strep throat (C. O’Connor, 2008). Griffith conducted experiments using different strains ofShow MoreRelatedHeredity And Its Impact On The Field Of Heredity976 Words  | 4 Pagesknown scientists in this field of heredity are Gregor Mendel, Erwin Chargaff, Rosalind Franklin and finally James Watson and Francis Crick. In 1856 to 1863, Gregor Mendel conducted a series of experiments that lead to his discovery of the fundamental laws of genetics. His research was published in 1866 but it wasn’t fully accepted until three scientists named Erich Tschermak, Hugo de Vries, and Carl Correns in the 1900’s (, 2015) rediscovered his findings and retested them. He was an AugustinianRead MoreThe Discoveries Of The Discovery Of Dna957 Words  | 4 PagesThe discovery of DNA is arguably one of the most important breakthroughs of genetics in the 19th and 20th centuries. Its discovery is littered with successes, failures, and even heartache. Numerous scientists are attributed to the discovery of DNA as a genetic material and even many more are also credited to the discovery of the molecule, structure, and function. Without the work of these remarkable scientists, the medical advancements over the last 50 years would not be possible. In 1865Read MoreUsing One Cell Necessary For Life And Discusses Its Properties Of Life1334 Words  | 6 Pagesmolecules, and compounds. Specifically, the assignment will describe the basic anatomy and physiology of the cell, how the cell respiration, photosynthesis, and reproduction occur in a concise manner. The paper will also discuss Mendel’s Laws as well as the DNA structure and function of the cell. Finally, the paper will conclude by discussing cancer and the mechanisms of gene control. The Epithelial Cell ​The epithelial cell is a simple cell that covers all other cells in the human body. It formsRead MoreThe Theory Of Heredity And The Inheritance Of Biological Features Essay1103 Words  | 5 Pageschromosomes as the carriers of genetic material, correctly explains the mechanism underlying the law of Mendelian inheritance. Mendelian inheritance is the inheritance of biological features that follows the laws proposed by Gregor Mendel. Mendel is a scientist famously known for his principles and theories of genetics. Two of his most famous notions were the law of segregation and law of independent assortment. The law of segregation states during the production of gametes, two copies of each hereditary factorRead MoreThe Origin Of Offspring Will Inherit Genes From Their Parents921 Words  | 4 Pagesparents. The study of the inheritance of DNA started with the work of Gregor Mendel; followed by many others such as, Sladden, Durken, and Natt. Before Mendel, Darwinism was a str ong-held belief by the majority of people. Darwin studied the finches on the Galapagos Islands. He noted that the species on the island had genetic differences, particularly in their beaks. He denoted this as natural selection. Although Darwin did not know anything about allele’s or DNA he could see that there were physicalRead MoreWhy Genetics Is Important And A Huge Part Of Our Lives?1495 Words  | 6 Pageswhich parent you might have received them from. Not only can you research this but also you can understand your own health. Genetics wouldn’t be what they are today if it wasn’t for some key tools you can say. Genetics deals with heredity, traits, DNA, genes, proteins, and chromosomes. Everyone is always asking themselves why brothers and sisters resemble each other. This is where heredity comes in the picture. Heredity is the passing of traits from parents to their children as I mentioned earlierRead MoreBiology: Genetics and Pod Color Essay examples2071 Words  | 9 Pagesbecause they have chemical bonds of RNA, which is the singular shorter form of DNA. There is evidence that viruses change with different hosts, but they are generally considered non-living. They are much smaller chemical chains (with some form of movement and reproduction) and do not come from cells through reproduction. They come from cells by hijacking normal cells and inserting their small chemical chains into the cells DNA or RNA. The cells and all its organic machines change to function like theRead MoreUnit 3 Gro wth Heredity Final Exam Review Study Guide1146 Words  | 5 Pages11. What is the structure of a DNA molecule? a. What forms the backbone of the DNA molecule? b. What kind of bonds occur between the 3 OH on the 3’ C of one nucleotide and the phosphate of the next? b. What forms the â€Å"steps of the ladder†? c. What kind of bonds hold the nitrogen bases together? d. What is meant by anti-parallel strands? 12. What is Chargaff’s rule (what binds with what?) 13. How does DNA fold into a chromosome? (the 6 steps) 14. What is a nucleosome? 15. What areRead MoreBiology : Essential Biology Discussion1189 Words  | 5 Pagestheir cell structures improves. Ultimately, living things respond to stimuli reproduce, and have an order in their body structures. The basic chemical terminology for cells includes ribonucleic acids (RNA), lipids, glycans, and Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Important molecules to the lives of living organisms fall in two main groups; organic molecules and inorganic molecules (Wayne, 2009). Organic molecules include carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins. On the other hand, inorganic moleculesRead MoreA Research Report On The Wisconsin Fast Plant Essay1148 Words  | 5 Pagesgeneration based on phenotypic variations Understanding the fundamental laws of inheritance established by the father of Genetics, Gregor Mendel. He concluded that genes come in pairs and are inherited as distinct units, one from each parent. Mendel tracked the segregation of parental genes and their appearance in the offspring as dominant or recessive traits. Mendel s Laws of Heredity are usually stated as: 1) The Law of Segregation: Each inherited trait is defined by a gene pair. Where the Offspring
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Policy makers Free Essays
This also refers to both the dynamic discussions that continuously take place across a idà ©e range Of curricular issues and the evolutionary thinking about concepts and approaches in curriculum development. Changes in society constantly demand new knowledge and skills and require the continuous development of our educational system. This book focuses on the following questions: How do processes of curriculum of curriculum development evolve? What actually is curriculum? And how to ensure the quality of curricular products? This book also provide the teachers, educators, policy makers and other parties involved in educational development with a clear and concise introduction onto the tricks of the trade of curriculum development. We will write a custom essay sample on Policy makers or any similar topic only for you Order Now CHAPTER 1 CURRICULUM AND CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT The very short definition of curriculum as â€Å"a plan for learning†, used by the American Hills Tab in 1 962 is reflected by related terms in many languages, including the classical Dutch term learn which permits all sort of elaboration for specific curricular levels, contexts and representations. A first, extremely useful, distinction appears to be a specification of the level of curriculum and curriculum development namely: SUPRA, MACRO, MESS, MICRO, ANNA. A second, clarifying distinction concerns the different forms in which curricula can be represented in the following three levels: intended, implemented and attained. The core and the nineteenths of the so-called Spider Web refers to the ten parts of the curriculum, each concerning an aspect of learning and the learning programmer for learners. The components: Rationale, Aims and Objectives, Content, Learning Activities, Teacher Role, Materials and Resources, Grouping, Location, Time and Assessment are basis for curriculum design and innovation. Curriculum Development is focused on the improvement and innovation of education. During this process, desires and ideals are incorporated in a cyclic process of design, implementation, and evaluation to achieve concrete results in practice. This chapter describes the processes of curriculum development at three levels within the educational system: national level (macro), school level (mess), and pupil level (micro). Curriculum development at macro level focuses on the development of generic curricular frameworks. An important challenge in the development of these frameworks is to meet with the great diversity of societal demands on education. Schools build on synergy between curriculum development, teacher development and school organization development. For curriculum innovation to be successful, it is important that the school’s innovation ambitions are in line with the teachers’ commitment and their willingness to change, the abilities of the different teams, the culture and the infrastructure of the school. Curricular products that are developed at micro level include lesson trials and resources. For teachers who strive to put the innovation into practice, lesson materials that are exemplary are important carriers of the intended innovation. The quality of education is often subject for debate. There are different ways in which people assess the quality of curriculum: relevance, consistency, practicality and effectiveness. The quality criteria more or less build on one another. Whether a curriculum effective will also depend on the practicality – can it be implemented as intended? ND On the relevance and consistency of the intended objectives and content components. In the list of quality criteria a distinction has been made between the expected and the actual practicality and the effectiveness of a curriculum. Concerning teaching materials, for example, the expected practicality and effectiveness can be assessed through screening of the materials by teachers. In order to develop a high-quality curriculum, evaluation is of great importance. During the curriculum development process, the emphasis on implementation reveals itself on the following ways: analysis of lessons from past and of current use in practice, intensive deliberation with the target group and other stakeholders, formative evaluation of preliminary designs, assessment in an increasingly wide circle of schools, formulation of recommendations for the professional support of teacher and the other team, and contribute to the professional development of educational us providers of institutions that can organize activities. Moreover, the placement of the school’s organization and culture is also essential to ensure sustainable curriculum changes within the school. Collaboration among all sections and levels in and around the school is an important precondition for sustainable educational development. Harvests and Shirley (2009) also draw attention to the importance Of broad ownership and the shared responsibility for sustainable innovation. The active involvement of relevant social organizations- from parents to trade and industry – will also foster broad public support for and commitment to innovations. How to cite Policy makers, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Advantages Choosing Fabricated Timber House â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Advantages Of Choosing Fabricated Timber Based House? Answer: Introduction On the off chance that one looks at a pre-assembled timber outline house to places of other sort inside such qualities as warmth protection, development speed, assortment of alternatives for inside and outside enrichment, and, above all obviously, the development costs, at that point pre-assembled timber outline sort houses are no. 1 in any of those qualities. Lower development costs. The development expenses of a pre-assembled timber outline house are unimaginably low, on the off chance that one thinks about them to other building methodologies and innovations. On the off chance that building a timber outline house, you will spare finance development materials, time and work. And you will achieve higher floor space effectiveness per square meter, than for a block or solid building. Least upkeep costs. The upkeep of a pre-assembled timber outline house is extensively less expensive, on accounting of all around created warm protection. A place of this sort will give a warm and comfortable microclimate amid the winter a long time at least warming expense. The warmth protection level of a 20 cm thick timber outline house divider compares to a large portion of a meter thick solid square divider. Particularly because of its productive warmth protection, timber outline houses are considered to be earth well disposed as they require bring down measure of regular assets to be expended to supply warming. Boundless development arrangements: The pre-assembled timber outline house innovation empowers to fulfill any design necessities. Our organization is completely fit for executing any timber outline house venture. And also the outside improvement is totally subject to client's taste and money related limit. A timber outline house with completely improved outside can be made to look both as timber or a block house. Time effective development. The development innovation of pre-assembled timber outline houses permits to completely entire a house for home inside three months for the snapshot of development start. The development of a pre-assembled timber outline house can be completed amid any season, including winter. Extraordinary, yet again this is accomplished by utilizing the timber outline house building innovation Delicacy. The heaviness of a pre-assembled timber outline house is significantly light and thusly it doesn't die down rather than a solid, piece or a block house. Accordingly the outside beautification can be done directly after the fulfillment of development and also it is livable the exact instant. Establishments' development. Because of the light weight of a pre-assembled timber outline house, it doesn't require intemperate establishments. Along these lines the development time is abbreviated, and one will spare significantly on materials, transport and development. Toughness. Timber outline houses are astoundingly suited for seismically dynamic areas because of its sturdiness and light weight and as expressed before it doesn't require stone monument and exorbitant establishments. The sturdiness of a pre-assembled timber outline house assumes a critical part in its life span. Life span. The life time of a pre-assembled timber outline house will keep going for over a century, on account of its particular advancements and precisely fixed casing. Subsequently you are building a house for yourselves as well as for the coming eras of your family. The life span is given by our broad experience and use of refined advancements, which stems well in the past from such nations as Scandinavia, Japan, USA and Canada. The predecessors of the present timber outline houses can be found in Germany, which are over 800 years of age. Natural kind disposition. The materials that are utilized as a part of the development of pre-assembled timber outline houses are ecologically well disposed. The timber outline house outline is connected with an answer that shields it from dampness, spoiling and consuming. And said some time recently, the upkeep of the house requires least asset utilization. Research Gap To completely exploit the capability of, and to build the effectiveness in, timber development, an expanded hypothetical and pragmatic comprehension of the business furthermore, the procedure advancement is required. Down to earth and hypothetical apparatuses that empower a joint improvement of timber designing and construction in wood development with the business sectors dynamic requests on customization and leanness, to focused prices, are as yet deficient. Theoretical Framework These picked segments can be partitioned into some extraordinary hypothetical ranges. Process arranging and undertaking administration can be examined as far as active for instance in terms of lean development. Learning creation is an extremely complex zone furthermore; it was difficult for me to settle on which hypotheses I should center. My decision progressed toward becoming to examine information creation as far as hierarchical learning c.f. also, showing ventures c.f. As it is proposed that showing activities ought to be utilized as a way to expand the utilization of timber in lodging development. Methodology Exploratory contextual analysis - it is a moderately new kind of work appointed to understudies of higher instructive foundations, so there are dependably troubles with composing it. As per the word reference, this task includes an itemized research of the given topic went for demonstrating a total comprehension of this subject. Participants The survey participants of the research will other project managers as well as construction managers working in different construction companies or developers. Data Collection In the research data collection would include surveys and questionnaires. Data Analysis and Discussion Data analysis would be done using SPSS in the current research. Significance of Research Accordingly this think about gives a one of a kind chance to portray, investigate and clarify the systems also, procedures of the presentation of another material and new on-screen characters to development. A similar assessment indicates higher efficiency in the assembling business than in the development business. One basic issue in the development business is the fracture of the business. Truth be told, what we typically call the development business is entirely a monetary segment then an industry. It is comprised of a few related sub-bunches that have distinctive explanations behind their cooperation in development exercises. This separation controls the procedure and the store network to collaborate for conveyance of the correct item to the correct cost for the client. Embracing some key ideas (e.g. lean considering, collaborating and authoritative learning) from the assembling business is indicated out as a probability decrease creation costs in lodging development. Research Milestones Task August September October November December January January February February Selection of topic and search for justification Constructing literature Selecting appropriate methods Data collection Data analysis and representation Reviewing the outcomes Conclusions and recommendations Submitting draft of the project Printing and final submission Resources Required Resources required to explore assets incorporates: Libraries- Libraries are the most clear decision for generally scientists, Diaries- Diaries are an exceptionally valuable, regularly underrated wellspring of research, giving germane data on the advancement of civil argument, basic sentiment and logical hypothesis. The Internet- The web can be a significant asset for exposition look into however do be careful with problematic destinations and unauthenticated data. 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Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Words Can Changes Your Views The Book Thief Literary Essay Essay Example
Words Can Changes Your Views: The Book Thief Literary Essay Paper Words Can Changes Your Views: The Book Thief Literary Essay Wouldnt you like to read a book where the author gives you details of his or her story in mysterious ways? Markus Zusak created a novel of a girl observed by Death, in the town of Mulching Germany. Zusaks novel, The Book Thief included different types of literary devices like personification, metaphors and de-personification to make The Book Thief a better plot for the readers imagination. Even though Zusaks novels novel created a world of hate it also gave a new view on how no one should judge a book by its cover. An author may use metaphors to describe his or her characters emotions, movement or environment. A metaphor is a comparison of two unlikely objects to co- exist with each other. Zusaks narrator in The Book Thief, death describes how Liesel was nervous by letting his readers know that necklace of sweat had formed around (Liesels) throat (Zusak 122). This gave a foresight of Liesels anxiety, agitation and numb affect. Zusak also captured his characters dialogue through his own use of literary devices. The words were thrown at (Isle Hermans) steps (1 15), when Liesel as screaming at Isle for sacking (firing) Rosa Huberam. One other way an author may use metaphors, is to tell his or her readers of the reaction to the characters environment. Just like when Liesel . Lay(ed) back. (Liesel) closed her eyes and her ears held the notes (71), expressed Zusaks characters emotional connection to the sounds she heard around her. Zusak allowed his reader to not only read his book but to have a more mental insight to Zusaks characters. We will write a custom essay sample on Words Can Changes Your Views: The Book Thief Literary Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Words Can Changes Your Views: The Book Thief Literary Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Words Can Changes Your Views: The Book Thief Literary Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Personification is used to give the authors inanimate objects such as doors, clothes and walls, human characteristics. An author can chose to also even give a spirit or myth like death. a heart (71), personifying death as a regular human with feelings, integrity and moral concepts. The Book Thief even gave their readers a view on how nasty things like sweat- that malignant little friend over staying its welcome (1 75), can disturb a persons physical appearance, and how the body can be nuisance. Death also gave us a view that even though sweat helps your body cool down it is still a repulsive stimulant. There are many other ways to also use personification in texts, such as using the white snow sky that stood still at the indow (7), is a picture of the snow collecting at the windowsill acting as if it could stand like a human made out of snowflakes. Personification was used to give Zusaks storys setting more life and emotional background. Many other authors also use a literary device called de-personification. De- personification is giving a human or a person non-human quality like the ability to fly or soar like the wind. Just like when Zusak de-personified the Humans hiding in the clouds (1 3), to describe the bringers of death in the sky hiding from the citizens eyes, giving Death a larger work load to his already undesirable Job. Another example of de-personification Zusak used in The Book Thief was when his characters were in match (1 85), showed the readers a view of Max Vandenberg was frighten, astonished and startled by Liesels appearance. An author may also choose to de-personify ones physical appearance, like a smile or an expression of ones face. For example when Rudy Steiner smiled It ran across (Rudy Steiners) face like a skid (162), de- personified how Rudy was so quick at his ingenuous handy-work. Authors are capable of using literary devises to give their characters a more supernatural haracteristic to the readers eyes. Zusak created his little world of The Book Thief and included many subtle literary devices to give his characters a stronger mental image to the readers. The Book Thief not only gave the reader a story in a mysterious world with strange details but gave you a story of how even darkness sees a light. Zusak created a novel with the intentions to keep his readers drawn into the story devouring the reader from the first page to the final ending. The Book Thief showed there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
The Witches and their equivocations play a vital Essays
The Witches' and their equivocations play a vital Essays The Witches' and their equivocations play a vital role in the downfall of Macbeth. The context of this play is important because Macbeth was written at a time when James the sixth was the King of England, it is through King James' interest in the satanic activities that Shakespeare wrote about the Witches' in the play Macbeth. Shakespeare depicts the witches as being the "instruments of darkness" and as there are three witches in the play, they symbolise the unholy trinity. During act 1 of the play one of the things that the witches prophecised was that Macbeth "shall be the king", this stimulated Macbeth's dark ambitions and desires to become a King. The misleading prophecy gave Macbeth false hope which ultimately led Macbeth to murder King Duncan. The murder of King Duncan impacted the supernatural aspect of the society and put the natural order in chaos, where the "horses ate each other" and the owl killing a flacon. The witches and Lady Macbeth are all shown to be evil throughout majority of the play, unlike the witches who were evil since the start of the play, Lady Macbeth fell into the hands of evil due to her desire for power and ambition of rising to the positon of the queen of Scotland. Due to this desire of Lady Macbeth, she manipulates and deceives Macbeth into killing King Duncan, by making him go against what his own consciousness was telling him.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Dairy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Dairy - Research Paper Example However, in order to bake a dish perfectly, the right recipe needs to be followed. When it comes to baking, the idea is attached to breads and pastries which are considered staple food and delicacies in most part of the world since centuries. However the use of dairy products in baking is the reason for the evolution and transformation of baking world. Dairy products are food originated from milk and these can be classified as fresh cream milk itself then butter, cheese, yoghurt, cream and so on. Dairy products when blended with flour and other baking agents created dishes which are delicate, innovative and palatable. It is the dairy products like butter and milk which give taste, texture and flavor to many baked desserts and savories. As baking evolved, the importance of dairy products has only increased so as to impart value and uniqueness to baked good products. The main reason behind the use of dairy products in baking is to increase the moisture and flavor of baked dishes. The most nourishing dairy product in baking is whole fresh milk, when added transforms the appeal, texture and taste of any dish. Whole milk produces the best result in baked dishes due to its fat content and other nutritional qualities. Milk is used in varied forms as whole milk or semi – skimmed milk according to the demand of the recipe of the baked food item. Milk in other forms as cream, cheese, evaporated milk also culminates the tastes of baked food into enjoyable reality. In the most popular desserts butter which is the derivative of milk is considered as an unavoidable cooking ingredient. Butter is the most richening dairy product acquired by churning milk and it makes every dish succulent and aromatic on baking. It could be mentioned that in baking process ,butter has a significant place .The reason is due to its semi – solid state and its easiness in
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Design a sexual health-care services project Essay
Design a sexual health-care services project - Essay Example healthcare providers capitalizes on the bio- psychosocial model. Working in the teams of five group members, the main aim of this project is to develop a research proposal for a patient centered health service that deals with one or more aspects of sexual health. The group shall develop a service for sexual healthcare through grounding its thesis on the reflective practice is an instructive guide. Similarly, the project shall utilize creative concepts comprised in the business world as a basis of formulating a brand and marketing the service at a multi-cultural team. Designing healthcare services that is solely focuses on the patients can prove to be challenging at intervals. This is because model presents a paradigm that is contrary to the prevailing physician centered approach, which is also widely known as the disease focused approach of health services. Additionally, the other challenge stipulated in the formulation of healthcare services that centers is focus on patients is the fact that it addresses the entire health and illness spectrum through services that intermixes diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation. The relevance of this patients centered medicine is that its outcome enhances the long term sustainable health. The other dimension of patient centered healthcare service is that medicine is described by the actual needs of the patients rather than what the physicians do. Thus, any healthcare provider i.e. nurses, social workers, psychologists, etc. who helps patients in recovering from their illnesses and staying health is adequately practicing medicine. In order for the patient centered service to be considered adequate, it should be as effective as described by whose comprehensive definitions. For instance, in the sexual healthcare sector, proper treatment of a genital infection does not mean that the service provided is
Monday, January 27, 2020
The abnormal psychology
The abnormal psychology Abnormality has become one of the most essential components in various movies such as The Dark Knight. The researcher thinks The Dark Knight includes numerous of characters that would be diagnose with some type of psychological disorder. However, the researcher examines Batman to determine the type of psychological disorder uncovered in the movie The Dark Knight. The reason why the researcher chose to examine Batman is because not often people think of Batman as having a psychological disorder, but evidence from the movie suggests that he does have some type of mental disorder. The purpose of this paper is to gain knowledge about how psychiatrist, clinicians, and disorders analyst diagnose and treat different types of psychological disorders. The researcher will first give a brief synopsis of The Dark Knight. Next, the researcher will evaluate Batman in preparation in diagnosing him with a psychological disorder. Then, the researcher will diagnose Batman with a psychological disorder . Finally, the researcher will determine treatment options for Batman. Synopsis In the movie The Dark Knight, Batman faces his arch nemesis, the Joker. Batman along with Commissioner James Gordon and District Attorney Harvey Dent unite to take on crime on the streets of Gotham City. In the beginning, the three appears to be effective, but they soon find themselves prey to one of the Jokers diabolical plans to bring forth havoc to Gotham City. The Joker and a mob of men, wearing clown masks, break into a bank. One by one, the clowns begin to kill each other to get a larger share of the money. After each clown was killed, only one clown was left standing. This clown reveled himself as The Joker. The Joker then places a grenade into the bankers mouth and boards the bus, leaving a string attached to the pin. As The Joker leaves, the pin pops out and gas surrounded the bank. The Joker joins a long line of school buses leaving the scene as the police arrive. Later Commissioner Gordon and Batman arrive at the bank the Joker held up to inspect the scene (Newgen, 2008). Throughout the movie, The Joker went on several rampages and was able to take District Attorney Harvey Dent and his girlfriend, Officer Attorney Rachel Dawes, captive into two different locations. They both were tied up and strapped to explosives that were expected to detonate in a short amount of time. The Joker gives Batman the locations of the two, saying that he only has time to save one of them. Batman chose to go after Rachel, while Commissioner Gordon went after Harvey Dent. As Batman arrives at the address, he finds Harvey Dent instead. Prior to Batman saving Harvey Dent, a half of his face caught on fire. Meanwhile, Commissioner Gordon arrives at the other address. Before he could enter into the door, the building exploded killing Rachel (Newgen, 2008). After the death of Rachel, Harvey Dent became ruthless and took on the name Two-Face. Two-Face and The Joker teamed up for a brief segment of the movie. Two-Face seeks to uncover the identity of the cop that kidnapped Rachel. He learns that Detective Reamierz was the cop that orchestrated Rachels kidnapping. He then killed Detective Reamierz with a single shot to the head. At the same time, two large ferries were set for departure to get away from the chaos. One ferry inhabited with criminals; the other ferry packed with innocent citizens. Out of nowhere, The Jokers voice is heard from over the loudspeaker in both ferries. He informs them that each ferry is set with explosives. Each ferry has the detonator for the other ferry. The Joker threatens both the criminals and the innocents citizens that one ferry must destroy the other ferry by midnight are both ferries would be destroyed. Neither passenger of the ferries chose to use the detonator to destroy the other ferry. Just as The Jo ker was about to set the detonator, Batman fires a dart, knocking the detonator out of his hand. Batman left to find Two-Face, while the SWAT team captures the Joker (Newgen, 2008). Assessment The researcher thinks Batman is one of the greatest and darkest comic book characters ever created. Batmans alter ego, Bruce Wayne, is a multibillionaire that is the President and CEO of Wayne Enterprise. As Batman, he dedicates his life protecting Gotham from criminals. Why did Bruce Wayne turn into Batman? One must analyze the origin of Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne is the son of Doctor Thomas Wayne and his wife Martha Wayne. According to Batman Origins comic book, Batman experienced two events in his childhood that traumatized him for life. His first traumatic experience was when he accidentally fell into a pit below Wayne Manor. The pit leads into a cave system full of bats. For years afterwards, he would have hallucinations of a large bat repeatedly. The other tragic event happen when Bruce and his parents were walking back home from a movie. Out of nowhere, a mugger shot both his parents. The mugger ran before the authorities arrived. The families butler, Alfred Pennyworth, took in Bruce and became his legal Guardian. Since this moment, Bruce Wayne vowed to fight against crime. This is the reason why Bruce Wayne became Batman (Newgen, 2008). The investigator evaluates Batman by using a technique called naturalistic observation. The naturalistic observation is a method clinicians uses to observe clients in their everyday environments (Cramer, 2009). The researcher examines both Batman and his alter ego Bruce Wayne by observing his behavior and actions in the movie. Batman interpersonal style appears to be hostile and guarded. In the movie, Batman rarely associated with other characters. The tone of Batman voice leads the researcher to believe that he has a lot of anger built inside. As Bruce Wayne, he was seen to be sociable. He was seen escorting one of his female friends to a social gathering. An important element of the movie is Bruce Waynes turmoil over his identity. He believes that being Batman was preventing him from having a normal life. Later in the movie, he accepts that Gotham needs Batman to protect the citizens from criminals. Batman and his alter ego Bruce Wayne are intelligent and skillful. In the movie, t he researcher views both of them using advance equipment to track down criminals. The researcher tends to believes that Batman and Bruce Wayne have different emotions. Bruce Wayne frequently smiles in the movie. However, Batman rarely or never seen smiling, this perhaps is an indicator that he is never happy. Diagnosis The researcher uses the DSM-IV criteria to determining the psychological disorder Batman posses. The DSM-IV is the current version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (APA, 2002). The researcher believes Batman is suffering with comorbidity or having more than one psychological disorders occurring at the same time. The researcher diagnoses Batman with having posttraumatic stress and dissociative identity disorders. The researcher believes Batman have a serious case of posttraumatic stress disorder because of his reaction from his parents death. Post-Traumatic Stress is an anxiety problem that develops in some people after extremely traumatic events, such as an accident (APA, 2002). A person with Post-Traumatic Stress may suffer with re-experiencing the traumatic event, avoidance, reduced responsiveness, increased arousal, anxiety, and guilt. Batman often have flashbacks when he passes the scene where his parents where murdered. Often his enemies would lure him to the spot of the traumatic event. When possible, he tries to avoid the scene. Batman also feels guilty because of the death of his parents. He revenges his parents death by keeping Gotham safe from criminals (Newgen, 2008). Finally, from observing Batmans actions in the movie, the researcher believes he has dissociative identity disorder. Dissociative Identity Disorder is having two or more separate identities that may not always be aware of each others thoughts, feelings, and behavior. The symptoms for dissociative identity disorder are the presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states, control of the persons behavior recurrently taken by at least two of these identities or personality states, and an inability to recall important personal information (Cramer, 2009). As mentioned before, Batman and his alter ego Bruce Wayne have two different personalities. From watching the movie, the researcher observes Batman being bitter and impatient. However, Bruce Wayne was more impassive and tranquil. Recalling Batmans history, he has experience moments of forgetting the locations of the Batcave (Newgen, 2008). Treatment A combination of cognitive and drug therapy would help with Batmans posttraumatic stress disorder. Clinicians use cognitive therapy to assist patients with identifying and changing their negative thinking of the event. According to a previous case study, cognitive therapy has three goals. The first goal is for patients to identify how the event affects their daily function. The next goal is to help the patient reduce experiencing the event. Normally, clinicians use drug therapy to reduce the occurrence of nightmares, panic attacks, and flashbacks. Along with the drug therapy, clinicians use techniques such as allowing patients to write a story to describe and elaborate on the event. The final goal is to assist patients with forgetting about certain images, in Batman case the gun used to murder his parents (Ehlers Clark, 2008). Similar to posttraumatic stress disorder, therapist uses psychotherapy to help patients with dissociative identity disorder. Clinicians usually try to help the clients recognize fully the nature of their disorder, recover the gaps in their memory, and integrate their sub-personalities into one functional personality (Hunter, 1997). Typically, therapists begin the treatment by bonding with the primary personality and then with each of the sub-personalities. To help Batman therapist would bond with Bruce Wayne because that is Batmans primary personality. Secondly, therapist would help Bruce recover missing pieces of their past. Once Bruce recalls the moments of his childhood that lead him to become Batman, the therapist would finally help him merge the different sub-personalities into a single, integrated identity or a fusion. When the two identities merges together, further therapy is needed to maintain the complete personality and to teach social and coping skills that may help prev ent later dissociations (Cramer, 2009). Conclusion After observing Batman behavior in the movie, the researcher discovers he may have posttraumatic stress disorder and dissociative identity disorder. He was diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder because he displayed the following symptoms; nightmares and flashbacks, avoidance, reduced responsiveness, and guilt from his parents murder. The reason why the researcher diagnoses Batman with dissociative identity disorder is that he displays two distinct identities or personality states and suffers from ordinary forgetfulness. The two disorders have similar treatment methods. They both aim towards changing his behavior or thinking. Clinicians uses cognitive therapy to treat posttraumatic stress disorder and uses psychotherapy to treat dissociative identity disorder. Overall, the researcher obtained a better understanding of how clinicians diagnose and treat patients. One limitation was that the movie The Dark Knight never fully captures Bruce Waynes childhood experiences that lead up to him being Batman. However, the prequel to the movie Batman Begins elaborates more on the transitions. Another limitation was, since Batman is a fictional character, the researcher was only able to use observation from watching the movie. The finally limitation was that the researcher was not able to find if Batman was currently getting treatment for his conditions. In future projects, the investigator will do further examination on Batman, to find information about his current treatment status. References APA (2002). DSM-IV-TR. (2002).Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. Washington, DC : American Psychiatric Association Comer, Ronald. (2009).Fundamentals of abnormal psychology fifth edition. New York : Worth Pub. Ehlers, A., Clark, D. (2008). Post-traumatic stress disorder: The development of effective psychological treatments.Nordic Journal of Psychiatry,6211-18. doi:10.1080/08039480802315608. Hunter, Walter. (1997).The Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research. Washington, DC: Springer Us. Newgen, Heather. (2008, September 4).Superherohype. Retrieved from
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Girl, Interrupted Essay -- essays research papers
Girl, Interrupted Part I: Critical Analysis Author: Susanna Kaysen. Girl, Interrupted: New York Division of Random House. Inc 1993. 1.     What is the author’s topic? The author’s topic is about a teenager name Susanna Kaysen. At 18 she voluntarily turned herself into McLean Hospital. 2.      Identify the author’s main idea(s). In other words, what is the main point the author is attempting to make about the book?      The author’s has 2 main points; one point is about her two-year stay McLean hospital. The second main point talks about how she handles and gets treated for being depressive and suicidal. 3.     Identify the author’s overall pattern(s) of organization. Give examples and/or details to explain your answer.      The pattern the author uses is time order; she starts off the book with her case record, which was submitted in 1967. The last example given is her recovery record; she left and had a recovery of her depression and being suicidal in 1969. 4.     What biases, if any, can you detect from the author’s writing? Give examples and details to support your answer.      The author isn’t biased about anything, she wasn’t for anything and she wasn’t against anything. Susanna Kaysen was simply trying to find her place in the world through the world of medicine. 5.     Is this book mostly concerned with factual information, or does the author use conjecture and opinion to make his/her point? What detail and examples support your answer?      Girl, Interrupted is all factual information. Susanna Kaysen the author has put her reports from the doctors that were helping her in the book. On August 9,1967 the author Susanna Kaysen 6.     Identify the author’s purpose(s) for writing this book. In your opinion, does the author accomplish his/ her purpose? Support your answer with concrete evidence.      The author’s purpose to the story is to make people notice how people are being treated in a mental institution. Susanna Kaysen writes about the girls in the ward as if nothing is wrong with them. She writes about being in a pschychiatri... ...ok. The girls in the book make up swear words about the weirdest things or how they act if they don’t get something they want. In a way I can relate to that because my mom is just a little bit like some of the girls in the story. If she doesn’t get what she wants she gets mad at the world and it is unnecessary, and that’s for everything. I think that’s just too spoiled. The girl I can most relate to in the story is Polly, because I can see myself listening to everyone and not complaining about anything really in life. But she was also a burn victim that didn’t complain about her face. I’m almost like her, I never once think I’m cute or beautiful, and I don’t complain about anything about my body. I know I have to live with what I have, so what’s the point in complaining about it. One more way I can relate to the story is my cousin is like my cousin she tried to the whole I swallowed this many pill thing. I never got why she did it. She never told me why, on the other hand she had some problems in the past with some things. So maybe that might have been the problem. But she never passed out like Susanna did in the beginning of the book. I’m just glad my cousin didn’t die.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Hinduism Architecture
Hinduism Architecture Hinduism is a predominant religion of the Indian subcontinent. It begins simply by differentiating between matter and spirit and the theology of the religion is based upon three main truths, God, Matter and Soul (Richard Blurter, 1992). It is also a conglomeration of intellectual and philosophical points of view, rather than inelastic common sets of beliefs. Hinduism believes in the real self which is called the â€Å"ATM†is distinct from the temporary body made of matter or â€Å"Portrait†( Richard Blurter, 1992).Hinduism dates back to the early Harpoon period (5500-BECAME) and its life and practices during the pre-classical era are known as the Historical Vivid religion. Many Hindu ideas and thoughts are greatly reflected in the Hindu architecture. Hindu architecture bear witness to the strong spirituality of India. Hindu architecture is known as Vast Shasta. In Sanskrit the word â€Å"vast†meaner a building or structure and so the expr ession â€Å"vast Shasta†is the science of structure (Raja Kumar 2003).Hindu Architecture addresses two kinds of buildings, religious structures including temples and shrines and non-religious structures including civic buildings and residential homes (Raja Kumar, 2003). It is believed that astrology plays an important part in Hinduism theology and also Hinduism architecture and follows three principles. The first is the idea that the world is the body of God. A sacred structure such as a temple is designed to be not Just the home of God, but the actual body of God. The second principle concerns the relationship between the macrocosm and the microcosm where the temple is compared to the large universe.The third principle teaches that the part always contains within itself he whole. The design of a building should align with the universe so that we control the forces of the universe within that building (Villainies, 2009). The Hindu temples are designed to represent a cosmic mountain that serves as the earthly residence of the cosmic deities. Hindu traditions tell us that there are forces, some subtle and others not so subtle, some positive and some negative, around us at all times and it is in our interest to take full advantage of these positive forces and avoid the negative forces (Villainies, 2009).The architecture of the temples represents he faith's complex cosmology, with sanctuary walls accommodating statues, sacred emblems and myths of Hindu pantheon. In Hinduism the temple is a central element in all aspects of everyday life. It is significant not only for religious activities but also for elements of culture, society and education. The temples do not contain large internal spaces, they are tabernacles preceded by halls used for rituals, and music and dance since the architecture of the temples are the expression of faith (Raja Kumar, 2003).The Hindu temple is considered the centre of intellectual, artistic, virtual, educational and social ele ments of daily life. Furthermore, the temple is a place where God may be approached and where divine knowledge can be discovered therefore, the temple is designed to dissolve the boundaries between man and the divine. Hindu architecture combines harmony and symmetry with a high degree of outer adornment. Elements are designed to have correct proportions and exert a positive influence on their surroundings.The reason what makes the architecture so beautiful is the small details that harmonize and mix with the colossal architecture. The architectural plans are based on â€Å"wants†which is the diagrams of the universe. It is a circle within a square, within a rectangle, with four gates to represent the four directions of the universe. At the center of the temple is the sanctuary, where an image or symbol of the temple deity is kept. Many temples sit on top of a cruciform platform, with a tall spire called â€Å"sierras†( Richard Blurter, 1992).They are usually set on p latforms, with stairways connecting different levels. Large temples sometimes have separate buildings for meditation halls, offices and other purposes, and elaborate porches. Hindu temples typically consist of a prayer hall called a â€Å"mandate†and a sanctuary or central shrine called a â€Å"agoraphobia†(Richard Blurter, 1992). The sanctuary contains an icon of the Hindu deity. The focus of a temple is the inner sanctum, which sits on elevated platform below the central tower. It is the most sacred part of the temple and symbolizes a womb.Most temples have an outer wall with gates or â€Å"asparagus†that represents the four directions of the universe and are considered thresholds between the universe and the outer world. The gates are usually protected by sculpted warriors and sometimes river goddesses (Richard Blurter, 1992). The main gate is on the auspicious east side. The west is considered inauspicious and associated with death. The north is linked wi th elephants, which are valued because of their strength. The south is considered neutral. Non-religious architecture always begins by laying the cosmic body of God or â€Å"Pursues†over every building site or â€Å"Mandela†.The cosmic body is positioned in relation to the site. The head of God lies in the northeast corner because it is lived that sun equals light which equals knowledge and that Fourth more equals consciousness and ultimately spiritual enlightenment (Villainies, 2009). The east is the source of light and the north-east point is the most important because it is the point of minimization of light. The south-west corner, which is the exact opposite of the north-east corner is not considered an auspicious place and so when arranging a home one should avoid placing the meditation, kitchen or offices in this place.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Considering The Ethics Of Minors And Birth Control
Considering the Ethics of Minors and Birth Control Introduction A 16-year-old girl visits a birth control clinic and asks to be put on the pill. Since she is a minor, the clinic doctor who writes the prescription for her notifies her parents of the action. As of the year 2016, there are only 26 states that allow minors to obtain contraceptives without parental consent. There are 20 states that allow certain minors to obtain contraceptives without parental consent and those include minors that are married or who have already been pregnant. Four states have no laws on parental consent (Gutimacher Institute, 2016). This ethical controversy leaves room for an open interruption of whether or not minors should need parental consent to gain access to birth control, to apply ethical reasoning to this controversy one must examine the ethical principles of utilitarianism, rights-based, duty-based, justice based, and virtue-based ethics. Utilitarianism Utilitarianism also known as the principle of utility is an ethical theory proposed by early philosophers. This theory implies that actions are only judged by its consequences whether they are good or bad. One should perform a particular action because it will yield the best results for all. This approach also analysis the cost and benefit relationship. The downfall with this theory is that not everyone benefits (Fremgen, 2016). To apply utilitarianism to this ethical controversy one has to evaluate which option would benefit societyShow MoreRelatedThe Ethical Problems Of The Models Of Autonomy And Discipleship1393 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Ethical problems present conflicts of the models of autonomy and beneficence. Adolescents as well as minors present a particular complication, which is struggling with autonomy. Healthcare providers are torn between their own moral codes that may lack consistency in their actions and opinions. 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