Sunday, August 4, 2019
Malcolm X Essay -- essays research papers
     â€Å"There can be no black-white unity until there is first some black unity.†(Malcolm X, March 8, 1964) Malcolm X was probably one of the most controversial elements in the civil rights movement. Due to his radical views and actions he was detested by many peoples at that time, yet still today he is seen as a key figure along with Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.      Malcolm X had become a member of the Nation of Islam in his earlier years. The Islamic faith borrows basic ideas from the orthodox teachings of Islam and combines them with the very racist views regarding whites taught by Elijah Mohammed. Malcolm was a very influential priest for the Nation of Islam. After questioning some of the views and beliefs of the Nation of Islam, Malcolm angered many of its followers. This forced Malcolm to travel on a journey overseas to Arabia to find out what his true beliefs were. When he reached Arabia, he found that it was a different society than that of which Elijah Mohammed had described it. Malcolm discovered that race played no role in determining a person’s status in society. Viewing this made a positive change in Malcolm X’s beliefs and views. This unity of human kind made Malcolm think and change his ideas about the solution to the racial problem in America. This was the most influential turning point in his lif e.      Malcolm first adopted his views and beliefs of the Nation of Islam while he was serving time in prison. By the time he had gotten out of prison, he had undergone a transformation from a drug-dealing thief to a religious priest of the Nation of Islam. Mohammed’s racist teachings were taken in by Malcolm. It was through these teachings that Malcolm X developed his radical views about race in America.      Under the guidance and teachings of Elijah Mohammed, Malcolm had targeted all whites and blamed them for position of African Americans in society. He referred to the whites as devils, which tried making the standards of blacks even lower then they already were. Malcolm X believed that complete segregation was the only way to end racial problems in America. He also said that all actions committed against blacks in history were due to the white race as a whole. Another one of his claims was that all blacks should move to Africa, a... ...was Malcolm Little, he was a drug addict, a thief, and an all around criminal. As Malcolm X, he went from a low life hoodlum to a very influential priest for the Nation of Islam. As Malik El-Shabazz, he went from teaching racial segregation to preaching racial equality and unification. He basically went from one end of the spectrum straight to the other. In the end, he became a good man, who taught what was right in his eyes. Unfortunately, Malcolm Little (a.k.a. Malcolm X, a.k.a. Malik El-Shabazz) was assassinated in the Audubon Ballroom by members of the Nation of Islam in Harlem on February 21, 1965. He was world famous at this time as â€Å"the angriest black man in America.†     Having been a significant and prominent figure in the civil rights advancement for blacks from my point of view, Malcolm X was a necessity even though some viewed his actions as flaws. His conversion from a odious black man believing in segregation was the only way, to a powerful leader in civil liberties, proved momentous in his development of becoming that powerful leader. Organizations led by Malcolm at that time united African Americans additionally supporting there movement.
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